Joongie, Yunnie will come

Umma, Joongie needs Yunnie

"Umma, please~" Yunho pleaded.

"No, Yunnie. Joongie is sick, you can't visit him. He needs to rest," Umma Jung rubbed her face, frustrated. His son had been begging to visit his best friend for hours, and she couldn't make Yunho stopped his whine.

"But, Umma. That's why Yunnie must visit Joongie. Joongie needs Yunnie the most when he is sick. Joongie and Yunnie had made promise to be at each other side in sadness or happiness, health or sick."

"Wha~?" Umma Jung was speechless. Why did it sound like a wedding vow?

"Come on, Umma. Please~"

"No, Joongie has eyes infection. You can be also infected if you visit Joongie. You will disturb Joongie."

"Umma is naughty!" Yunho shouted and ran upstairs to his room.

"Jung Yunho! Come back here!"

Yunho slammed his bedroom's door and jumped on his bed.

Umma is bad. Joongie is sick. How can Yunnie just stay here? Yunnie must accompany his Joongie right? Why can Umma understand?

Yunho sighed. He was thinking hard. No matter how hard it is, he was determined to visit his Joongie.

How about if Yunnie lies to Umma and say Yunnie wants to borrow a book for school tomorrow? Ah,no. Umma will know Yunnie is lying. Or how about Yunnie jumps from the window, and then run to Joongie's house? But, it's too high. Or call Ahjumma Kim and ask her to pick Yunnie up? But, the telephone is downstairs. Aish....

*knock *knock *knock

"Yunnie, it's Umma. Open the door, dear," Umma Jung knocked the door.

"Don't want. Yunnie will open the door if Umma allows Yunnie to visit Joongie!"

"Yunnie, open the door okay? Umma will allow you to visit Joongie."


"Yes, dear."

Yunho approached the door and opened the door. His mom knelt so her eyes were on the same leve with Yunho.

"Umma, let's go to Joongie's house." Yunho pulled his mom's hand, but his mom stayed still.

"Eager so much to see Joongie, hmmm?" Umma Jung teased Yunho.

"Of course Umma. Joongie needs Yunnie now, Yunnie can feel it. Joongie and Yunnie are inseparable."

"Aigoo, uri Yunnie is so cute," Umma Jung pinched Yunho's cheeks.

"Come on Umma."

"Okay, okay, but listen to Umma first, okay?" Yunho nodded.

"Yunnie can visit Joongie, but Yunnie may not disturb Joongie, okay?" Yunho nodded again.

"Yunnie may not disturb Ahjumma Kim, okay?" Yunho nodded.

"Yunnie may not fight with Minnie,okay?"

"Wae Umma? Minnie always wants to be with Joongie. Yunnie doesn't like it." Yunho pouted.

"Does Yunnie want to visit Joongie or not?"

"Yunnie wants, Umma."

"So, be a good boy ne?" Yunho nodded.

"Yunnie may not shout, may not jump, may not run, or...."

"Umma, look! U.F.O!" Yunho suddenly pointed to the window. Umma Jung turned her head, looked at the window. But there was nothing there. She looked back at Yunho direction, but Yunho was gone.

"Yunnie! Yunho! Jung Yunhoooooo!" Umma Jung shouted and ran downstairs. She knew Yunho would go visit Jaejoong.

Meanwhile outside,

Mianhae Umma. But Yunnie wants to see Joongie soon.

Yunho ran as he might to Jaejoong's house. Not long after that he arrived at Kim's house. He rang the bell.

"Oh, Yunnie. What's wrong? Why are you panting?" Mrs. Kim who opened the door ruffled Yunho's hair.

"Yunnie, hosh,,hosh,, Yunnie wants to see Joongie, ahjumma, hosh,,hosh,," Yunho said still panting.

"But why Yunnie ran here?"

"Joongie needs Yunnie now. Yunnie can feel it, ahjumma." Yunho felt annoyed, why must he say Joongie needs him very much? Why can every one understand it?

"Aigoo, but Joongie is sleeping now, Yunnie. Come back later, ne?"

"No, ahjumma. Please let Yunnie see Joongie. Yunnie won't disturb Joongie."


"Please, ahjumma. Please,," Yunho pleaded with his puppy eyes.

"Okay, but don't wake him up, ne? Yunnie knows where Joongie's room is, right?"

Yunho nodded and straightly ran to Joongie's room. He opened the door very slowly. He saw Joongie was sleeping soundly. He smiled and walked to the bed. Yunho stared Jaejoong's face, and removed the bangs from Jaejoong's forehead.

Yunnie is happy to see you again Joongie. Get well soon, ne? So we can play together again. Yunho took Jaejoong's chubby hand and held it tight.

Without his knowing, Umma Jung came to the Kim's resident. Umma Jung and Mrs. Kim watched Yunho from the door.

'Sorry, to disturb you, Soo Hae-ah." Umma Jung smiled apologetically.

"Ani, it's okay Ji Hyeon-ah. Joongie was also angry with me before because I didn't allow him to meet Yunho."

"Ah, eottohke, they are just so cute together," Umma Jung sighed.

"Yes, they are so cute, if only Joongie were a girl, I would have asked him to date Yunho," Mrs. Kim smiled, leant her head to the door frame.

"And if Joongie were a girl, I would have persuaded Yunho to marry him."

"Yeah, if only,," both of the mothers sighed.


Eotte? I'm waiting for your comments ne,,


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pearlshasha #1
Chapter 1: Awwww shooo cuteee
Chapter 2: So fluffy ???
subtitler #3
Chapter 2: I love chibi yunjae... too bad there aren't that many.... thanks for sharing....
Sam-facades #4
Chapter 2: I like it so cute
Waiting for the weddng hehe
Chapter 2: So fluffy
Lemma die now!!!
Chapter 2: so cute......their mothers r so great n funny, fluffy, <333 it.kyaaaa chibi yunjae<3333
Chapter 2: kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa,im fangirling too!!
Chapter 2: The last part made me laugh, cute :)
Chapter 2: this is the cutest story ever !! KYAAAAAa
Krsobsessions #10
Chapter 2: kkkkkk.
all they need is each other. hahahaha XD