Leeteuk for the night.


Heechul tries to ease the leader's burden.



Heechul leaned against the glass as he sat, his eyes closing before he meant them to. The day had been long, too long, and Heechul just couldn't take it anymore. His breathing was deep and his muscles ached as he slept dreamlessly against the cold window of the car.
He woke up when he felt his head move onto something soft. 
Opening his eyes a crack, he saw Leeteuk's face in front of his own. "Shh, go back to sleep Heechul. It's been a hard day for you."
"It's been a hard day for you too", Heechul thought, but he didn't voice it aloud. Instead he just smiled wearily at the older and thanked him for the makeshift pillow. Nuzzling his face into the rolled up jacket, he closed his eyes again. But this time he did dream, and it was of Leeteuk. 
The man was a true leader, putting them all before himself and not sleeping until everyone was safe and happy. Everyone could see the tiredness on his face, but the leader kept his eyes bright and cheerful, determined not to show how exhausted he truly was. Heechul knew how hard the older man worked to keep everyone happy, they were all such different people and needed different kinds of attention.
Feeling guilty, he thought about his own personality. He had always had quite a cold impression, and he sometimes said or did the wrong thing. Everytime something went wrong for him, Leeteuk was always there to pick up the pieces and fix it all again. He was such a good hyung to him.
There was no hyung for Leeteuk, Heechul noted sadly. He knew that the leader felt guilty about voicing his worries to his dongsaengs and he knew that Leeteuk kept most things bottled up inside. Sighing to himself, he resolved to do something for the older man, to relieve some of his tension and burden. Looking to his left, he saw Leeteuk struggling to keep his eyes open, desperate to stay awake incase one of the members needed something. 
Heechul leaned over and placed the makeshift pillow behind Teuk's head. "Go to sleep hyung" he whispered gently, "I'll look after everyone."
Leeteuk tried to argue with him, but Heechul didn't give in and the leader fell asleep almost immediately on Heechul's shoulder. Patting his hair softly, Heechul fell asleep as well.
Arriving at the dorm, everyone was exhausted and Leeteuk started to go around, making everyone confortable and happy. But Heechul wouldn't let him. He marched the older to shower and bed and made sure that he was safe and tucked in. "I'll be leader for tonight hyung, just get some rest okay?"
"Thank you Heechul" whispered the leader before he fell asleep on the pillow, cuddling the blankets close. His eyes had bags and he just looked so tired that Heechul pressed a gentle kiss to his forehead, like a child.
He went through to the living room and saw the rest of the members there. "Alright" he called, "I'm Leeteuk for tonight. Anything you need will be done by me. Noone is to wake him up."
Everyone nodded, they had seen the exhaustion on Leeteuk's face and were happy that he was getting some rest. 
Just as Heechul was about to go to bed, he heard a small voice call after him. 
"Heechul hyung?"
"Can you make me some hot chocolate for bedtime?" 
Eunhyuk nodded along with Ryeowook's request, and Shindong joined in. Heechul sighed heavily as he made mugs of hot chocolate and went to the bathroom to get ready for bed.
Climbing into his pajamas, he felt happy to be getting some rest, but he still had to make sure that everyone was safe and in bed.
Going to the first room, he smiled in at Yesung and Ryeowook. The pair were already in bed and curled up together. "Goodnight you two" he called. 
"Goodnight, Heechul" they replied, Yesung's arms wrapped tight around Ryeowook as they snuggled together on the big bed.
Heechul smiled as he went to the next room, this was going well. But when he opened the door of the next room he peeked in to see Sungmin and Kyuhyun playing video games. "Get to sleep!" he whispered.
"Just one more level hyung."
"Okay Kyu, but I will be coming in again to check!"
Rubbing his eyes he quickly opened the next door and saw Donghae lying in bed with Eunhyuk. The boy smiled brightly as Heechul walked in, and held up a book. "Can you read us a story hyung?"
"Okay, but only a quick one.."
Heechul began to read aloud "Once upon a time, there was a little mouse..."
"What's wrong? That's what it says"
"Leeteuk hyung gives them voices."
Heechul huffed. "Well I'm not Leeteuk am I?"
"You said you were going to be him just for tonight.."
Heechul breathed heavily through his nose and started again. He got another few lines in, before Eunhyuk stopped him again. "That's not the voice that hyung usually gives them."
Heechul's temper snapped. "If you know how you want the story then just read it to each other!"
Tears welled in Hyuk's eyes. "Sorry hyung."
Taking deep breaths, Heechul spoke in a more reserved tone. "It's okay. Now, I can either finish the story my way, or you can just go to sleep. Which one do you want?"
"The story please.." came Hae's quiet whisper. Heechul felt guilty for snapping at the pair and so he tucked them up together and then finished the story.
"The end. Now, go to sleep, okay?"
"Goodnight hyung, thank you."
He flicked out the light and rubbed his eyes again. Realising how hard Leeteuk had to work, he knew that he had to do more to help the leader.
The fourth room was dark when he went in, and he allowed himself a small smile. Shindong and Kibum were already asleep and dreaming. Making sure that they were tucked in and comfortable, he left the room happily. 
He rapped harshly on the Kyumin door as the sounds of gaming continued. "Five more minutes you two!"
Kangin and Siwon's room was next, and the noisiest. There were crashes and smashes and yelling.
Heechul sighed. Dragging his heavy heels to the room he opened the door angrily. 
"Siwon just turn the light off! It's too bright!"
Siwon looked as though he was about to cry from frustration. "Just let me finish this passage. Then I'll turn the light off.'
"You said that ages ago!"
"Well it's a long passage!"
"How far have you read?"
A small pause. "Halfway."
Heechul watched as Kangin got up and turned the light off, then Siwon turned it back on. 
He raised his voice. "Get into bed the pair of you!"
They both sulkily obeyed, and slid under the sheets. Siwon scowled at Heechul, and Kangin was staring holes through the older man.
Heechul wanted nothing more than to shout at them and turn the light off, but he knew that that wasn't what Leeteuk would do. The leader would listen to them both and come up with a compromise.
So he sat on the edge of Siwon's bed, and smiled tiredly at him. "Siwon, have you read this passage before?"
"He's read the entire bible about a million times!"
Heechul cleared his throat. "I wasn't talking to you Kangin!"
"Yes, I have read the passage before.."
Heechul took a deep breath, and spoke in his most caring voice. "Well, perhaps you could just read it in the morning.."
Siwon had huffed and puffed, but eventually given in and turned to Kangin. "Can I at least say my prayers with the light on?"
When the boy had finished kneeling, he climbed back into bed and switched off the light.
"Thank you Siwon, good night" whispered Kangin. But the younger boy just made a small disgruntled noise in response. Kangin had stood up and walked to Siwon's bed, climbing in with the younger boy who just stayed still and silent before relaxing in Kangin's embrace and closing his eyes to sleep.
Smiling at his compromise, Heechul wished them goodnight and closed the door behind him. He felt sorry for Leeteuk if this was what the man had to do every night. He felt guilt pool in his stomach for every time that he had started fights over little things and the leader had had to fix the problems and tidy up after the fights had ended. Resolving to stop fighting, he turned to the next room.
Hearing small sniffles come from the room opposite, Heechul opened the door gently. Inside, Henry was wrapped in Zhoumi's arms and sobs racked his small frame. 
Heechul braced himself, he wasn't the best at comforting, but he stepped into the room and went to the bed.
Henry looked at him in surprise as the diva squeezed his shoulder tenderly and rubbed his back. The younger boy hiccuped from his sobs and Zhoumi patted his back. 
"Henry, what's wrong?" asked Heechul in a soft voice. 
The boy explained about missing his family, and things not going well. Heechul listened sympathetically, rubbing the boy's back, and squeezing his hand. Zhoumi smiled gratefully at the older man. "Heechul hyung, you go to bed. I'll look after Henry."
Heechul looked anxious about leaving the pair, but nodded and got up. "I'll be back later, okay?" 
Going to the Kyumin room he sighed at the pair asleep on the floor, the controllers still in their hands. He knew he couldn't lift them to the bed, so he took away the game and placed pillows under their heads, and blankets over their tired frames.
Kissing them both goodnight, he padded along the corridor, smiling at the soft snores from Henry and Zhoumi. He finally climbed into bed, his muscles sore and aching. Hangeng lay sleeping on the other side, and Heechul fell asleep before his head even touched the pillow.
The next night, as Leeteuk got everyone out of the car and went to get everything ready for bed, Heechul went straight to the kitchen and started to prepare the hot chocolate. 
Leeteuk almost cried in gratefulness as Heechul handed everyone a drink and kissed them goodnight. 
As everyone went to their rooms, Leeteuk took Heechul's arm and pulled him into a hug. "Thank you for this, Heechul."
"Thank you for everything, hyung. I'll help more from now on. Shall I check the rooms on the left?"
Working as a pair, the job was finished quickly and they fell asleep together. 


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BB__MX #1
This is the cutest thing aww
Shenaux #3
Aww so sweet! I love that Heechul helped Leeteuk out the second night. I think everything is easier and better to do when you've got someone to help.