He, Him and Their Ending

Not For Sale!

Sungmin eyes wildly scanning the surrounding.. well, he was using his eagle-eye from the moment he stepped into the place... his Kyuhyun-and-Sungmin-first-encounter-place... but nobody was there except, a scattered white papers on the ground that got Sungmin attention right away when they were rustling to be blew by the summer wind... Sungmin scurried to the scattered-papers-place and picked up one of them... as much as he amazed on what he seen, he was blushing in deep red... it was a sketch of him, so many of them on the ground...

He looked at them one by one...

Sketch of him



Spacing out;

Climbing the tree;

Playing with cat;

Stumbling on ground;

All of them happened at the same place, under the big tree... and the last sketch that he picked up wasn’t a sketch of him, instead; it was a young man was sitting on the bench, looking far-far-away... and the background seemed so familiar to him... when he recognized the place, immediately his eyes roamed around... there, the place that similar with the picture inside the sketch paper... the young man was Kyuhyun...


It just that, the one with looking-far-far-away was not what Sungmin sees right now, instead, Kyuhyun was looking at him with his super-evil-smirk like a wolf-that-had-trapped-his-favorite-food-an-innocence-white-bunny... Kyuhyun made his step to Sungmin... chuckling amusedly when Sungmin started to fidget and seems so nervous...

“you like it?” Kyuhyun’s eyes were shining brightly... seriously, he didn’t put any hope that Sungmin will come...

“Like what?” Sungmin still play hard to get... Kyuhyun smirked... he knows Sungmin won’t say what he truly wants... but that what make he attracted to him...

“how about...” Kyuhyun wrapped his hands around Sungmin’s waist, making the cute-white-bunny-flushed-and-hitched-and-stiffed...

you.....” he leaned his face closer to Sungmin, voice in whispering-mode... admiring the perfection before his eyes as his eyes fell on Sungmin’s Adam’s apple that moved up down as he gulped...

Sungmin felt like screaming !-you-ert-watch-where-your-hands-snaking!-and-don’t-press-whatever-you-have-down-there-on-mine! But that’s all in-your-dream as he gulped all his words into his empty stomach... Sungmin frowned... he absolutely don’t like this because his heart can’t take the way;

Kyuhyun’s warm body pressed against him...

Kyuhyun’s voice that send a chill of thousand watts to his spine...

Kyuhyun’s hot breathe tingling hid neck skin...

It felt nice but in the same time, troubling him so much till his can’t think rationally...

“Lift it...” he was saying it in such a stern tone...

“Lift what?” Kyuhyun raised his brows... the almost-sweet-and-romantic-moment was destroyed by Sungmin unpredictable reaction... brings confusion to Kyuhyun who try to be romantic-gentleman-as-hell-yet-obviously-he’s-demon-of-hell...

“the spell that you put on me...” Sungmin can be a pure airhead... well, he rather to be called airhead instead of be in defeated in this love battle...  Kyuhyun scratched his head... trying to grasp the situation...

“spell? is that a joke?”  their eyes met, blushing Sungmin tried to avert his eyes from curious Kyuhyun... the gesture from Sungmin was enough to make Kyuhyun understands the whole thing... he smirked again... this time, he had such a confident-and-eccentric-smirk-match-with-his-evil-naughty-face...

To make Sungmin wish come true, Kyuhyun kissed him... their first kiss... oh well, it was just a teasing kiss from the devil himself... Sungmin was speechless.... his doe eyes blinked in confusion...

“what? I just casted the spell on you... “ Sungmin’s eyes narrowing in irked... he was imagining himself straggle the taller lad to death....

“cut your bull! What do you want form me?!” Sungmin can’t think properly... his brain has stopped pumping the information and his system has blown...

“you know...” Kyuhyun scratched his head, trying to put some nice words in his line...

“if I say I love you, then you will backhand me, if I say be mine  you will just brushed it off like it was nothing with some extra yelling, if I say, you are my property, uh, double backhand? Donghae taught me some sugar-coated words but I don’t think you will fall for it because you’re not girl...” Sungmin gasped... his quick hand had already smacked Kyuhyun’s head...

“ouch! Be gentle will you?”

“what? you said it, I’m not a girl to fall into your sweet  trap...”

“aish...” Kyuhyun sighed... he pulled Sungmin into his embrace, completely felt hopeless...

“let me finish...” be engulfed by Kyuhyun’s warm made him lost his words...

“I know you not a girl, I watched you every day, I always sit at the bench, looking at you and hoping to be closer to you... but I can’t... because you’re guy...” Sungmin still waiting for the next line... what will Kyuhyun says... but the silent is killing him...

“so what if I am a guy?”

“err, I’m guy too, it would be weird if I tell you I like you before we learn about each other... if I confess to you as stranger, I can’t imagine what will you do to me...”

“as if I accepted... I’ll punch you for sure...”

“that’s what I afraid of, you’re cute but scary... still, it was helpless... I know you’re a guy yet, I falling in love with you... feeling deeper when I met you eyes in eyes...”

“so what are you gonna do now?” Sungmin asked but deep in his heart, he hopes Kyuhyun will make another confession so that he can accept it with pride...

“I’ve had thought enough about this, I’m giving up on this love..”

Sungmin, who remains like a log in Kyuhyun’s arms, felt a pang of pain in his chest... slowly, he raised up his shaking hand and gripped on Kyuhyun’s shirt...

“is that so?” what can he says? He keeps on rejecting Kyuhyun before, of course the lad soon grow weary of him...

Lee Sungmin! get a grip! Don’t believing in Cho Kyuhyun! The demon’s apprentice! These are his entire plan, directed by Master of Scheming Lee Donghae!

The plan started when Kyuhyun acted sweet and hopelessly in love, whispering sweet words, then suddenly giving up...  when the sign showed, which was when Sungmin started to feel desperate and shaken, clinging on him, then from that moment he knows what to do...

“yeah, it too painful to have unrequited love, I better let it go...” the play is still on...

“urm, Kyuhyun... I give you one chance to make me fall in love with you...” Kyuhyun wasn’t expecting this, he thought Sungmin would desperately confess to him...but no worries, quick-thinker-Cho-Kyuhyun always know what to do...

“ seriously? What if you don’t?”  Kyuhyun’s question made Sungmin bit his lip...

duh! I definitely love you back! In fact, I already have!”

Of course that thought remain silent in his head...

“we still can be friend...”

Sungmin’s plan, first, becoming friend –> good friend or BUDDIES –> another confession from Kyuhyun –> yesh! I love you too!

End of plan....

“wow, are you trying to torture me?” Kyuhyun was testing him again...

“I don’t mean that... I just don’t want to leave you like this...”

“Headache! Lee Sungmin,this guy! why do you need an excuse for everything???”

 “god... Lee Sungmin...  just admit it...” Kyuhyun’s patience is wearing thin...  quick thinker huh, but impatient...

“admit what?”

“that you also hopelessly in love with me...” Sungmin drastically look up to Kyuhyun... yeah, they still in each other arms, being lovey dovey in the bright day...

“what give you that—“ Sungmin scared of Kyuhyun’s eyes, feel like everything is exposed to Kyuhyun....

“so no?” Kyuhyun looked at him with doubt... very-very-very-feel-doubtful-cos’-he’s-OVER-CONFIDENT  that Sungmin likes him too....

“no... not that... whatever, I’m outta from here....” Sungmin pushed Kyuhyun and try to escape...  again, thinking and action were never come in sync... that’s Lee Sungmin for you...

“hey, Lee Sungmin, let’s make a deal...” Kyuhyun grabbed his wrist...  before the chance slip away again, Kyuhyun must catch it back...

“what’s the deal...” good, now Sungmin took the bait... well, he take everything for this love...

“I would like to buy your love for it to be exclusively mine...” a surprise look was visible on his face, saying like not-this-economic-things-again!-is-my-love-can-be-found-in-shops?... but those eager eyes of Kyuhyun, and the way his grip tightening in each second was enough to help Sungmin to give the right answer...

“it cost a lot...” he just play along with this...

“I take it whatever its cost...” Kyuhyun grinned... giving his I-will-take-anything-confident-face to Sungmin...

“it cost forever... are you in? if I do let someone in, I don’t ever let them go...”

“are you kidding me? why did you ask? The answer is obvious...” Sungmin chuckled to hear it from Kyuhyun... for second, he was fantasying his future love when a tug pulled him back to reality...

“where are we going?” Kyuhyun was dragging him...

“home... you are not staying here and sleep here like you did before right...?”  the tone was a bit sarcastic-and-mocking-and-so-like-Kyuhyun...

“geez, I have no choice back then...” with a mutter, complaining to himself not-like-I-want-to-stay-there-alone and some went like quite-happy-when-you-came, Sungmin quietly collect the scattered paper on the ground... and Kyuhyun just watch him silently, enjoy the view when Sungmin smiles for each picture in there...



“can I have all these?”

“for what?” kyuhyun's brow raised....

“don’t make me say something nasty... of course I want to keep and treasure them... especially this one! How lovely my secrets admire to watch me from afar...” kyuhyun's white face began to have a tint of red color, the shyness strike again...

“oh shuddup and leave them...”

“why would I? I want all of them!” with some determination in his eyes, Sungmin stick with his stuborness....

“hey...” Kyuhyun already wear his you're-annoying face.. 


“you already have me, for forever... do you still need that?” he pointed at himself, followed bt the stuffs in Sungmin's hand...

“ah! then it is a free gift!” there he goes, excuse by excuse, never giving up! added with some flavor of tease...

“oh! I’m so gotta treasure this!”

“seriously? You got the real one here...” Kyuhyun was dissatisfied with Sungmin...

“yes.. but all these were some kind of proof that someone was stalked on me...” somehow, when he said that, he feel proud to be the one with stalker... I mean secrets admirer...

“I wasn’t...”

“uh! This one! I’m gonna put it in frame~” sungmin showed the sketch of Kyuhyun....

“damn... gimme back!!”

they started to play catch and run...

“No way! I told you I’m going to treasure this to my heart content...”

“you just wasting your time...” hearing that, Sungmin's face changed, he was about to cry...

“you... really think so?” his voice sounds so sad...

“I just want to treasure something dearest to me... these were your sketch so they’re important to me... really? I’m wasting my time???” sad voice, teary eyes, cute pouting face, that's all Sungmin needs to make Kyuhyun's heart melted...

“no... sorry, I don’t meant that... okay, do whatever you want... and maybe this weekend we can go out and looking for the frame together... okay?” Kyuhyun holds his hands, rubbed them with his thumb... tried to convince the sulky Sungmin... but he didn't know, the sly smile that was hidden behind the pitiful-face-mask-of-Sungmin..

My, my... in one looks it was like Kyuhyun-the-might who will control Sungmin but it turned out that in a sly way, Sungmin-the-cunning had wrap Kyuhyun around his little finger~



Recent time....

Hey, back to me, Lee Sungmin!

Now you know how I and he have been put into one word, KyuMin... half an hour more then he will pick me up here... I was grinning like a fool... I know I have such a twisted personality but I have my own reason... I can’t let him see how much I miss him and wanna be with him cos’ he, the-super-rude-and-master-of-teasing-Cho-Kyuhyun will definitely use that to against me... I was in deep fantasy which means I grinning-smiling-chuckling-and-shaking-my-head-like-a-fool  when I feel a sharp stare was directed to me... and yeah, Mrs. Cho was standing in front of me, smiling-oh-so-creepily to me as if she knew what was running in my mind...

“aww, Sungminnie is thinking about Kyuhyunnie?” oh damn! she sees right through me! that really freaked me out!

“urm, no... have you done with your shopping? Need my help?” let just ignore the question and start a new one...

“yeah... you’re having dinner with us today? I’m gonna make your favorite...” I plan to refuse but her eyes were shining and I can see how the flower spinning in her eyes... she really want me to say yes huh?

“guess so, since tomorrow is my day off...”

“oh, good! Just stay over tonight...” uh? I don’t think so!

“urm ma’am –“

“don’t be so formal, aunt is fine...”

“aunt, that’s a bit –” I was planning to refused but she interrupted me...

“are you arguing?” oh, here she is, Ahra noona... I just met her few days ago and she really a friendly girl... beat me...

“mom just asking Sungminnie to have dinner at our tonight...”

“that’s great...” Ahra noona also in this? Ahhh.... mother and daughter... people say if you wanna know how your wife looks like when she olds, look at her mom...

“Okay right... Sungminnie???” deciding for me by her own... geez, she never let me to finish my word... what else can I do when she staring at me while her eyes were chanting yes-yes-yes to make me say okay... but I just nod, losing my voice already...

“that’s a good boy...” I sighed silently and rolled my eyes down, seeing something in Ahra noona grasp that caught my attention...


“what? this?” she shook the bandage box in her hand...

“it’s my habit, I think...” habit? Someone has a habit to buy bandage? As expected form Kyuhyun’s sibling... ––– weird....

“did you always hurt yourself?”

“not me... it was Kyuhyun...  when he was a kid, he was so rough and naughty... so each time we went back from playing, he had a scratch everywhere... so I keep buying this bandage...” oh... something new about him...

“so Kyuhyun likes cute stuff...” Ahra noona drastically shook her head when hearing me saying that, almost laughing...

“not at all... when I patched this thing, he will immediately pulled it out...  then mom came and  used tears to persuade him...”

“that surely work out...” I tried once, and it was successful!



“you know my son too well~” err... didn’t she was the one who told me to use tears as weapon against Kyuhyun?

“maybe... he gave me once when I fell from the tree... cute designed bandage...”

“I know... and you were the first one to get this from him... sooo special...” special? I frowned and made what-so-special face...

“I see, you don’t know yet....” Ahra noona smile-ghostly-with-some-kind-of-mystery-aura-revolving-around-her...

“about what?” yeah... tell me another secret of him so that I can make him bow before me...

“back then, to make him use the bandage, I kinda brainwashed his brain saying that bandage linked with love which means I love him so that’s why I give him the bandage... and I add a little seasoning, if he sees someone he truly likes, he should give the bandage to them and he took the bait... it surprise me to see you have the bandage that day... he never give to anyone...” Mrs. Cho explained to me in detail...

“that’s so you mom...” Ahra noona giggled...  I agreed though!

“but how can you be sure it’s me? it can be someone else...” there she goes again, a creepy smile of her... are their family were a source of devil? Everyone has this creepy smile...

“ah, that... when you get inside his room, you will know...” that room again...

“he won’t let me... what’s inside the room?” tell me before I make my own investigation and get killed by whatever resided in his room because it sounds so dangerous.... but she was about to tell me when this old-Mr.-geezer-aka-my-particular-supervisor interrupted into our conversation...

“ahem... is now chatting hour or working hour?” I scratched my head while Mrs. Cho in no time dashed to the counter... living me dumbfounded with her creepy-smile-and-I-know-everything-face  image imprinted deep in my mind... and Ahra noona, I wonder why she was glaring to my annoying supervisor...

“is he married?” what with that question? Is she interested with him!

“yeah... why?”

“poor his wife to have a jerk like him as husband...” I have nothing to say... duh, I’m  not labeling people...

“hey Sungmin!”


“let me give you a piece advice about young love... it’s not everlasting,  love always fade away along with the time, so don’t waste your time if your lover was a jerk! Dump him and find another one...”

“uh, okay... I will keep it in mind...” suddenly, her phone ringing...

“oh, my chagiya! Hello...” she has a big smile at first but turned to be a frowned-face...


“you’re kidding right?” oh, she’s annoyed now...

“you know how long I have been waiting for you here?”

“Whatever, we through!” with that saying, she hung up the call...

“Sungmin, I need to go... see ya’!”

As she walked, she pressed her phone and when person on the other side answered, she was like I through with him... I’m single now... let’s go out...  she recover fast!

 Another one? I don’t even want to think about it...


No one POV

Kyuhyun sensed something weird with his lover... he wasn’t talkative like he used to be... he sighed hard in every minute... but he got a feeling that his mom and noona must have something to do with Sungmin’s sudden change of behavior...

“what’s wrong?” instead of answering the question, Sungmin smiled and shook his head...

something wrong with him...”

As for now, Kyuhyun tries not to force Sungmin to confess, letting him to calm and perhaps, sooner or later, Sungmin will tell him...

“mom! we’re back...” Kyuhyun shouted from the entrance... he glimpsed at his back, Sungmin still the same... quiet and in deep thinking...

“welcome back... dinner will be done in any minute... go and change first you two...”

Kyuhyun was leaning his back against the wall... Sungmin was following him blindly since he picked the man up from his workplace... even now, Sungmin still oblivious that he was standing in front of Kyuhyun’s room...

“Sungmin?” Sungmin stood steadily as a statue with his face showed a thousand worries...

“Sungmin?” Kyuhyun sighed... he pulled Sungmin so hard till the spacing-out-man startled and stumbled on him... looking at him with confuse eyes...

“what were you thinking? you don’t even hear me called out for you... I didn’t ask you to come here for nothing, I have something I need to show to you... so, can you at least let your mind to be here for a minute, can you?”

“sorry... so what it is??” Kyuhyun’s eyes was widening in disbelieved... Sungmin he known wasn’t talking back to him? yet he smiled and apologized!!!

! When he’s not in his usual sense....that is disaster!”

hey... you’re scaring me... you’re not my Sungmin... what’s wrong?”  Kyuhyun minimized the gap between him and Sungmin... his hand gently touched his check, warmly looked at Sungmin trouble face...

“nothing... it just some workplace problem...” Sungmin lied... of course he would lie... he can’t say I doubted that our love will last forever...


“yeah... so what are you going to show to me...” Sungmin grinned and try his best to show a happy face...

“it inside my room... charm of happiness...” Kyuhyun frowned to see the radical changes on Sungmin’s face, from happy to I-don’t-want-to-know-whatever-beyond-this-door face...

“why that face?”

“err, Donghae told me never ever step in your room, and your mom has this eerie-spooky-face  when she mentioned about your room so, I don’t think it was your so-called-charm-of-happiness maybe more like the-nightmare.... so I’ll pass on this one...” Sungmin nodded eagerly at his words... but it was useless... Kyuhyun is more than prepared to open the door for him...

“okay, ready?”

“Kyuhyun... you’re not listening to me..” even ­Mr.-cute-pouting-Sungmin can’t stop him... so, Sungmin raised up his white flag...

“whatever, open it...”

Once the door open and as his feet both inside the room... the feeling can’t be describe in any words... and all his problems seemed to vanish one by one... the doubtful feeling was blown away in a blink of eye...

“w-what were you thinking???”

Kyuhyun’s room, all over the wall, desk, bed and even the floor were covered with white drawing papers, with his picture inside the clean white page... these painting together with the view of Kyuhyun’s room are more breathtaking... more impressive than the one he got when they declared...

“you are my inspiration, my charm of happiness...” Sungmin gazed at him with almost-teary-eyes...he may not speak any words but his eyes was saying am I mean this much to you???

“yes you are... I told you I watched you everyday right? And each day I witnessed each of differences expression of yours but I couldn’t keep them in my mind so I drew them... if not, I might die from overloaded-love-in-my-chest... ” Sungmin stay silent but crying his eyes out...

“you’re so happy that you cried?” Kyuhyun hugged Sungmin close to him... squeezing the smaller body affectionately...

“no.. I was thinking that I’m unlucky to have sick-erted-lover that drew my face on the sketchbook and hung it all over the wall... it’s creepy... I should have known when I saw you walking around with your creepy-sketchbook...” the tear from his eyes still coming down and down...

“well, there’s no turning back for you now, you sold your love to me, and I bought it with my forever...”  Sungmin smiled in Kyuhyun’s chest... his chest felt lighter and the burden has gone...

“my love wasn’t for sale, and to be truth, I never sold my love to you because from the beginning, my love is always yours... but I won’t never say that or you will be cocky brat...”

“Kyu! Sungminnie! dinner is ready...” Mrs. Cho screaming voice was faintly reached to them...

“time for dinner..” Kyuhyun pulled their body apart and planted a sweet kiss on Sungmin’s head... Sungmin sincerely smile from the warm he received but he didn’t budge from his stand... he took a look at the drawings again... smiling as he was thinking about Kyuhyun...

“Sungmin...?” Sungmin turned around and saw Kyuhyun stretched out his hand to him...

Sungmin now has the resolution...  he didn’t know what the future promised him, there are many possibilities can happen, their love may faded away, they may fight, they may break up, end up with other person or one of them may die first but he won’t think about it now... because the present is the real one... the real Kyuhyun is here, stretching out his hand for him... the moment his hand clasped with Kyuhyun’s, the decision has been made...

Kyuhyun, I don’t know what our future holds, I don’t know what ahead us... but I do know you hold my future... whatever happens, I won’t let go of your hand because I want to be your future too...”






A/N: hiiiiiiiii!!!!!!!!! AnnyeOnggggggggg~ you

I decided to put the second last and last one in one chapter~

any typos and grammar errors, please forgive me~

and yikes... I need to get ready!!! going to home.....

if I have the time, I will reply all of your comments!!!

till we meet again! bye...

p/s: I'll be on hiatus for a week... 



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minimina91 #1
Chapter 4: hahaha Donghae is the love teacher
asianvanilla #2
Chapter 3: And you have earned a new subscriber :D
mrshaee #3
Chapter 6: hajaggfajhgafdahah

Alice_K26 #4
Chapter 1: Hahaha....
Its so funny...
I like this,,,,
xtinejoy #5
Chapter 6: that's just so perfect!!! kyu really loves Minnie... its really creapy but gosh!! when you have a boyfriend who drew your facial expression each day and hang all them in his room,that will be mind blowing.
tulip1 #6
Chapter 6: That was sooo fluffy and cute and absolutely beautiful. I've been smiling through the whole chapters~
I so regret not reading it earlier :(
ayawani #7
Chapter 6: Bwahahaha..Sungmin playing hard to get.. XDDD
Cool Kyuhyun..
aaaaiiiii i love this and love u too Author-nim..
Wish i have someone like Kyuhyun..
RayhanAdni #8
Chapter 2: OH Sysss. Hehee. Lama tk stalk fanfic sys. Busy dgn hostel. Lol. Best aa crita ni. Kalau betul knn lgik syok xD jeles much tgk grammar sys. Uhuk uhuk. Tabik springg!! Congrtee for this fanfic! DAEBAK
shinichinarita #9
Chapter 7: love the story. Kyumin fighting!
shinichinarita #10
Chapter 2: hahaha, Sungmin is cute, Kyuhyun could not resist it,
Falling twice because of cats. Clumsy Min!
Who would take care his sprain ankle?