Annoying Guy

A Mission To Be Popular

time flies so fast . tomorrow will be the first term holiday . my studies are going well . as usual me , gernevie and eliana become the main target for bullying . this year is worser than last year . ahhh , glad that i can rest from this this holidays.




gernevie : unni .. aren't you going to buy anything ?

eva : no , i have to figure out this maths equation . it's so hard

gernevie : the holidays are coming , don't stress yourself out . come on , lets go.

eva : i'm okay . just go .

gernevie : but..

eliana : yah ! gernevie . i am seriously hungry .if she dont want to eat , don't force her . now hurry let's line up before many people come .

gernevie : araso .

eva : bye .


i was left alone at the table . gosh , indices is so hard. suddenly , i felt someone pulling my ponytail.


eva : ouch .


i turned around to look at the person who's pulling my ponytail . well , if it isn't epann . the jerk . he and his gang called 'rimba crew' always bully us . i look at him but he looks the other way . i just ignore him and continue figuring out the equation . i thought if i ignore he'll stop but he still keeps on pulling it. i can't stand it anymore . i turned around and say ..


eva : ya ! what's your problem?

epann : are you talking to me?

eva : no i'm talking to a ghost of course i' talking to you. stop pulling my ponytail!


i turned around . he suddenly grab a sit next to me and sit.


eva : ya! what are you doing here ?

epann : i'm sory, i don't see your name here ?

eva : ahh ~ jinja , this guy .

epann : your that girl on the first day of school that was soaking wet .

eva : it was months ago . did you realize that now ?

epann : ani ~it looks like your getting ugly day by day .

eva : then if i'm ugly . don't talk to me .


eliana and gernevie arrived with their foods.


epann : wow , looks delicious . i want some of that.


epann saying that while pointing gernevie's fries . gernevie immediately push her tray of food  and take out all her money from her wallet to him . she also push eliana's tray to him .


eliana : ya ! that's mine.

epann : why are you over-reacting ? all i ask is for fries . but , since your so kind-hearted . kansamnida .


epann put the money in his pocket and carry gernevie's tray of food .epann leaves. 


gernevie : *sighs* el, can i have some ?

eliana : no way. who ask you to give epann your food? not my problem.

gernevie : i'm just asking for a little bit.

eva : gernevie , you should be firm next time . your mom works hard to give you money but you give it to other people.

gernevie : i do that so he'll not disturb me .

eva  : if you do that , they will bully you again . because your an easy target .

gernevie : i'll try to be brave next time.

eliana : eva , look it's billy!

eva : where ? oh my gosh .


eliana said it out loud . it seems like billy hear us . he was looking at our direction . i immediately hide under the table.


eva : is he still looking ?

eliana : no , not anymore.

eva : pheew , that was close .


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Chapter 2: please update ilove it
Chapter 1: i love it please update