First Day Of School

A Mission To Be Popular

I woke up and the sun was shining bright on me . i thought to myself what a beautiful day to start the first day of school . i went to have a shower and went down .


eva :omma~good morning.

mom : good morning too .

eva : hmm .. that smells delicious. what's for breakfast?

mom : your favourite pancakes

eva : i love pancakes


after eating , i went to school with my own car . at school , many people greet me . what can i say ? i'm popular . Billy was walking towards me and when we were about to kiss ..



do you really think my life is like this . well ,your WRONG .  this is how i wish it will be . here's what really happen ..


i wake up and the weather was clody . my mom was shouting 'eva ! wake up already . you'll be late for school' i shouted back ' yeh, i'm coming'. took a quick shower and went down . as i expected , no breakfast . mom don't have time for that. Every since dad left, her life was a total mess. She just gave me 2 dollars for pocket money which is not enough but i can't complain.i went out and missed the school bus.*damn it. i'll just walk to school. As i was walking, it slowly began to rain. I rummaged my bag to find an umbrella but i can't seem to find one. There's no turning back now so theres only one thing to do and that is RUN. As i was running i accidentally stepped on a dog poo . eeew , so gross . i arrived a t school soaking wet . i'm so embarrased in the way everyones staring at me . i started to look for my friends . i can notice them eliana and gernevie from a far . i ran to them.


eliana :oh my god ! eva , what happen to you ?

eva : lets just say its a bad day

gernevie : you better clean yourself up before many people sees you

eva : theres no point anyway, many people already sees me


we were about to go to the washroom until jellica come


jellica : eva , let me remind you schools are for children not for beggars

eva : jellica it's you . no wonder , i smell something bad coming.

jellica : the only person that smells is you

eliana : she got a point there


oh my god , this . i strangled her to the floor and everyone was around us saying 'FIGHT!,FIGHT!,FIGHT!' . well that's what i hope i can do. I am a nerd i don't know how to fight.


jellica : oh my god ! is here


jellica said while smiling . i turned around and saw billy (my senior crush) he was walking towards us .


jellica : hi, billy 


jellica sounded like a hooker that wants to have when she said that.Billy didn't say anything to Jellica , he just smileand keep his head down . he raised his head and our eyes met. OH MY ING GOD ! he smiled at ME but i forgot to smile back because i was mesmerized by his handsome face.DAMN IT ! Just like that our moment ends.


eva : oh my god , did you see him smiling?

jellica : dream on eva , he smiles at me not you . i mean who wants to look at you .


jellica left us .


eva  : come on , lets go to the toilet.


we all went to the toilet .

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Chapter 1: i love it please update