Chapter 2

The Thorns of A Rose

"I'm Baekhyun. Byun Baekhyun." 

Those were the words that acquainted the two youngsters, who were of different worlds. Those were the words that sparked an interest and curiosity within the two to find out more about the other. Those were the words that invited Soojung into Baekhyun's nightmare. And clueless as she was, she had accepted by returning his smile with a grin.

"I'm Soojung. Lee Soojung. It's nice to meet you."




After their introductions were exchanged that day a year ago, Soojung found that she began coincidentally bumping into Baekhyun more and more often, to which she never thought as suspicious. Besides, it wasn't as if she minded randomly meeting up with the beyond handsome and amazing being, who she came to rely on over time. Baekhyun, on the other hand, was still mourning and vengeful over his ex-girlfriend's death, even though he had become captivated by a young girl by the name of Lee Soojung.

Soojung impatiently sat on one side of the booth and drummed her fingers on the wooden table as she repeatedly glanced at the door. Every minute or so, she would look up from her phone to be greeted with either a shut door or another customer who decided to enter the restaurant. Feeling bored to the extreme, she clicked into her camera app and began taking selcas as a way to pass time.

Her companion for that afternoon, Baekhyun, was supposed to have arrived twenty minutes ago, when her shift at work was finally over for the day. However, despite the fact that she had rushed to the restaurant after serving at the cafe for many hours, she was disappointed to find that he was not there, though he promised to be on time. 

Click. Click. Click. 

She smiled and made faces and held up peace signs at the camera before tapping the buttom in the middle with her fingers, her long fingernails colliding with the screen with every tap. After taking several similar looking selcas, she stopped and pressed into the gallery, where her pictures were stored. The pictures came out nicely. She nodded in approval.

"They're cute." A shadow loomed over her and she tilted her head up to face the source of the compliment.

"Oh my gosh." Surprised by the sudden presence of her friend, she leaned back in her seat with her hand placed over her racing heart. "You scared me... When did you get there?"

He ignored her question and nodded at her phone. "They're cute. The pictures you took." He said honestly before taking the seat across from her with a grin, to which she returned with a frown. It seemed as if he felt no guilt whatsoever even though he had made her wait a long time. And on such a special day, too. 

It was her birthday.

"You're late." Soojung said, unamused and unaffected by his compliments which she knew, was an attempt to calm her down. It seemed though, that his efforts had gone to waste. "Your excuse better be worth my time."

All Baekhyun did was smile secretly at her words and pick up the plastic menu. He placed his other hand on his belly and say, "Ah, I'm hungry." With narrowed eyes, Soojung admitted defeat only so they could order the food. She would bother him after they ordered the food.

"...And one side dish of breadsticks please." 

The waitress, whose hand was wrapped tightly around a pen, scribbling words on the small pad of paper she held and flipping it occasionally, sighed in relief when Baekhyun stopped speaking. 

"Is that all?" She questioned and immediately left with the menus upon seeing Baekhyun nod.

"I think you scared her by ordering all that food." Soojung stated as she watched the waitress walk away while shaking her most likely tired writing hand. Her gaze returned to Baekhyun. "How are you going to finish all that food?"

He shrugged in response. "I don't know, but we'll find a way. Besides, we need to eat a lot since it's your birthday." He said in an as a matter of factly tone with a firm nod, as if agreeing with his own opinion. 

"At least you remember it's my birthday." Although she didn't show it, she had burst out in joy when the other had mentioned the special day. To be honest, she had expected the careless male to have forgotten her birthday, since he had arrived so late. Finding it harmless to stare at him for a few seconds, she did so and kept her gaze on him even after he looked up. 

"What? Is there something on my face?" He asked, swiping at his cheeks before letting out a chic smirk. "Or am I too handsome for you?" His arrogance, although a joke, caused him several thousands of his brain cells, as Soojung reached over and smacked his head with her hand. 

"In your dreams." She muttered after pretending to gag before sitting down again and looking out the window with her chin resting on her palms. Through her periphiral vision, a Baekhyun who was staring intently at her was seen but she ignored it. Instead, she began her interrogation. 

"Have you thought of an excuse yet?" As if the quesiton had been directed to a light pole outside, she continued staring aimlessly out the window, waiting for a reply from the male seated across from her. When a few silent seconds had gone by, she took a quick glance at the male to find him scanning her face intensely. It kind of reminded her of the day he had first approached her at the cafe.

She blinked innocently at him as he leaned in closer, a smirk beginning to form on his lips. "You know? You're different, really different. And I like that." A small light pink blush crept onto her face as she drew her head back, putting in a great distance between their faces. "S-Stop changing the subject and answer my question." 

Ignoring her demand, he stood up and leaned over the whole table, his lips merely an inch away from her's. 

With wide eyes, Soojung had pulled her head back until she felt the soft cushion of the bench against the back of her head. Feeling slightly awkward, she diverted her gaze onto the wooden table, refusing to look Baekhyun in the eyes. His hot and steady breath tickled her nose, as she fought the urge to sneeze right then and there.

Baekhyun smirked. "You'll see." He whispered, his hot breath lingering on her lips for a while before he abruptly took a seat, setting the distance between their faces. She released the breath that she herself didn't recall holding as she processed his words. What? You'll see? What does he mean by that? With a confused frown, she looked up at him to find him snacking on the dish of pickled radish a waiter had given them. With curious eyes, she watched him, surprised to find t hat he was acting normal, as if he hadn't just literally climbed onto the table to almost have their lips touch. 

Feeling her gaze on him, he stared at her while chewing the yellow food and after swallowing, grinned. A small smile appeared on her face when he invited her to eat some of the food too, his reason being that he had ordered way too much, and needed some help in finishing the food.




"Stop it! I really am full!" Soojung complained, trying to swat away the two hands which were hovering over her waist, ready to begin tickling again. Realizing he had stopped his tickle attack, she quickly pushed him and stood up, scrambling as far away as possible from the male. Her hand rested on her abdomen, which had begun hurting from all the laughing and tickling.

"Hey! Get back here!" Baekhyun hollered, standing up and brushing the sand off his pants. He grinned when the girl three meters away from him turned around and stuck out her tongue in a childish fashion. As he ran after her, his shoes left imprints in the sand as the tiny particles flew everywhere. 

After their insanely large meal together, the two had decided to wander around in celebration for her birthday. Although it wasn't much, Soojung was grateful he had spared her the time. On their little adventure around the area, he had pointed the beach out from a distance and with nothing better to do, she had agreed to go there. However, as the two sat, staring at the sun which was beginning to set, Baekhyun had decided to begin a tickle fight, to which he obviously dominated, as he himself wasn't the slightest bit ticklish.

"Caught you!" Soojung let out a yelp of surprise when Baekhyun s his arms around her waist and lifted her up, over his shoulders. She screamed in horror as she hung over his shoulder, watching as he neared the calm waters. "Oh my gosh. No. No! NO! DON'T YOU DARE THROW ME IN THERE! BAEKHYUN!" She shouted, hammering his back with her fists (lightly) and kicking her feet around.


A gasp escaped her lips when he really did dunk her into the water, the substance soaking through the thin pieces of clothing she had chosen to wear that day. A loud scream escaped her lips as she tried to stand up, only to slip on the sand and fall back into the large puddle with a splash. Baekhyun pointed at her and laughed loudly, announcing to the world with a loud voice through laughter that he wished someone had recorded the scene. 

Once Soojung successfully stood back onto her feet, she stormed up to Baekhyun and sweetly smiled up at him. Surprise crossed his face as he looked down at her. Her entire body was soaking wet, water dripping from her hair and clothes. Her pieces of clothing had become slightly transparent, thanks to the ocean water that soaked through the material. "What do you--"

"Give me a hug!" Her eyes became crescents as she spoke with a huge grin. The next thing he knew, she had wrapped her arms around his waist, her wet body colliding with his and the water from her clothes soaking through his too. 

"Why are you so warm..." She mumbled into his jacket with her eyes shut. It had only been a part of her evil plan to make him wet and cold too, but when she felt his radiating body heat, she decided to continue the intimate action a little longer. He opened his mouth to complain before taking note of her slightly shivering body and feeling a wave of guilt wash over him, wrapped his arms around her too.

"I'm sorry." He said softly and honestly, tightening his arms around her.

"Soojung? Where are you? Soojung!!" A young boy, who seemed to be of senior grade in high school, paced around the park where he had promised to meet his girlfriend two hours ago. He would have been there on time, if not for his encounter with some girl who threw herself at him, which ended up with the two engaged in a heated makeout session. Afterwards, he had been cornered by some men dressed in black suits who questioned him about his father's whereabouts. How odd. 

He repeatedly called out her name, as he ran amidst the pouring rain and clashing thunderbolts. 

As he sprinted through the rather large and abandoned park, constantly swiping the rain out of his eyes, panic rose in him. What if she had gotten angry and left already? He wouldn't blame her; he was in fact, late by two hours. But what if something happened to her? The thought of her in potential danger made him run even faster, if it was possible.

If something had happened to her, he would be the one to blame. If it wasn't for his poor decision in making out with the random girl, he might've been able to avoid the situation with those men. "Argh!" He cried out in frustration and stopped running abruptly, looking at the sky and praying with all his heart that his girl was okay. Perhaps she had gone home. Yes, that must be it. 

He turned around, ready to run off to her home to make sure when he heard a soft familiar sob and sniffle. He stopped moving, listening carefully for the sound again amongst the rhythmic plattering the rain was making. His head perked up when the sound made itself known once more and immediately, he turned to face the direction it was coming from. 

The playground.

He slowly approached the small child's play area, his foot crunching the fallen leaves and branches with every step. The sniffing became louder and as he watched the round enclosed slide. He swore he saw movements from the holes at the side and with his instinct nudging at his legs for him to get closer to the slide. And so he did, and true to his assumptions, there sat Soojung, with her arms wrapped around her legs and her face planted on her knee, her sobs muffled. She was shaking and shivering, either from the cold or from her fear of thunders, or perhaps both.

"Soojung!" Jongin let out a sigh of relief and immediately kneeled down to meet her height.

Hearing his voice, she lifted her head to reveal her swollen and fearful eyes. It was the first time he saw her in such a vulnerable state; her fear of thunders must be really bad, he concluded. "Jongin!" She cried out, scrambling forwards to wrap her arms around the surprised male.

"Soojung, I'm sorry for being so late. But it's okay now. You don't have to be scared. I'm here." He wrapped his arms around her and gently pushed her shaking body back into the tunnel, shielding her body from the rain with his back. She cried in his shoulder, her tears mixing with the rain that had already soaked through his shirt. 

"It's okay, baby. I'm here now." He said softly, happy to have her clinging to him so tightly.

After minutes of listening to only the sound of the rain dropping onto the many surfaces in the park, Soojung unwrapped herself from his embrace and the two settled down in a more comfortable position with her seated between his legs. His arms were wrapped around her waist from behind, his chin resting on her shoulder. 

"I'm sorry." He said softly, tightening his hold around her.

Soojung's eyes flew open at the end of her flashback and stared at the sand, endulged in her thoughts. That was... Exactly what Jongin said to me. No. Stop. Stop thinking about him, Soojung. It's time to let go. She shook her head to clear it of her thoughts, which didn't go away unnoticed by Baekhyun who looked down at her with a questioning look. But seeing how she seemed so trapped in her mind at that moment, he decided to ignore the small action. 

"It's the sunset." He commented.

Soojung, who was one who loved the sight of sunsets very much, spun around in his arms only to gasp at the streaks of orange, pink, yellow and purple in the sky. The once tiny but bright circle in the sky now, at the horizon, looked as if it were a beautiful fireball. "It's so pretty." She said, a hint of sadness in her voice. A small smile made its way to her face as she was once again reminded of her first kiss with Jongin.

"Soojung" Baekhyun's voice brought her out from the memory lane and back into reality. "Be my girlfriend?"

Her eyes widened at his request and she slowly spun around, unsure of whether she had heard properly, and if she had, what she would say. The moment her eyes locked with Baekhyun's though, she knew her ears had not just deceived her. He really did just ask her out.

"I..." The image of Jongin popped into her head. It was a nuisance, really, how the image always popped into her mind when she thought of the words boyfriend or love. It was true she did have feelings for Baekhyun, but she wasn't yet ready to let go of her ex-boyfriend. However, she had no choice. Letting go of Jongin was something she must do, and in order to accomplish it, she had to get another distraction. Up until now, Baekhyun had always made for a nice distraction. Maybe that was why she had grown fond of him in the first place.

She bit her lip upon realizing what she was doing. Shutting her eyes, she took a deep breath and put on her best but fake smile. 

"Okay, Baekhyun. I'll be your girlfriend."

His eyes shining in happiness, he pulled her in for an embrace. "Thank you for giving me a chance, Soojung. I promise to be the best boyfriend ever."

I'm sorry Baekhyun. But for my own sake, I need to do this. In order to let go of the past, I need to do this.




I know it's kind of going really quickly. >< 

Sorry s0b. Next chapter will be better, I promise.

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Chapter 3: Really interesting so far :D
Chapter 3: Ah, so Soojung has a past with Jongin... : \ I wonder what happened? And yay, Baekhyun asked her out! : )
Thanks for updating, and please update soon~
Chapter 2: I like it so farr! looking forward to the update :D
Chapter 2: Baekhyun would collapse on a passing girl when he's drunk... LOL...
Thanks for updating, and please update soon~
Chapter 2: Update soon author-nim!! I love the story so far ㅇㅅㅇ ^.^
New reader here! Your story sounds interesting so far. ^__^
Thanks for updating, and please update soon~