Chapter 1

The Thorns of A Rose

A long month had finally dragged by since the tragic death of his girlfriend. Baekhyun, who had resorted to alcohol ever since the first day, sat once more in what he now called his home: a lonely private room in a bar. He sat, or rather laid on the smooth velvet couch at the side of the room with his hands dangling off the side of the loveseat, holding onto a small glass cup.


His mind was blank, his thoughts on nothing in particular as he brought the cup towards his lips and sloppily poured the drink into his mouth- and all over him at the same time. He let his arm drop limply off the side of the couch once more, accidentally allowing the cup to slip out of his hands and shatter onto the hard floor. Furrowing his eyebrows upon feeling the cold liquid run down his neck and soak through his shirt, he let out a loud groan and sat up. He glanced at his hand to find it empty and frowned. Where did the cup go?


Without bothering to give an attempt at finding the familiar cup, he opted to grab the whole bottle and drink out of it. He clutched it tightly and held it high above his mouth, expecting a mouthful of alcohol to swallow. Instead, he was greeted by a single, lonely drop of alcohol. Irritated by the lack of liquor travelling down his throat, he slammed the bottle onto the table and tried to stand up, shaking the table in the process. Somehow though, he managed to get onto his feet and stumble towards the door. 


It was a miracle he could even open the door and take a step out, as in the very next moment, he collapsed onto the ground, pulling down with him a random passing girl onto the floor. She let out a yelp of surprise as she was dragged down along with him, landing on the floor and staring up at the ceiling with a dazed expression. What just happened?


The girl fidgeted under the heavy weight of the drunk male, trying with all her might to push his body off of her's but to no avail. He was simply way too heavy, and especially in his drunken state, he was even harder to move. "Um, excuse me. Mister, can you get off me?" Awkwardly, she tapped his shoulder after a few attempts to wriggle out from under him.


Baekhyun, who had rendered unconscious for a few minutes suddenly gained conscience and woke up. He looked down and found himself lying on top of a young girl who seemed to be extremely uncomfortable. "Hey." He slurred. The girl, for some reason, reminded him of his beloved Hyemi, whom he had lost to whoever had killed her. Just the thought of it made him angry.


"Mister, get off me." The girl frowned upon being scanned by the drunk stranger. She was definitely on the verge of losing her patience, which was something never beneficial to anyone. "Hello? Can you hear me?" She raised her voice in a question, trying once again to push the male off her body, which she was pretty was now most likely bruised and sore.


It seemed the male was finally hit with a wave of reality, as he suddenly stood up, holding onto his head with one of his hands and using the other to support himself. "Ah... I'm sorry." He apologized, grasping onto the doorframe for support. The female, who let out a sigh of relief gladly stood up and brushed the dust off her clothes before shooting him a dirty look. "Watch where you're going next time." And with that, she turned around to continue on her way back to her friends.


"Wait! No... Don't leave me again!" A sudden rush of panic washed over him and he found himself taking a long stride after the girl, wrapping his arms around her from behind and inhaling her scent. She even smelled of flowers, to be specific, the same type of flowers Hyemi's aroma gave off. "I missed you. So, so, so much." For the first time since the death of his girlfriend, he felt relaxed and comforted with the other girl trapped n his embrace.


"What... What are you doing?" The girl questioned, slightly turning her head around only to be met by the drunkard's face dangerously close to her own. If it had been under normal circumstances, she would have found a way to escape the unknown male, but for some reason, she felt captivated by him. Maybe it was the fact that his arms around her made her feel safe and secure. Or maybe it was the words he had slurred out, claiming that he missed her. It had been a while since he felt such strong arms around her, and for that moment, she wanted to reminisce the memories of long ago.


So she shut her eyes and enjoyed the short moment in which she relived her past.


"Soojung-ah," Jongin's soft voice whispered her name in her ears. It sent a pleasurable shiver down her spine as she tilted her head to the side, allowing her boyfriend to be seen in her vision. "I wish we could stay together like this forever." He sighed deeply and shut his eyes, taking in her scent to remember her by. His arms around her waist tightened, as if protecting her from potential danger.


"Jongin," Soojung started, directing her gaze back to the beautiful view in front of her. Taking a deep breath, she broke herself from his embrace and spun around, a shy smile playing on her lips. He gazed down at her curiously, wondering why she had left his arms. "I love you." She confessed, a pink blush growing on her cheeks.


He grinned at her words and reached out to tuck a strand of hair behind her ear. The wind that circulated the rooftop blew the strand of hair out from behind her ear though, once his hands travelled to cup her cheeks. As he was quite a bit taller than the girl, he had to lean down and with closed eyes, their lips met with sparks flying all around. And little did the two know, it would be the last time they ever shared a kiss together.


"Soojung?" A voice snapped her out of her trance and her eyes popped open. Her friend was curiously watching her with the stranger's arms wrapped around her body tightly, refusing to let go. Blushing from the sudden attention, she grabbed the stranger's hand, which was extremely soft and delicate for a male and pried the grip open, allowing her enough space to slip away. 


"Thank you." She whispered.




The next morning, Baekhyun woke up to find himself in an unfamiliar room that reeked of clean laundry. With a crease between his eyebrows, he sat up slowly from his lazy position on the rather comfortable king sized bed. His position that night, sprawled on top of the bed with his neck in an awkward position brought to him great discomfort and aching in his neck area. 


"Ow..." He groaned in pain when he was hit with the sudden but fairly familiar headache. Hangover. This was the one and only reason as to why he despised drinking, although the great pains that occured the next day never did stop him from consuming the dangerous drink. In fact, it only encouraged him to do so, as the agony fulfilled his purpose of drinking. To forget the girl he loved, and still loves, so much.


Even thought it was only for a moment in time, it was a way for him to erase the stressful event that had taken place a long time ago. In fact, he had already forgotten the date and his body was no longer functioning accordingly to the time of Seoul, where he resided. He simply woke when he did, and slept when he felt tired. That, or he passed out from all the drinking.


After shutting his eyes for a while, which counted up to five minutes, he felt better already and decided it was time to face reality once more and opened his eyes. For a moment or two, he stared at the small sticky note that stuck onto the glass table beside him. Its bright pink colour made it stand out amongst the clear surface, which had piled onto it, packets of teabags. Curiously, he reached out and pulled it off the table, bringing it closer into his view.


"You were really drunk yesterday, so I brought you here. Drink some tea to cure your hangover. Don't worry, I already paid for the room." He read aloud. Yesterday? His eyebrows met together in the middle as he pondered the events of last night, trying as hard as he could to remember. Of course though, the memory couldn't be identified, and he soon found himself slapping the note onto the soft bed and letting a shout of frustration. If he had done anything with this unknown person, who he assumed to be a girl, since the pretty and curly writing clearly belonged to one, he would never forgive himself.


Irritated by the fact that he couldn't remember anything, he swiped all the packets of teabags off the table and jumped off the bed, stomping his way around the hotel room until he found the door. It took him a while, as the room, or rather suite, was quite large. Though at that moment, he couldn't exactly bring himself to appreciate such luxury.


Baekhyun stepped out of the hotel and stopped upon hearing the automatic doot shut behind him. With a glare directed to nothing in particular, he turned around and studied the place for a while before letting out an angry sigh and continuing on his way down the four marble steps.


His phone buzzed violently, indicating that he was receiving a call. An irritated expression formed on his face as he reached into his pocket to pull out the electronic device, which had just registered the unanswered call as a missed call. Eleven missed calls. Before he could even check the calls marked with a red exclamation mark, he received another call. He rolled his eyes in annoyance at the caller ID.


"What." He barked into his phone at male on the other line.


"Um... Hyungnim, there's a bit of trouble..." A nervous voice came through the speaker of the phone.


His eyebrows furrowed together at his words, waiting for the other male to continue, which he did. 


"The thing is, this guy came to look for you. He said his name was Kang... Jewon?" The male paused for a moment, unsure of the unknown person's name. "But yeah, I think you should come back soon."


"Don't give me orders. I don't give a about Kang Jewon or whoever he may be. I'm hanging up." He let out a huff of distress and stuffed his phone back into his pocket.


He walked through the streets aimlessly until he happened to pass by a small and cozy looking cafe. He cast a few glances through the slightly white tinted windows, peering into the shop at the lack of people inside. From his quick observations, he concluded that the cafe wasn't one that attracted many, despite the comfortable and homey aura it gave off. There were only a few staff members and employees who were busy conversing with one another while the only customers of the place were sipping at their drinks.


Disinterested, he passed by the shop before pausing and turning around. Wait a minute... A sudden thought managed its way into his complex mind and he obeyed, slowly approaching the windows of the shop once more. Among the few workers who were crowded around the cash register stood a girl with long dark brown wavy hair.


For some unknown reason, the more he stared at her, the more familiar he thought she was. Hopelessly captivated by the young girl, he managed to find his way to the glass door and pushed it open, his intense gaze still on her. A bell chimed, alerting the employees a customer had entered the shop.


They immediately looked up at the male, who was dressed rather well, despite the fact that his hair was a mess and his white shirt had a large stain by the collar. "Welcome to Peach Berry Cafe!" They chorused in symphony, lowering their heads slightly. After completing their task of greeting their guests, the group of employees began chatting again, ignoring the male who had just entered.


Baekhyun, unfazed by the group who had begun mingling amongst themselves again, kept his gaze on the girl as he approached the counter. As he neared the female who was busy laughing, he felt his heart skip a beat. Her laugh... It reminds me of Hyemi. The innocent thought surprised even himself as he swore to ban such thoughts from entering his mind from then on.


"Excuse me," he stopped in front of the counter, with his eyes directly on her, scrutinizing her in a fashion that made her feel rather uncomfortable. Feeling someone's gaze fixed on her, she looked up in surprise to see the customer. "How may I--" She paused for a moment "Wait. Aren't you the drunk guy from the club yesterday?" 


He stared at her in surprise, taken aback by her statement before realization dawned upon him. With the sudden understanding came memories of the night before. Images of being caught under him during his fall. Images of him grabbing her hands and pleading her to stay. Images of their back embrace, of her abandoning him with a soft "thank you". 


The two studied the other for a while before someone cleared their throat with a cough. Breaking the intense eye contact, the girl turned around to face a male who towered at least a head over her. "Is he the guy I saw you with yesterday?" The male questioned as the young girl blushed and sent him a look.


"It's not what you think it is." She confirmed his question that was more of a statement indirectly and diverted her attention back to Baekhyun who had been watching their interaction. "Uh... How are you feeling?" She stammered, unsure of what words to say to the stranger.


A sheepish grin on his lips, he scratched the back of his neck and adverted his eyes towards the ceiling. "Yeah... Well, yeah." He stopped and dropped his hands by his side and looked at her. "Can we... Can we talk?" He asked carefully, knowing fully well that the audience consisting of employees were watching them curiously.


"Um..." The girl blinked a few times before turning to face the male behind her, who nodded. She mimicked his action and nodded at Baekhyun, who pointed at a table situated near the window. "Let's go over there."


Following after his footsteps, the girl stopped and merely watched as Baekhyun pulled one of the chairs out and sat down on it. Using his head, he pointed at the seat across the circular table, requesting silently that she take a seat also, to which she obeyed and rested. Warily peeking at the stranger who seemed to have a lot circulating in his mind, she wondered if he was expecting her to speak first.




"No, I'll speak first. Did we do anything last night?" He asked.


"Didn't you read my note?" She answered his question with another question, with raised eyebrows.


"Just answer me." He demanded in a slightly raised tone.


She scoffed at his attitude and stood up, the legs of the chair scraping the floor. "No." She replied and was prepared to leave when he two words escaped his lips in a mumble.


"Thank you." She turned around in surprise, as she was never expecting words of gratitude from the male. "Lee Soojung." 


Soojung blinked in surprise when her name flowed out of his mouth as if he had always known her. With a bewildered expression, she opened to question his knowledge when he pointed to her nametag with a smile. As laughter and yawning are contagious, so is smiling. Seeing his lips curve upward unknowingly brought to her face a grin. 


Once more, Baekhyun's heart skipped and the thought ran through his head again. She reminds me of Hyemi. He took another glance at her and concluded that this girl, despite her difference in appearance, was very much like his ex-girlfriend. Their attitudes, from what Baekhyun knew of Soojung, were similar. Perhaps, she was the only one who would be able to save him from this nightmare.


"I'm Baekhyun. Byun Baekhyun." 




It's a bit rushed, I know. But I hope you enjoyed it anyway. :)

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Chapter 3: Really interesting so far :D
Chapter 3: Ah, so Soojung has a past with Jongin... : \ I wonder what happened? And yay, Baekhyun asked her out! : )
Thanks for updating, and please update soon~
Chapter 2: I like it so farr! looking forward to the update :D
Chapter 2: Baekhyun would collapse on a passing girl when he's drunk... LOL...
Thanks for updating, and please update soon~
Chapter 2: Update soon author-nim!! I love the story so far ㅇㅅㅇ ^.^
New reader here! Your story sounds interesting so far. ^__^
Thanks for updating, and please update soon~