
Jokes On You [On Hiatus]


    I sprinted through the school halls as fast as I could. Teachers were yelling at me to slow down and walk, but nope. I am Kim freaking JongIn. I can do as I please. I turned at a corner and bumped into someone. We both fell, but before they could have a chance to yell at me, I got up and continued to sprint.

I am so thankful for all the dancing, track and sports I did because I am sprinting far more faster than I ever had.

I continued to sprint but skid to a full stop in front of a door. I slammed it open, causing the people inside to jump and scurry out. Because, well, as I said. I am Kim JongIn.

I immediately opened up another door and went inside.

“Oh yeah baby, I know you’ve been waiting for me.” I practically growled as I unbuckled my belt and pulled my pants down, along with my briefs.

I have been waiting for this all day, and it was driving me insane. I would have been sent to a mental institute if I came here to my baby a second too late.


I sat down on my baby, or should I say toilet? Yeah, toilet it is. I sat down on the toilet and let out a relieved sigh.

Throughout the whole school day, I was holding in my waste. It was a tough battle but somehow I survived. I got through boring math where my teacher kept talking about eraser ‘poop’, science with its intestines and wastes, gym with basketball (which was pretty ing hard to play in results of me holding in my waste) and running through the hallways just to reach the school’s boys bathroom. I don’t know what caused my bowel to sudden be like this.. Maybe it was Sehun and that taco he made for me and Chanyeol earlier… But anyways, I am now I am here, enjoying of finally letting out my waste in the toi-



Sehun’s head poked out from underneath the stall wall. He was on the other stall beside the one I was currently in. Everything that I had been holding in was now in the toilet. All thanks to Sehun.

“WHAT THE SEHUN!!” I yelled while clutching my school uniform, where my heart should be.

“I RAN OUT OF TOIET PAPER. HELP ME HYUNG!” He yelled, still on the ground looking up at me.

“YOU-… JUST WAIT UNTIL WE GET OUT OF THE BATHROOM, I’LL KILL YOU!” I yelled back, my heart rate going back to normal.

“YEAH OKAY HYUNG, BUT PLEASE GIVE ME SOME TOILET PAPER FOR NOW!” He begged. I sighed and rubbed my temples with my left hand, and reaching for the toilet paper roll with my right.

My heart dropped as I felt nothing but the coolness of the metal where the toilet paper should be.


I froze and took a deep breath to calm myself. I was not in the mood for this.




For the second time, I clutched my shirt where my heart is. I looked down and saw Chanyeol looking up at me from the bottom of the stall. He was on the other stall beside me. He smiled and waved at me.

“Yah, do you happen to have toilet paper?” He asked Sehun and I.

“Nope, neither of us have any. Hey, how long have you been here?” Sehun asked back. Chanyeol rubbed his imaginary beard and shrugged.

“I don’t know. Half an hour or so?”

“Oh really? How come I didn’t notice you th-“

“Can you both just please shut up and get up from the floor. I don’t feel all too comfortable with both of you talking to each other while I’m in the middle on the toilet.” I interrupted.

“Oh yeah sorry. Haha” Chanyeol apologized and pulled his head back in his own stall. Sehun, on the other hand stared up at me, then at Chanyeol’s feet.

“…It was the tacos I made earlier, wasn’t it…” Sehun commented.

“GODDAMMIT SEHUN. GET BACK IN YOUR OWN STALL!” I yelled at him. He chuckled before going back in his own stall. I let out a big sigh and rubbed my aching forehead.

“Do you guys have your phones right now so we can call the other hyungs?” I asked.

“Nope.” Both replied at the same time. I reached down and felt my pockets for my phone that I was sure I had. I gritted my teeth together as I felt nothing in my pockets. It was that person I bumped into earlier, wasn’t it? Well this was going to be a long wait.




“….So how ‘bout them tacos…..”


Annyeong everyone :) 
Thanks for reading this chapter, and this is not edited so there may be grammar and spelling mistakes. Which I apologize for.
And also I'll see you all again when I post the 2nd chapter~ 
Btw, the oc, 'You', are coming later in the story, maybe the next chapter, maybe the 50th chapter, I don't know.
But yeah that's it. Thanks again, and RLAB, Enjoy the mayo, and don't forget.
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Omg, I feel bad. Sorry for not updating, I swear I'll update on the 14th of 15th when school ends. I'm really sorry >.


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Chapter 2: Sehun's character, I swear is so epic. He's so random bringing tacos to school (now that I think of it, I don't think I've ever actually ate one), and how he's just like, well, basically pulls off a 'Kai' that I usually see in most other fics. Okay... Reading over, maybe not, he's just a tad weird when he was rubbing the taco on his blazer lmao. Anyway, you know I don't read much in a boy's perspective in that he eventually likes the girl of interest (I think we can all see that coming); I find it more endearing than reading ; I don't know, I guess it's something about the way a guy looks at a girl if he likes her and yeah. I tend to blab a lot, I hope you update soon :D
Chapter 1: I'm reading this in class even though no one's come yet, but I swear I would have gotten in so much trouble for laughing because this is ing hilarious. And I don't swear either, but omgg, update soon! :D
Chapter 1: Its so funny. :)
Beautiful. Just beautiful.