Chapter Four

Our Appa(s) ?
Chansung stare weirdly at his friend but then just nods, "Yeah sure"
"THANK YOU CHANNIE!!!!" Junho hugged the bigger boy tightly as he jumps in joy.
Taecyeon watches as his team practice. "Ricky! Focus on the ball! Don't focus on his legs!" He yelled to the team's goal keeper. "Nae hyung!" Ricky replied. He catches the ball that's been kick by Minsoo a.k.a C.A.P. The kick was powerful enough to make Taecyeon smile satisfy.
Moments later, Junho and Chansung sets their foots on the field. Junho is very giddy inside and feel he could jumps around but he can't, if he wants to be in this team, he must be serious. Chansung on the other hand was just looking around, impress by the team. He watch them play, kick and even spotted some was fooling around.
Chansung then heard a yelled, a yelled come from non-other than the team captain himself. The younger watch as the older scold some of his player who was playing and didn't focus. He watch, well more to staring then watching. He stares at the boy, the strong features, tanned muscle and great looks. Even though Taecyeon was wearing only soccer jersey, Chansung still clearly sees how fit he is.
Chansung instantly froze when the older turns and spotted him. Their eyes met. They just stood there for a moment, looking over each other but not too long as Junho wave to the older. "Taecyeon sunbaenim!"
Both of them snapped to reality. Junho grabs Chansung's arm and drags him to the older. "Sunbaenim! We're here, I am ready for the tryout!"
Taecyeon smiles. He looked at both of them, eyeing from head to toe. He patted Junho's shoulder, "First of all, stop calling me sunbaenim. Just call me Taecyeon hyung. Second, nice jersey. Third, I hope you can do fine cause like I said, I like your spirit. And lastly, are you joining?"
The first three statemnent was for Junho, but the last question was for the maknae. Taecyeon looked at the maknae with hopeful eyes. "I hope you'll join in with him, I know you're in the basketball team, but doesn't hurt to try right?"
The maknae blush. Of course he wanted to try but, he keeps remembering that the soccer and basketball team can't go well. "I'm s-sorry Taecyeon hyung... I just want to accompony Junho... that's all..." Taecyeon sighs. He actually understand why the boy said that. "Chansung, I know exactly why you don't want to try. You afraid the other basketball player would be mad at you, am I right?"
Chansung looked at Taecyeon, completely surprise. But then he looked down and nodded. Taecyeon sigh once again then patted the boy's back. "Don't worry, I'll keep it a secret." He smiles reassuringly. Chansung looked at him again, still hesitated but then he replied an "okay"
Both Taecyeon and Junho smiles wide. Taecyeon mention for the maknae to change his clothes. Chansung did as he told and they proceed with the tryout.
A few hours later, the team was done with their practice, Junho and Chansung also done with their tryout.
"Wow, you guys are amazing! Why didn't you tryout sooner? We need your speed and power!" Yonghwa said as all of them walks into the locker room. "Yeah, if you guys were in the team sooner, we'll be already in the national school league!" Baro stated.
Junho giggles. "Oh really? Well I guess fate brings us here late for a reason~" They laugh and then went into the stall seperately to take a shower. Chansung was the only one that didn't shower. All the stalls was damn full. So he have no choice but to wait. As he waited, Taecyeon enter the locker room, looking all sweaty. He spotted the younger on the bench and quickly went to him.
"I have to admit Chansung, you're pretty good at soccer." Taecyeon said, with a smile and drinks the water from a bottle he brings. He wipes his sweat with a little towel around his neck.
Chansung can't help but blush hearing the older compliment him. "Its nothing hyung... I just loves sport so much. Maybe that's why I'm good at it." He shrugs, looking down and playing with his fingers.
Taecyeon look at the boy besides him. Seeing his adorable act makes him want to throw his hand in his hair, them gently. Obliviously, he moves his hand, ready to touch the boy's hair when suddenly, the latter turns to face him. Taecyeon who was in shock quickly pretend there is something in the boy's hair. "You have dust in your hair..." He picks the pretend dust and laugh awkwardly.
Chansung stares at the older, blinking and tilting his head. Thought that the older was acting weird. Taecyeon clears his throat, "Ahem... uh did you shower yet Chansung?"
The younger shakes his head slowly. A bit cutely so it makes Taecyeon melts a little. "O-oh... in that case, mind helping me pick up the ball around the field?" He ask. Asking for help since it was his job to keep collect the ball, but the field was huge and its such a drag to it alone.
"Uh sure hyung, but I better tell Junho first." Chansung then stoods up and walks to his friend's stall. "Nuneo!"  "Nae?" "I'm going to help Taecyeon hyung. If you want to go home first, just go okay?" "Oh okay, I will go first since I have guitar practice after this. Go home safely!" "Nae, you too."
With that, Taecyeon and Chansung went out to the field again to collect the balls. It was quite tiresome since the field was so huge and the balls was so many. But somehow they manage to play and have fun for a little while.
It was getting late and all the other team members had gone home, including Junho. But Taecyeon and Chansung still haven't even shower yet. They head back to the empty locker room, Chansung was holding his stomach, try to contain his laugh while Taecyeon was rubbing the back of his head and mumbling nonsense.
"Yah, calm down already. It happens some times." Taecyeon said while mentally pouting.
"Sorry hyung! Haha. It's just so funny! How can an old women kick a ball that hard?!" He said while laughing out loud, remembering the moment when the ball hits the back of the older's head making him stumble and ate dirts. "She must be a supergranny!"
Taecyeon rolls his eyes at the childish comment then throw a towel to the younger. "Whatever, babo. Go take a shower. It's getting late." Chansung smiles and nods. Following the older words, he went into the empty stall.
He strips off his clothes and takes a shower. Taecyeon also does the same thing. Their stalls was next to each other. Sometimes Taecyeon would crack a stupid joke and makes the maknae giggles. Almost tripping himself in the shower but other time they just sings.
After taking a fresh shower, they dress up before Chansung heads out to the door, "Well I better get going." Taecyeon quickly stops him, " Wait! Lemme send you home Chansung." He said. "What? Oh, its okay hyung. I can walk.I don't want to burden you." "Ah nonsense~ I want to send you home myself and I can't let you WALK home alone. Your home is pretty far."
Chansung had his eyes widen, "How did you know my house?" 
Taecyeon panic. He didn't realise what he just said, he needs to cover up, "Uh.. w-well my house is only few blocks away from yours.. and uh... I see you everyday!" He explain, a little cowardly. 
"Oh..." was the only reply the younger give.
"So... uh just let me send you home nae?" Teacyeon ask once again. The other just nods and give him a little smile. "Nae hyung"
The older smiles relief and obliviously takes the maknae's hand. "Kajja." He pulls Chansung to follow him. The younger who was right now, heating up and had a deep blush on his cheek follows him suit. Its a good thing it was already dark outside so Taecyeon can't see him blushing. But what the maknae didn't know is that the older was at the same state as him. Blushing deeply.
Taecyeon was cursing himself inwardly since he was stupid enough to take the latter's hand but deep down inside, he felt.... complete? The warmness of the maknae's hand was making his heart beats faster than usual. The way the maknae holds back his hand tight making him think they were in love. It was pure bliss for him and he don't want it to end.
~In Taecyeon's Car~
There were complete silence surrounds both of the male. Either one of them braves enough to speak first. It was getting awkward so Taecyeon decided break the silence, "Mmmh, since we are late and we didn't eat yet, would you mind having dinner with me?" He ask.
Chansung who was busy looking out of the window finally faces the older, "D-dinner with you?"
Taecyeon nodded. "For your information I live alone, and since I'm way too lazy to cook so I just wanna eat at a restaurant. But if you don't want, I can fully understand."
When the younger was about to speak, his stomach growls loudly, so loud that even Taecyeon heard it. Chansung was embarrass when Taecyeon laugh, "You're hungry too nae? So wanna join me?" He ask again, there's a tiny hint of hope in his voice.
The maknae still red in embarrassment hesitate a bit before he nodded and reply "I'm h-hungry.. s-so sure hyung. I'm glad to have dinner w-with you." He stutter. Taecyeon chuckles seeing the maknae like this then playfully messes Chansung's hair. "Okay good." He smiles.
They arrive at a restaurant close to Chansung's apartment.
Even though it was close to his house, Chansung never enter this place. The restaurant was high class and he knew the foods here isn't cheap. "Uhh hyung?" "Mmh?" "Aren't this place is a little bit expensive?"
Taecyeon chuckles and mention Chansung to sit across the table. The maknae looks at the chair then at Taecyeon then back at the chair before he finally took a sit. Taecyeon shakes his head, amuse of the younger action. "Well to be honest, this place is expensive, fancy and high class even."
"So why can't we just go to a normal restaurant?" Chansung asked, while looking around. This place doesn't suit him at all.
 "The owner of this restaurant is close to my dad. And the foods here taste amazing!" He exclaim.
"B-but... I don't have much money to pay this kind of foods hyung..." Chansung observe the menu. He was shock by looking at the price.
"It's okay. I'll treat you." Taecyeon smiles then stood up and went to the counter to order. Leaving the maknae, shock. "What?.." He mumbles to himself and look at the older.
As soon as Taecyeon who brings the foods arrive, Chansung quickly said. "Hyung, why? I didn't ask you to treat me." Taecyeon shrugs and sits back down. "Relax kid, I'm just feeling really generous today. So do me a favor and don't waste this delicious food nae? If you still feel uncomfortable, remember that you can treat me back, okay?"
Chansung just stare at the foods for a moment before he gives up and pick up a spoonful of pasta. His stomach is killing him and since there's food so he just decided to go along.
Taecyeon sees this and smiles widely. He really likes treating people and didn't want anything back in return. He watches Chansung, as the boy was stuffing his face immediently after taking a spoonful of pasta.
"Mmh! M-mashieoyo!!!" Chansung speak with mouthful. He never tasted this delicious meal ever in his life. The way the tomato sauce melts in his mouth, tangy and sour. Great combination. The pasta cooked to perfection. He can't even stop eating that time.
Taecyeon on the other hand, eats calmly while beaming inside. Seeing the maknae eats like that is just truly adorable. He don't want to stop the maknae because he just seem to eat those pasta will full attention.
Not too long after, Chansung finishes his plate. Leaning back against his chair he closes his eyes. He was so full. Taecyeon was still eating when he sees there sauce at thr corner of the maknae's lips. Taking a napkin, he uses it to wipe the sauce, startling Chansung. The maknae quickly re-open his eyes to sees Taecyeon faces just a few inches against him. His eyes fixed on his lips while he wipes it as he mumbles, "Aigoo such a kid"
Chansung's heart almost exploded. His face was heating up as he blushes deeply. He felt time stop. His heart was still racing even though Taecyeon had pulled back and continue eating. He looks away when the older was about to ask something. If he speaks now, his voice will be so high due to nervousness.
Taecyeon blinks but then sees the latter cheek flush in deep red, he understand. He don't want the younger to feel awkward so he just stay quiet and finishes his food.
After having dinner, eventually Taecyeon took Chansung home. On the way back, Chansung had fallen asleep.
He rest his head against the door. As Taecyeon pulled a stop, he looked at the younger. He seems so calm, yet so cute. He smiles and went out, wanting to help waking up the kid.
Taecyeon opens the door and quickly wraps his arm around the boy before he fell to the ground, he give him a gently shake and whisper, "Chansung.. wake up, you're home."
"Mmmh... ten more minutes..." Chansung said as he snuggles deep against Taecyeon's chest, making the older surprise. But as surprise as he is, Taecyeon didn't even push the youger away, he just leave him like that and smiles sheepishly. 
"Aish this kid is killing me with his cuteness..." He mumbles and ever so carefully he picks up the boy in his arm. He got to admit, Chansung is one hell of a big boy but nevertheless he carries the boy to the front door without much effort.
He turns the doorknob only to feel it locks. He sighs inwardly and look at the boy in his arm. "Chansung, I'm going to take your keys to open the door okay?" "Mmmmh...." Taecyeon shook his head. Slowly he moves his hand into the younger's poket. Searching for the keys. 
At last he founds them, turning the doorknob and slowly went inside. He was greeted by a small apartment. Apparently Chansung live alone here, not too much furniture and a single bedroom. Taecyeon was debating himself whether to put the boy either on the couch or in his bed. After a few minutes standing in the middle of the living room, Taecyeon decided to carry Chansung to his room.
Slowly he went inside, Chansung's room had this comfortable atmosphera. The bed was queen size and there's a cute teddy bear in the middle. Navy blue curtain hung against the window. It was nice.
Gently as he can, Taecyeon lays the boy on the bed. He didn't even realise that his face was just few inches away. As the said boy shift, Taecyeon accidentally lock his eyes on the younger's face. He sees the boy breathing softly. Taecyeon felt his heart beating rapidly. Chansung is truly a beautiful man. No wonder he had fallen in love with him.
Obliviously he moves his hand and place it on the boy's cheek. Carressing Chansung's cheek with his thumb, he leans closer as the boy smiles in his sleep. Taecyeon knew what he going to do is wrong and would probably ended their new friendship with him, but the urge to kiss the boy infront of him is so strong he can't even get his mind right. Its like God was giving him a chance to do it as the boy tilts his head up. Giving Taecyeon more access to presses his lips against Chansung's.
Then all bets were off as Taecyeon really did it. He presses his lips against the younger's. Kissing those lips as softly as he can. Melting all the desire that had been strong inside of him. Chansung's lips is so soft and plump. And somehow it taste like strawberry. Taecyeon slowly deepens the kiss.
Chansung on the other hand, who was oblivious in the situation slowly woke up as felt weird warm feeling against his lips. He slowly opens his eyes.
"M-mmhhh?!!" the maknae muffles loudly while his eyes was wide in shock. 
Okay, I'm a big teaser xD
First of all lemme apologize -bows deeply- MIANHAEYO....
On my last update, I tell you guys that this will be right? Well I'm really sorry because its not! >< I was really going to do at first but then I have another story line. It much more romantic and bla bla xD Once again I apologize, but!! To make up for it the next chapter IS GOING TO BE REAL ! and don't worry, the preview I gave you last time will be in it! :3
Keep reading and give me comment! -wink- Annyeong~ :D
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davidrd #1
Chapter 5: please update author-nim... i'm dying to know what happen next.. please don't abandoned this story
wuuzzup #2
Chapter 5: Please update ;(((((
im_cun #3
Chapter 5: i love your story line indeed .. simple but yet fluffy ..

i can imagine chansung is really a bit like a girl in your story although i really like lovey dovey between manly man with manly man too .. heheh

but, anyway .. please update soon .. i really want to read it till the end .. please please ...
Chapter 5: Need update ㅠ.ㅠ
this need a comeback like soon T.T
Chapter 5: do I sense mpreg coming? or am I wrong?
Chapter 5: gniiiiiih D: how can u just stop here? TwT you are so meaaan!! I want the next chapter ><
Chapter 5: When the updated I'm dying here I want more of the story he he he what a Freck I am right now