More than friends?

Just The Boys In The Flat Above

Chunji POV:
 We had been practicing since early this morning.
 I was tired out and just wanted a break.
 Working at TOP entertainment was a dream come true but, I didn't realise how difficult it was going to be.
 I wasn't long before I wanted to give up.
 C.A.P didn't show up so I knew he would bein trouble with our manager. I text him earlier but he just said that something had popped up.
 I checked my phone and realized I had a missed call from an unknown number.

Hyori POv:
I didn't think that he would pick up.
Oh well. His loss.

Dammit, today was the day they needed someone in the theatre. I needed the money so as soon as I finished, I drove straight over.
I called yesterday to check if the posisiton had been filled and it hadn't.
My make-up had faded so I looked a complete mess. 

I walked through and introduced myself to the friendly woman at the door.

"Oh, you're very early but you can sit in one of the seats while they have a final runthrough"

"Thankyou" I bowed.

She handed me a seating chart and then disapeared. I wondered for a while and came across the dressing rooms. I had a quick peek at all the costumes when someone 
walked in and I jumped back.

"Who are you?! What are you doing!?" They yelled,

"I'm sorry I was just lost. I'm supposed to be sat in out there somewhere but I have no idea where I'm going." I said, stumbling across my words.

She described where I needed to go and I finally found my way to where I needed to be.

The show was the same as one I did for my final exam at high school. I imagined that it was me on the stage, lights up and eyes staring.
I knew every word and sat mouthing it the whole practice. It made me miss being on a stage like that.

After an exiting half an hour of watching them, they went out for pizza before it started but I had to be sneeky and get up on the stage.
I created a different scene with each prop then, next, I sung a quick sing-song, I sung with you by Chris Brown and looked out into the invbisible audience and 


 Someone clapped, now that my friend, is scary.

I pegged it off stage and laughed. a whole lot.

"TEN MUINUITES TO SHOWTIME EVERYBODY!" Someone yelled over the speakers.

I made my way back to base and the theatre started to fill, it wasn't long before all the seats were occupied.
I could hear people shouting and being the Sherlock Homes/James Bond that I am I decided to do a bit of investigating.
My hands were a gun and I peered round the corner with my back against the wall.
The coast was clear.
I rolled across the carpet and got straight back onto my feet.
Gosh, I'm a VERY childish 19 year old...
There was a window in a door of the room that the shouting was coming from.
I walked past getting a sneeky look and then past again. I wasnt sure what I saw but the yelling still continued.
I pressed my ear agaist the door..

"What do you mean she has disapeared?" A loud voice yelled

"I'm not sure, she was here with us at the pizza place." Someone cowerdly muttered

I heard footstepps heading in my direction so I just did a few acrobatics and wall climbing to get out of sight.
I hid behind a wall not too far from the noisy room.
A sweet voice spoke

"I have a solution, there's a girl here that knows every word to every scene, and she can sing."


"She was on the stage singing a chris brown song." Mystery man said

Oh what a coincidence i thaught, I was singing a chris brown song earlier haha.
A bit too much of a coincidence.

Maybe he was the clapping invisibe man...

Do you know what was even wierderer?
He sounded like Chunji.
 An aweful lot.


"Dont be stupid, it takes months to understand the script, nevermind memorize it." The bossy man shouted.

I took my chance to get out of there before I got caught.
I was tiptoe-ing back to where I was actually supposed to be when I heard someone behind me,

Oh no,
"You didn't see me, I was never here"
The bossy man laughed as I walked in the opposite direction,

"Excuse me miss but can you act?" He asked and my eyes widened,

"What NO! Wait, Not really, Maybe, Possibly, just a little bit." I was that nervous that I stammered and couln't controll the words blurting out of my mouth.
He was smiling and he expained,

"our leading lady has disapeared and sources tell me that you are quite good, would you mind stepping in just for tonight?"

"I dont really..." He cut me off

"Just so you know, if you say no we will have to cancel the performance and almost 1000 people will be disapointed in you."
"No pressure" He added.

I smiled and nodded.

"Okay, I guess I can give it a go." I said

It was a good job the former actress was near my size, there was a few tight items and a pair of trousers I needed a belt for but apart from that I was quite happy.
I looked at myself in a huge mirror in my dressing room. I had butterflys in my tummy and my head was in a daze.

As I went on stage, my first scene was a monologue. It was over before I even had a chance to think about it.
When I took my final bows everyone was clapping and I felt better than ever, I knew this is what I wanted to do.

I went back into the changing rooms, surprised at what had just happened. But that wasn't all that shocked me.
When I picked up my phone to call my pals, I had a rather odd text.
"Well done, You have a beautiful voice"

But it was,
Chunji, chunji had text ME...

It took me a while to realise what this ment, he was here ...tonight, he whitnessed one of my proudest moments.

I walked out of my dressing room and into a corridor where the bossy man that wasn't actually that bossy stood before me with a grin on his face.

"Guess what?!" He said

I pulled a confused face, I was panicing but he went on,

"I got you an audition tomorrow for a new kdrama airing late this year"

I felt slightly faint but managed to let out a small scream. My face lit up and I actally felt good about something.

I instantly called the girsl and Niel.
They were all proud of me especially LeeNa who was in a strange good mood.


Niel POV:

It was late and I felt bad for not contacting Hyori after her amazing news.
 I drove straight to her flat after practice and picked up some tasty treats for us. I pulled up outside and rung the flat number.
 My pretty wide-eyed friend opened the door and I pulled her into a hug.

"Niel?! What are you doing here?" She asked...

"Lets go do something fun" I demanded.

Before she had a chance I dragged her out the door and as she got in the car she was laughing to herself.

"Gosh! My hair is a complete mess, I can't go out like this" She sighed

"Please..." I begged while batting my eyes and pouting my bottom lip.
 I am never comfortorble around girls but she was different and I felt like I could be myself with her.

"Oppa... I cant, you are welcome to come inside for a bit though. The girls have gone out for dinner but I have to practice for my audition tomorrow." She smiled
 I felt bad to say no and I wanted to spend time with her anyway so I nodded and we ran upstairs.

Hyori POV:

He sat on the sofa smiling as I read through my script.

"Do you need any help?" He asked

"Yeah sure, can you act though??"

"Im not sure, I'm willing to give it a go, if you want me to" He said while jumping up.

The script was a new kdrama called 'Sweet love'
 I was dying for the main part.

"Okay, I'll walk through here and it says that your sat here" He said while pointing to a spot on the floor.


The script:
 Hyori- Minyoung
 Neil- HyunKi

(Hyunki walks into a dimmed room with his close friend Minyoung sat on the floor, the fire was lit but the lights were off)

HyunKi: How about that dance now?

Minyoung: But there's no music...

HyunKi: Oh well, take my hand.

(Minyoung takes HyunKi's hand and pulles her close, while his hands are tight round her waist)

Hyori POV:

It felt strange dancing with Niel.
 I couln't resist looking into his beautiful eyes. It was acting so I didn't feel awkward.

"You really are beautiful" Niel quoted

My expression was shocked but I didn't pull away. He knew I was confused.

"It says it here, in my script" He giggled

"Oh" I blushed
 He leaned in towards me and took hold of my hands. His lips were right there and our eyes were still locked.
 We were so close. Were we having a moment?

"And scene!" Niel smiled while bowing.

We watched a quick film and I ended up falling asleep on him before it finished.


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choiyadjo #1
Chapter 16: I want changjo to save me from the water!!!! I loved it! Update soon!
Chapter 12: awwwww changjo...! ^.~
Chapter 6: my god. UPDATE NOW!! I must read more about changjo >.<
Chapter 5: awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww snap.
bubble-tae-and-jams #7
Chapter 3: IJFNRNGURGFGTU started with Chunji feelz then ended with Niel feelz. ><