
Just The Boys In The Flat Above

LeeNa POV:

"Am I the only one who feels unconfortorble wearing my swimsuit?" I mumbled from one of the cubicles in the public toilets. We had been in there a while, and I was pretty sure the guys would have been ready now.

"No, it's not just you" GaYun said blankly. I unlocked the cubicle door and stuck out my head. I spotted Minhee across the room with her towel wrapped round her sholders and HyoRi next to her, with her arms crossed over her smomache. Hyo was usually the most confident but even she felt selfconcious. They both gave me an awkward smile as I ran over to the other side of Minhee.

"HURRY UP!" HyoRi yelled to Ga Yun while fiddling with the tassles on her white bikini top. "We better get this over with." It was around sunset time so not many people were here. When Ga Yun finally dragged herself out of the cubicle we all sighed in relief. She wore black bikini bottoms with a slightly cropped behind the neck top. The rosy colour matched the pink shade of her face. "Just be grateful that I let you borrow it." HyoRi said, "It actually looks better on you so cheer up!" She straighened up her posture and reached down to put on her sandles.

"Why pink though? Any other colour but pink?" Ga Yun complained, looking down at the swimsuit and dropping her sholders. She aproached the mirrors and we all turned around to check if we looked okay. "Why did your boyfriend come up with this idea again?" GaYun pouted.

"Stop complaining, lets just go and have fun" Minhee spoke up, being her usual positive self. We all mumbled in agreement.

"Hey LeeNa, can I have some of your drink before we go?" HyoRi asked while poking my stomache.

"Sure," I smirked while squirting a bit of it in her face. I expected her to scream and get annoyed but she kind of just laughed it off while rubbing the water off her face.

"Guys, promise me we dont have to stay long?" GaYun continued to whine, deserving a hit on her arm from Minhee.

"Everyone got everything?" Minhee asked taking charge.

"Yeah, I thin-" I was cut off when HyoRi poured the rest of my water over my head. I scoffed. "HYORI!" I raised my voice at her and she stuck out her tounge and dropped the empty water bottle on the floor. She burst out in fits of laughter when looking at my reaction. "Youre so gonna get it." I said coldly while dropping my bag off my sholder. Her face dropped and her eyes widened. "Yeah I'd run" I smirked.


"1" I said, clenching my fists.


"2" I took a ready stance.

"LeeNa your too fast." Hyori said while slightly backing away.

"3!!" I yelled while heading after her. She ran out the door and straight past the guys and her self conciousness went out the window. The boys all looked confused as to why my hair was dripping wet and why I was chasing Hyo. She ran behind Chunji, who stood as still as he could and tried to hide the redness of his face. She obviouly forgot about the fact that she was in a bikini. Well actually even I forgot that I was. C.A.P was smiling brightly as usual.

"HEY!" Ga Yun yelled while running towards us. Changjo's eyes widened and I saw Hyo snicker from behind Chunji. "Stop fighting. God, you two seriously act like you hate eachother sometimes." I walked over to her and patted her on the head, smiling,when I suddenly felt a weight pulling me down from behind. Luckily I managed to stay on my feet.

"Nah, I couldnt hate my LeeNa!" HyoRi said, still clinging on to me. It did make me smile though. I piggybacked HyoRi into the ocean and dived under the water, taking her with me. Because she is taller than me, and on my back her head went under the water after mine and she quickly wriggled to get away from me. We were pretty far out, just so that the water was below our chests. We happily splashed eachother while everyone just stared at us like we were idiots. I couln't spot Minhee, until I saw her leg it from the toilets and straight into the sea and towards us.

"Come on guys!" She yelled while splashing about. They all exchanged glances and then shrugged. L.Joe ran and grabbed Minhee's hand, pulling her closer. We were all together and I looked round to see everone happy. Exept one. Ga Yun sat on the beach with her legs tucked up to her chest and her chin resting on her knees. I nudged HyoRi who was too busy flirting to notice her best friend sat on her own. Well it was a bit more of a hit that a 'nudge'.

"Ouch! What's that for?" She complained and I nodded in Ga Yun's direction. "Oh...I forgot." She sighed, "Such an idiot, I can't belive I forgot. She has a pretty big fear of open waters and well incase you havnt noticed, there is open water... Right here..." I hit her again to get her to shut up and stop blabbering. She sighed. "I'll go sit with her." She dropped her sholders and rolled her eyes. Chunji's face dropped as she plodded away.

"HyoRi, you seem to be having fun" Changjo winked at Chunji who put his hand on the back of his neck. "Let me go see her" Changjo smiled, as did Hyori.

I suddenly felt warm, strong arms wrap around my bare waist. "Having fun?" C.A.P said from behind. I smiled, knowing that it was him. I turned round to face him and went on my tip toes to reach up and peck him on the lips. Just as I did, he picked me up and threw me over his sholder, like he always does. No matter what the situation is, he manages to fit it in somewhere. I kicked and wriggled and he finally put me down. Seems wierd that this is the same guy that I fangirled over from on the t.v and now he is here. And my boyfriend. Strange, right?

I noticed Minsoo's eyes narrow in a direction from behind me. "Yah!" He yelled, making me jump slightly. "Stop making that sly face and place your eyes on someone else's girlfriend!"

I turned round to see a bright red Ricky and laughed to myself. "Aw was my Minsoo a bit jelous?" I teased and he scoffed, looking round. "I'm kidding!" I laughed even more, hitting him on the chest. I saw a small smile appear on his lips.

"I just like the fact that you're mine. And all the girls like Ricky because he's cute" He said, putting air quotes aroun the last word.

"He may be cute but he doesn't have all this muscle!" I laughed, prodding at his stomach and making him flinch. When he caught his breath, he s his arms back round my waist and placed a small kiss on my forehead.

"My Jagiya, so cute but so strange. I still love you though" He smiled,making my insides melt. Even though he said it all the time, it still made my heart stop and my face burn.

"I love you too Minsoo."

GaYun POV:

I sat on the beach, watching everyone splash about. Yeah, the beach, what a great idea! Oh thank god you chose one of the... Worst places ever. I folded my towel and placed it on the warm golden sand. I flopped back, resting my head and sighing. My eyes dropped but the brighness of the sun was useless and I still had to fold my arms over my eyes to block the light. I played my music on my ipod and tapped my foot to the beat of the song. I guess that was one good thing about the beach, peace and quiet. I was too far in my dream world to notice that someone had sat next to me. It wasnt until my music stopped and I had to stop and look why when I turned to spot Changjo laying beside me. His eyes were closed and I presume that he was asleep. It seemed unreal that he liked me. He had never shown any affection towards me like that. I looked over to him, trying to figure him out and  I couldnt help but to notice how much of a nice body he had. By this point, I had rolled onto my stomace and rested on my elbows.

"Take a picture it will last longer." I heard Changjo mumble, my eyes widened and I felt my face burn up. I quickly burried my face into my towel. "GaYun, Im just joking with  you. I've just always wanted to say that" He laughed and sat up, placing a warm hand on my back. I turned my head slightly to the side so that I could just see him. He smiled bightly and his eyes had turned into likke cresent moon shapes. I unknowingly smiled to myself. I guess I didnt realise that he was so perfect.

"How long have you been sat here?" I questioned, drawing patterns in the sand. He joined me and finished off the heart I began to draw and then we signed it with our names.

"Oh, I dunno. Just about twenty minutes?" He shrugged. My eyes widened and I didnt even realise how long he was there. "Aw, you look adorable when you do that? I've never noticed pretty your eyes are." He just said these things like it was nothing. I pulled my hands to my face and covered my eyes. I peeked through the gaps to see him smiling.

"They look green one day and brown the next. So confusing." I shook my head,trying to avoid the subject.

"Look, GaYun, about earlier..." I saw his face start to change colour. I gulped, I really hated this subject. As cute as it was, I didnt know what to say back.

"Changjo, I-" I began to say.

"YOUR TURN!" C.A.P yelled while throwing me over his sholder. I couldnt really register what was going on and just laughed but as soon as I saw the water, I figured out what he was doing. The laugher soon stopped and I began to kick and beg him to put me down, the water got deeper as I saw it up to C.A.P's kees. It already became difficult to see the bottom. That was the worst bit. The fact that I dont know whats there. He obviously didnt know and to him, he could have thaught I just found it funny and that I was screeming to play along with the joke. "Minsoo Please!" I yelled,finally grabbing someones attention. The water was up to his waist and my heart quickened, as I felt the water splash on my feet.

"C.A.P STOP!!" I looked up to see Changjo running over. I guess before he didnt see how serious I was being either. Luckily, Minsoo stood still and turned round.

"Wae?" He complained. My eyes wondered but I tried hard to stay still. If not, knowing me and my clumsieness, I would have fallen in.

"Just dont hyung." Changjo said blankly. He came closer and C.A.P sighed, he losend his grip and I felt myself began to fall. It wasnt that I couldnt swim,because after lessons in school as a child, we all know I was a pro. Anyway, I held my breath and my heart clenched. Just as I felt myself hit the water, I felt strong arms pull me up. I tightened my grip around Changjo's neck and he pulled me into a tighter grip. He carried me out of the water and put me down on the sand.

As soon at my feet hit the ground, I instantly wrapped my arms around Changjo, feeling his body heat. "Thankyou" I whisped and he cleared his throught.

"Erm, its okay." He stuttered. "So, how about we go get icecream?" As soon as he said that, I let go and pinched his cheeks.

"Ah, you know me so well." I said as he wrapped a towel round my sholder and kept his arm there too. I didnt mind but I really knew that I couldnt get too close if I wanted it to end like last time.


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choiyadjo #1
Chapter 16: I want changjo to save me from the water!!!! I loved it! Update soon!
Chapter 12: awwwww changjo...! ^.~
Chapter 6: my god. UPDATE NOW!! I must read more about changjo >.<
Chapter 5: awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww snap.
bubble-tae-and-jams #7
Chapter 3: IJFNRNGURGFGTU started with Chunji feelz then ended with Niel feelz. ><