Theme Park

Just The Boys In The Flat Above


It was an early start and a long car ride but that didn't matter because I got to spend the day with my girlfriend, my more that perfect girlfriend. I was driving and she was next to me telling a story about when the girls went to a theme park before. I should of been listening but I was too distracted by the huge smile painted across her face.

"Minsoo? Are you even listening?" She laughed.

"What? -cough- YES! -cough-" I tightened my girp on the steering wheel and focused my eyes back on the road and could hear her laughing from next to me.

"Are we there yet?!" HyoRi yelled.

"Does it look like we are there yet?" Ga Yun made a face just as we pulled up outside the theme park. HyoRi stuck her tounge out at her,

"Yes," She laughed. "Come on oppa, I'm too exited to wait." HyoRi grabbed hold of Chunji's hand and dragged him off the bus. His face went bright red and she'd obviously never called him that. We all laughed at his reaction, lucky for him Hyo didn't see it as she was too busy infront running towards the entrance gate.

"What are you lot waiting for?" Changjo spoke up and followed the other two. We all finally actually got out of the bus and me and LeeNa tagged behind the rest of them, just laughing at our crazy friends. We were spotted by a few fans but as we had only just debuted not that many people recognised us. Luckily the managment was okay with us getting close with the girls and hadn't introduced a dating ban yet.

"I'm so exited!" LeeNa squeeled.

"Me too." I smiled, pulling her closer and throwing my arm over her sholders. We went on quite alot of rides until she started to feel a bit dizzy. "Too the arcade!" I pulled her hand in the direction of all the music and the flashing lights.

"Guys, wait for me..." Ricky blurted out, stuffing his face with candy floss and doing an awkward run to catch up. Me and LeeNa both rolled our eyes, both thinking the same thing. Go pester someone else. We spent our change on the pointless little machines that you only ever win a key ring on. Ricky just tagged along the whole time, I was having fun but he looked to be bored or upset. He could be with Ga Yun... If he hadn't done what he did. We hadn't forgiven him and it was awkward but he did want to celebate LeeNa's birthday with us and it wouldn't be fair to leave him on his own.

"Grr. Why is this so hard?! Alright! I'm gonna add another quarter. If I can't grab this prize I will go cry in the corner." I heard LeeNa say, breaking my thaught bubble. "This is the moment of truth! It's either win.. or lose." She stood right next to me..staring.. I took a quick glance at her but ended up staring into her eyes. Her face.. her beautiful face!  Looking at her face.. Slowly dragged me into dreamworld. "Minsoooooo oppaaaa!"

"Oh! Sorry! I was just um.. staring.. at.. you.." I said in an awkward tone. LeeNa chuckled.

"It's alright." She laughed.

"Hey, do you need my help getting that plush you've been trying to get for thirty minutes?" I laughed, knocking on the glass of the game.

"Um.. yes.. I think I need help getting that plu-wait! It has been thirty minutes?!"

"Well yeah, all you can hear is you yelling and screaming crazily. So, I decided to just watch and leave you in your world." I explained. I raised a brow and smiled, making her blush.

"Oh.. okay then. Thanks for the offer, but I’m fine by myself." She gently smiled.

"No. I insist." I moved closer. LeeNa took a step back, letting me have a go.

"Are you sure you can do this" She asked me.

"It's easy, no problem these prize machines are easy to win." I claimed. She took a second to think and looked back up at me.

“Okay then. I want that one please!~" She beamed and pointed. I nodded and turned to the machine, working my magic. Twenty minutes later, a chococate bar appeared in front of my eyes. "Oppa, I'm getting bored. You can have my chocolate if you stop now" She smiled widely.

"C.A.P! It's been an hour!" She yelled.

"Just two more minutes, I've nearly got it." I blinked quickly again and cheekily smiled. She didn't look impressed. Even Ricky had wondered off. She pouted her lips and sighed, letting her eyes wonder. When she wasn't looking, I placed a small kiss on her lips. She finally smiled.

"Such a up." She rolled her eyes and grabbed hold of my hand, pulling me out of the room. The sun got directly in my eyes, making me flinch. My eyes came upon a giant meter. A guy was holding like a giant hammer and basically had to hit it on the circle and see if he could make the bell ring. He didn't win anything. I pointed to it and LeeNa sighed.

"Pleaseeee! I know I can do that one." I pouted and she shook her head. "And what are you going to do to stop me?" I stuck out my tounge and picked her up and threw her over my sholder, she squeeled and wriggled but couldn't get down. I laughed at her misfortune and sat her down on the bench. She folded her arms. "Watch" I walked over and paid the guy stood beside it. It didn't look difficult. You got three hits and if the bell rung then you got a prize. First go, nope. Second go, still a loser.

"Go on Minsoo!" LeeNa yelled from behind me and I laughed at her jumping up and down on the spot. I guess you could say it gave me motivation because, five minutes later we walked away with a teddy bear, almost as big as LeeNa.

"For you." I smiled and she grinned cheesily, taking it and pulling me into a hug.

Changjo POV:

The way her eyes gleamed in the sunlight made it so difficult to take my eyes off of her. Luckily she couldn't see me staring because of the sunglasses I was wearing. Me and Ga Yun were just wondering round the park, we had been on a few rides but luch was nearing and we were getting hungry.

"So much food" Ga Yun sang, making me smile. Her eyes were wondering round the outdoor food court. "Omo!" She chimed, "Let's go on that!"

She grabbed my hand and pulled me in the direction of The French Revolution. My friends had told me that it was good so I couldn't refuse. It was a  high-octane roller coaster. It rotates 360 degrees and even up to 540 degrees in some parts. The roller coaster goes through buildings and was indoors, so there was always a near-miss crash feeling.  As soon as we got in the queue there was a moment of silence as my face was still flustered due to the face that our hands were still clasped together. She looked down and quickly let her eyes wonder somewhere else, avoiding contact. The wait was quite long and pretty boring but at least I got to spend some time with Ga Yun. As we finally got on the ride I reached out for her to take my hand again, and she did without hesitation. The flips and turns were stomach curning but it tickled alot and I could hear Ga Yun laughing the whole way round. She really glowed when she was happy. It made my heart sink when thinking about the state that Ricky put her in but seeing her like this kind of made me realise, maybe I did like her. Weather it was just a bit or weather it was more that that, nothing seemed more right that being here with her, holding hands, listening to her voice and her laugh. We skipped off to sit down but I nedded to tell her. Everything, how I felt, how she made me feel. "Ga yun." I said softly, pulling her towards me. Her face looked confused after realizing the seriousness of my voice and in my eyes. "Look, we need to talk." I mumbled, sitting down on a nearby bench and patting the seat beside me.

"This doesn't sound good" She sighed and I gulped. I wasn't sure whether it was good or bad. It all depended on how she felt.

"Well, I have a confession to make." I could feel my face burning, and I couldn't look her in the eyes, but when I did something clicked. I knew my feelings were there and I needed to get them out. "I don't know what this is Ga Yun, I really don't but everytime I see you, everything slips into place. Seeing you get hurt by one of my closest friends seriously made me want to kill him but I couldn't because his loss is my gain. You make my heart stop, just thinking of the way your eyes light up and I don't know how you do it but you have no idea how much you make me smile and how much I like talking to you. What I'm trying to say is, I think there is a chance that, I kinda-sort of... quite possibly- might like you." For some reason I could have listed a million more things to like about her but I couldn't, it would just be wierd.

"I-I..." She stumbled over her words, her face had turned a shade of pink and I think she was shocked.

"GA YUN!" We heard a familiar voice shout, her eyes widened as she looked all around. "There you are!" Ricky panted with his hands on his knees. I could see the anger slowly building up in her eyes, her fists tightened and she suddenly became unfomftorble. "Please, listen to me." He sighed, taking hold of one of her hands. I gulped and it suddenly became difficult to breathe when I saw the anger in her eyes turn from anger and hate to pain and sadness. Her sholders dropped as she slightly relaxed to his touch. She struggled to find and words to say. "You don't have to say anything." He whispered and tucked a stray pice of hair back behind her ear and she tensed up again. I couldn't cope with her like this. "Just hear me out, I'm sorry I messed everything up and I can't do anything about it but now it's too late and we can't go back. I'm sorry that I hurt you and I'm sorry I can't make you smile anymore. I'm just sory Ga Yun, I mean it." He was clear with his words and it seemed pre-practiced. She sighed at his appology.

"Oh and what are you expecting Ricky? You want me to forget all this, go back to how it used to be. No, I'm not going to come running into your arms. Not after you did that to me, not after I've found someone who makes me happy again." She looked over her sholder in my direction. I fiddled with my fingers as my eyes caught hers. "I'm willing to forgive you." My heart stopped at those words and I thaught that she was being senciere. "But I don't like you anymore and we can be friends. But I'm not doing it for you, I'm doing it for my friends who hate the tension between us." She forcefully pulled away from him and headed off round the corner. I stood up to go after her but I took the chance to say something to Ricky.

"You know, I really do feel sorry for you. Because she thaught you were the most amazing boy ever. If she could have any guy in the world, she would've picked you above all the others, she thaught you were different. But now youre just another guy to her."

Feeling pretty proud of myself, I ran after Ga Yun. Knowing that she was hurting, I knew I had to be the one to cheer her up.


I knowwwww, I havn't updated in a while I just had serious writers block.

Sorry ^^

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choiyadjo #1
Chapter 16: I want changjo to save me from the water!!!! I loved it! Update soon!
Chapter 12: awwwww changjo...! ^.~
Chapter 6: my god. UPDATE NOW!! I must read more about changjo >.<
Chapter 5: awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww snap.
bubble-tae-and-jams #7
Chapter 3: IJFNRNGURGFGTU started with Chunji feelz then ended with Niel feelz. ><