Chapter 5: Sulli

Dangerous Love


How did this happen? All in one day? What a stupid girl I was. What a stupid boy he was! I haven't let this secret of mine out in four years. And then this boy came along and ruined it all.

I had a plan. Just work my off for four years and get out of here. No matter what pain I had to deal with between those four years. I still had that plan.

Maybe he wouldn't tell anyone. Maybe he'd keep quiet. Or maybe he would think I was a freak and ignore me until the year was over. 

I doubted it though. I ran home like I always did. I had to beat my "dad" home to get in a volunteer shift at the Pizza Shack.

"Awww! Look who's back. Couldn't keep away, could you?"

I smiled, or forced my lips to turn up. "I guess not."

The shift went fast. Too fast for my liking. I was about to clock out when James*, the General Manager of night shift, called me into his office. "Yea?"

"You're going to kill me. But we just got a new applicant and I was wondering if you could stay until close to help me train her?" He seemed scared to ask.

"Sure, James*."

"Alrighty then. I'll introduce you to her." He led me out of the office and I saw a girl that I raved to be. She was perfect. She looked like that kind of girl who could have anything she wanted. So why was she working here?

I was tempted to roll my eyes at her, but I beat out of the temptation. 

She held out her hand out to me with a smile. "Hi. I'm Yumi." But her smile was off, it was fake, more broken than mine.
*just made up name... sorry... :)


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minsul22 #1
Chapter 7: interesting story. plz update soon.
zangsia1 #2
Chapter 7: sometimes life works mysteriously with everyone and once in a while life surprises us.
thanks authornim
will wait for your update
nana4ever #3
Chapter 7: Who would of thought out of all the pizza places he would go to where Sullli works and now Yumi works too lol.

Their lives are truly intertwined.
Thank you for the updates. Have a good day ;)
tintinamey #4
Chapter 5: great story..^^
nana4ever #5
Chapter 5: With every chapter I am being drawn in. Both are people that their lives have been effected by death. Sulli with her mother and Minho his brother

I can see that one can help the other. Excellent story

I hope you continue to update quickly :-) :-) :-) :-)
Have a great week !
nana4ever #6
Chapter 1: This story looks like it will be very interesting. Please update soon.

Thank you