Chapter 3: Sulli

Dangerous Love


I know this is weird. But I believe that boy in hallway saw right through me. I had to try my best and avoid him.

I accomplished my mission until Lunch came. I always sat in the bleachers. Yes, the school cafeteria had bleachers. No one ever sat up there, whicj is why I have chosed this spot. I opened up my SAT book and started to study. I felt someone beside me. I managed to put a smile on my face and turned to face the unwanted company. It was the boy.

He scrunched up his nose. "Don't smile at me like that," he said, pointing to my face. My face smoothed out, no longer showing a smile. "That's not a genuine smiled. It's broken."

I scoffed. "What would you know about broken?"

He smiled sadly. "I moved here because my mom thinks that greive can be erased over distance. My brother committed suicude two months ago." I was about to apoligize for his loss but he held his finger up, stopping me. "I don't think you should grieve over someone who took away their own life," he explained.

I shook my head. "I think you should because maybe that's why they chose to do it." I stood up and picked up my stuff, to leave.

:Don't go," he said, grabbing my arm and yanking me down. I tried not to wince as my shoulder pulled. Obviously, that didn't work. "Are you injured or something?"

I shook my head. I tried to get the subject off of me. "Do you know why he did that to himself?"

He shook his head. "It came out of the blue."

"No it didn't. Nothing ever comes out of the blue. There is always a reason." He seemed to let my words to soak in.

"let's talk about you," he said, trying to change the subject. Too bad I was genius at palying that game.

"Let's not. What's your name, anyway?"

He smiled briefly. "What's yours?"

"I asked first."

"Fine, Minho." He held out his hand for me to take it. I did and said, "Sulli."

He smiled. "You have a broken smile, Sulli. And I will figure you out."

I bit my lip, before collecting my books, and said, "Trust me. You won't like what you find."
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minsul22 #1
Chapter 7: interesting story. plz update soon.
zangsia1 #2
Chapter 7: sometimes life works mysteriously with everyone and once in a while life surprises us.
thanks authornim
will wait for your update
nana4ever #3
Chapter 7: Who would of thought out of all the pizza places he would go to where Sullli works and now Yumi works too lol.

Their lives are truly intertwined.
Thank you for the updates. Have a good day ;)
tintinamey #4
Chapter 5: great story..^^
nana4ever #5
Chapter 5: With every chapter I am being drawn in. Both are people that their lives have been effected by death. Sulli with her mother and Minho his brother

I can see that one can help the other. Excellent story

I hope you continue to update quickly :-) :-) :-) :-)
Have a great week !
nana4ever #6
Chapter 1: This story looks like it will be very interesting. Please update soon.

Thank you