let the survival games begin


its already 7 in the morningi'm still reading math, i hate math but if i want to go to college,i have to study."minaki,aren't you gonna eat your meal?" akashi knocked on my door.

"i'm not hungry" i said.

not knowing akashi already opened the door.

"that's your excuse?"

"what the- i didnt tell you to go inside my room"i noted.

"come downstairs,you wont be able to continue reading that unless you eat your meal"he said,giving me a glare.

"i'll eat after this,okay."i said,not facing him.then he was already near me.

"you're studying math?" he asked."why is that? i heard that you're excellent in numbers" he added. "those were just rumours, dont really know math better..just because i'm used to biathlon doesnt make me good in numbers." i said,clenching my hands. "i'll help you" he sat down on my chair."what?" was all i could reply."your sister is counting on you to graduate and inherit the company,if thats happening..you'll only make everyone worry" he smirked. it gave me shiver..but i let him help me anyways,rather than failing and unable to graduate. but i still think letting a psycho tutor me is a bad idea."if you want to learn then stop snoring in every lesson." he said. my arm was bleeding because he really used scissors to wake me up in the 3rd time that i slept in his lectures. this isnt tutoring, this is already 'murdering' i thought. "fine,i'll stay awake" i muttered. i could barely move my injured arm. damn it i cursed in my thoughts. forcing my arm to move,ignoring the pain.suddenly he grabbed my injured arm.it made my eyes burn,tears fell. "sorry" he said,plainly."i'm used to it..so you dont have to apologize" i said.to my surprise,he my blood,making me shiver. "seijuro,you're creeping me out." i said."its what i do...i expect you to be downstairs in 5 minutes." he said,then left. i grabbed my hanky and wrapped it around my injured arm. i changed my shirt into a polo.i went downstairs.my dog jumped on me."hey, aki, you've grown,where's your mom?" i asked. aki suddenly pouts. i patted her head, "i guess, your mom died while i was away,huh, i guess we're just the same,aki, my parents died while i was in school,nobody could really understand me,they kept on acting nice to me just because my parents died,telling me that they're worried of what i'll do without them." i said."i really dont want anyone to worry about me,but since i cant stop them,i just let them do what they want.its just ridiculous seeing their faces like that."i added. aki barked.

"that was interesting" akashi was already behind me."s-seijuro."i muttered.he sat beside me. "so you let your sister worry about you because you find this amusing?" he asked. why is it so hard to speak to this jerk? i thought. "its okay, you dont have to answer that...but...i do have to ask you this one thing:can you ever live without someone by your side?" he asked."why do you think we have friends?why do you think we have families?" he added."look,i dont know what you're trying to pull but i dont give a thing about friends,my parents are dead.i dont want to have friends,they'll be treated as my weakness."i said. he chuckled."then would you care to explain that smile in your room?you were smiling with someone,i pressume she was your friend." he said."that girl...used to be my bestfriend,while playing biathlon,she was killed by a comrad of my opponent.they used her to distract me,causing me to lose and my opponent shot me at my shoulder.that was when i realized,i still have weaknesses and having friends is part of it." i said."you still dont get it..anyway,i'll wait until you realize something." he stood up and left. what was that all about? i just told him what i think about friends and he goes judging me? is he crazy? i thought.

i carried aki. there was thunder."i guess its going to rain,huh." i muttered. i went to the bench and sat down."haruko-chan,i heard from iruko-san that you came back" i turned to see yuri and asuna coming straight at me. "yuri,asuna."i said."so where did you study?" asuna asked."rakuzan high."i replied."what? but didnt your mom enrolled you to seika?"yuri asked."yuri,you've gone too far." asuna noted.i stood up,"its okay,asuna,perhaps yuri still hasnt heard of the news." i said."what news?"yuri asked. i sighed deeply,"my parents died at korea."i said.yuri's eyes filled with guilt."i'm sorry,i didnt know."she said."this isnt like you,minaki,even if you lost someone,you'd still be able to go on..what made you come back to kyoto?" asuna asked."you know me,takene,i'd hunt down that killer..i heard that they came here to kyoto after killing my parents." i said."but how would you know these killers?" yuri asked."i dont care who i kill as long as these nightmares disappear.it doesnt matter what they are to this city or how older they are,i'll kill them" i said,plainly.asuna smirked."then i'll help you with that,i've never kill someone since you left,its been boring." asuna said."i'll help too,i can gather much data i could." yuri said.i nodded."i thought i heard you say that having friends is part of your weakness." akashi said."i thought you were gonna wait until i realize something from that stupid question of yours."i replied,plainly trying to keep my anger towards him. you dont know how angry i am at you,seijuro i thought. "who is he,haruko?your boyfriend?" yuri asked."dont say such nonsense!!!!" i exclaimed."dont tell me, iruko-san asked him to babysit you again." asuna said."anyway,i'll help you with your revenge." he said."you tried to kill me yesterday and nearly took off my arm while studying" i said."thats what i do,minaki,i cant stop who i am."he said.then kan came running."haruko-chan!!..someone killed my brother,i tried to call him for the 5th time but when it answered there was a gunshot and a woman spoke..saying that i have to go to you if i want to know who she is." kan said,crying. "i guess the killer was a woman."yuri said."kan,take me to your brother..."i said. she nodded and led us to their house.when we arrived,their house was a mess.kotaro laid lifelessly and bloodstained by the sofa.i went closer to take a look."yuri,now is your chance to gather as much data as possible,the cops will arrive soon." i said. we looked around."i'm done,i've gathered as much data we could use"she said."good,now let's leave the evidence to the cops.all we need is a list of suspects that uses headlock and a dagger"i said. when the cops arrived we were already watching from afar."haruko-chan,what do you mean? the suspect didnt use a gun? but i heard a gunshot."kan said."that's what they wanted you to think,biathlon uses swords to fool their prey,but when they feel the time stop,they took out their guns."asuna said."no,its the other way around,asuna."i said."what?!" asuna said."you're right,biathlon can be used to trick your prey,but biathlon doesnt leave any clues.this time,i wont let this killer slip through my hands again." i said.

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