Fix You.

Fix You.

(It's best if you listen to the song while reading-- or at least it is in my opinion) 



The rain beat against the window pane heavily as the tears streamed down your face in time with the soft pitter patter. Your room was dark as you sat alone, curled up in a ball in your welcoming bed. You were left to your own thoughts and nothing else. It had been weeks since your breakup. It wasn't a pretty incident, but it shouldn't have scarred you the way it did. You saw it coming and it wasn't a surprise. You knew in your heart that he had been getting tired of you. But you couldn't help but think that maybe he wanted you back. Maybe he would come chasing after you like he had done once before. But that was impossible wish. You were just getting plain dilusional. 

He was never going to come back. 

And you would have to come to terms with it. You just weren't quite ready for that step yet, letting him go just wasn't an option yet. A shaky breath left your chapped lips as you reached for your cellphone hoping for one message. Just one message letting you know that things could be fixed. But you knew everything was so broken. Nothing could be salvaged. Your screen remained that empty, inky black and read the heartbreaking three letters. No New Messages. You fought the urge to cry even harder as you slammed your phone back down onto the pillowy matress. 

Each new tear that formed in your eyes and fell down your cheeks stung from the memories you used to cherish. You never thought that those happy times would cut you so deeply. You hated being so weak, what happened to the strong girl who you used to be? Where had she gone? You missed her dearly. You couldn't believe what you had become. A stupid, weak, child who wanted nothing more than a useless boy to come back to you. A wave of self-losthing came crashing down on your shoulders like a large wave on the beach. But this wave wasn't accompanied by laughter and light. All it had to offer you was sadness and anger. 

As the night wore on, you continued this destructive pattern like you had for weeks. Maybe even a month? Though admittedly, things had gotten much better since the first night. Oh how said it was to admit to improvement when you were still on the brink of insanity, just hanging on by a thread. 

You cast a wary glance at the clock with puffy eyes. In bright red unforgiving letters it read 4:37am. Realization hit you like a ton of bricks, you were wasting your young life away locking yourself in solitary over someone who never truly loved you. The thought of the truth clawed at your bare skin and you winced. To say that it hurt like a was an understatement. But in the fleeting seconds that you had looked at the clock, somehow you knew that the day to come would bring better things for you. Of course, to say that you were still sad was an understatement and a half, but perhaps things were finally starting to look up for you. Falling into the tempting grasp of slumber, you were at last getting the emotional break you deserved. 

A cold, loud, beeping woke you up rudely the next morning. It was time to face the world and go back to your day job as a barista at the small café down the street. Getting up in that instant was one of the hardest things you'd ever done. Dragging yourself off to the shower was the second hardest. 

You got dressed quickly, throwing on whatever you could find on the floor that had minimal wrinkles and was relatively clean. Who did you have to impress? With a less than subtle yawn, you stepped outside, the sun hitting your skin giving you an almost instant sunburn. Sheilding your eyes with your hand you turned to the left, walking in small, shy strides.  Though you still felt broken, you sure felt a hell of a lot better than you did the night before. 

However there was no way that you could've been prepared for what you were going to see next. 

You fell back into the heartless arms of despair as you saw him with another girl in a tight, loving embrace. The kind of hug he used to give you. Your face fell, and here you were, thinking that you were getting better. Thinking that you had washed an ounce of him out of your system. And what did you have to show for it? Absolutely nothing, all you had was reoccuring sadness. You kicked yourself mentally time and time again. It felt like you were being stabbed in the chest repeatedly. All of the air was knocked from your lungs. A tear threatened to escape from your eyes, but you couldn't let that happen. You did the only thing you could do in that state. You ran as far away from the upsetting image as you could. 

How far you ran? You really weren't sure, but you knew that you wouldn't be going to work today. Whatever it would take to flush your mind free of negative emotion. Your legs threatened to give out on you as you reached a park with lush green grass and tall trees. It looked like a good place for a rest. Breathing heavily, you managed to drag your deflated body to the shaded area under an oak tree. There you sat, slumped against the tree trunk. You pushed your hair out of your face hoping for some clarity to suddenly come to you. An unwelcome frown settled itself on your lips. You put your face in your hands as you felt your eyes become damp again. You damned yourself as sobs racked your frame violently. 

Suddenly, your onslaught tears were interrupted by a soft voice. 

"Excuse me? Are you okay?" 

You wanted so badly to tell the voice to go away, but when you looked up to meet the eyes of the owner, you didn't have the heart to do so. He was the image of perfection. His skin had few flaws if any and it was milky and white. He had the biggest eyes you'd ever seen and beautiful heart shaped lips. He reminded you so much of the one who just broke your heart.

 The way you looked right now, you couldn't compare in any way. But you weren't ashamed of the tear stains that marred your cheeks. 

"I-I'm fine," You croaked. It had been days since you'd talked to anyone. 

He sighed with a light shake of his head and to your surprise sat on the grass next to you. You looked at him with wide eyes. 

"You don't seem like you're okay." He noted. 

"You're right, I'm not." You blinked a few times, before agreeing with him. There was no point in lying to him, was there? 

For a second you thought that he genuinely felt bad for you. 

"Then why don't you vent to me?" He tilted his head and cast a sidelong glance at you. "I'll be like your personal therapist. I know it's weird telling things like this to a stranger, but you look like you could use someone to talk to, and I have great shoulder to cry on,"

At first, you were reluctant to tell him everything that had happened. But he was right. You could definitely use someone to talk to as well as a shoulder to cry on. Releasing your inner thoughts was difficult for you, but just this once you managed to do it. It amazed even yourself how open you were able to be around him. You spilled everything that happened from the time you met your boyfriend up until the brutal breakup you went through. When you thought you were boring him you were tempted to stop, but he urged you to continue. It felt as if he actually cared about you. It was a foreign and warm feeling that you'd never felt before. It was nice to feel something like that for once. At the end of your story you were worried that he had fallen asleep, but when you looked over at him, you were greeted with warm, sympathetic, brown eyes. 

He began to speak in a soft, barely audible voice. 

"It sounds to me like you deserved better than him. It also sounds like you were the only one putting effort into the relationship." He speculated and he was right. 

You never realized how onesided everything really was. You stayed silent as you listened to his other critiques about your past relationship. Some were funny and some were serious, but either way it brightened your day considerably. Happiness had become a stranger to you, but it was a nice thing to become reacquianted with. 

Warily you looked down at your watch and sighed glumly. It was getting late and you couldn't miss another day of work tomorrow. 

Hesistantly you began to bid goodbye to this seemingly perfect stranger. "Well, thank you for listening to me... And thank you for letting me cry on your shoulder... I guess I'll just be going now,"

You stood up on stiff legs slowly after your awkward goodbye. 

"Wait." He called to you and stood up after you and grabbed your hand as if he was scared you would leave him. 

You blushed lightly as you glanced down at your intertwined fingers. 

"Before you go, I want to give you my number." He fished through his pocket with his free hand and took out a small slip of white paper. He handed it to you with a soft smile. "I know we just met, but I like talking to you and I want to get to know you better. Promise me you'll call me." 

A small smile danced on your lips as you found yourself nodding slowly. You wanted to get to know him too. 

"I promise I will." 

He unclasped his hand from yours and gave you a smile of his own. Your smile faltered slightly as his warmth left you. 

But as you started to walk away, you had to admit that you felt pretty damn good. 

Once you were halway across the park, you opened the note that had been crumpled in your palm. 

It read: 'Do Kyungsoo - xxx-xxx-xxxx' 

A wide smile spread on your face. So, Kyungsoo was his name. It definitely suited him well. As you stood in the grass admiring his neat handwriting, you heard footsteps approacing you quickly. 

"Wait, I never caught your name," Kyungsoo appeared in front of you, slightly breathless. 

"I'm _____." You noted with a slight nod. 

"Well, it's very nice to meet you." He smiled brightly. "I guess I'll see you soon then?"

"That you will,"


.____. That totally changed from what I was originally planning, but I hope that you still liked it! Sorry for any mistakes, I didn't proof read it. 

Thank you for reading! c:


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Chapter 1: Very very good indeed. The amount of emotion you put in this is fantastic and the storyline was perfect with the song. I'm a big fan of Coldplay and Exo and Kyungsoo is also my ultimate bias. So it was really great how you put both of my favorite people into this story. Beautiful :)