

Super Junior decide to take a leisurely holiday.



Leeteuk slammed on the brakes at the scream, turning around frantically. "Who was that? What happened?"
"I ran out of jewels in my game and I failed" came Eunhyuk's voice, sounding guilty for scaring the leader with his shout.
Next to him, Kyuhyun was muttering into his headset, pushing buttons on his PSP and making 'pew pew' noises every so often. He hadn't even looked up at the scream, and Eunhyuk glared at him. 
"Why didn't you turn around when I screamed, Kyu? I could have been really hurt and you didn't even care. Don't you love me? Would you be happy if I was dead and in pain and you did nothing to help me?"
"I would be happy if you were quiet for once. It's only a game you know."
"Shut up Kyu! Just because your game is fancier doesn't make it better."
"Does too"
"Does not"
"I don't have the patience for this. Everyone just go away and leave me to sleep!" moaned Heechul from his window seat.
"Where would we go hyung? We're in a car together, and there's not any spare seats so we can't move away from you. We didn't mean to bother you." Henry sounded genuinely upset by the diva's words, his eyes shining with tears.
"I'm not angry with you Henry, come here and sleep with hyung." He pulled the younger boy to him and they rested their heads together. Closing their eyes and putting on their headphones they dozed gently, swaying with the motions of the car.
Kangin however was not as relaxed. Riding shotgun with Leeteuk was proving to be a very stressful task. He had his hand clenched, white knuckled around the door handle as the leader went faster and faster. "Slow down hyung, you're going to get in a crash!"
"No Kangin. The speed limit is 80 and I'm only doing 79." 
"79 is fast enough, I can't feel my hand!" 
"Stop shouting Kangin, you're just making it difficult."
"I'm not shouting. WATCH OUT!!!"
The car smashed to a halt as a dog ran onto the road infront of them.
Heechul and Henry were thrown forwards, and were only prevented from hitting the seat in front by Hangeng's arm and quick reflexes.
"Hyung? What happened?" asked Wook.
"He was probably distracted by your singing, why do you always have to sing?" came Shindong's irritated voice.
"You're right Shindong!" said Yesung sarcastically. "Why do we always sing? It's not like it's our job or anything.."
"We're almost there" came Leeteuk's exasperated voice. "Can't you all just get along for a little while longer?"
"How much longer hyung?" asked Zhoumi.
"About 10 minutes" 
"Hyung! You said that 2 hours ago..." whined Donghae. "You always say "10 minutes" but it's never true.."
"I'm sorry Hae, try to get some sleep. I promise we'll get there as soon as we can."
Hae leaned his head against the window but the vibrations tickled his nose. He leaned his head back but his neck was uncomfortable, leaning forward caused the same problem. Henry pulled Donghae's head onto his shoulder and they slept for the next hour.
Eventually they pulled into the campsite.
"Why are we camping? You know I hate camping. Sometimes I think you do these things just to annoy me. The last time we went camping was a disaster. Let me tell you-"
Hangeng jumped out of the car quickly to avoid the rest of the diva's rant. He picked up some tents and carried them to a nice open patch. 
"And ninthly-" came Heechul's voice, carried by the wind. Hangeng turned around to see his newest victim, Zhoumi, nodding halfheartedly as he picked up the picnic basket and laid it next to the tents. Ryeowook and Yesung, still singing, began to take out the plates and food and set them neatly on the blanket.
"It'd be better if we had a table" said Heechul irritably. Hangeng rolled his eyes and then kissed him on the lips. 
"What was that for? Am I just so attractice that you can't help yourself?"
"No. I just really needed you to stop . We're only here for 2 days. We should make the most of it."
"Hangeng what a horrible thing to do, leading me on like that! You could have traumatised me and ruined my future relationships!"
"Good luck finding any future relationships with a moany personality like yours" muttered Shindong, drawing a gasp of anger from the diva.
"Can we play a game?" asked Hae, to try and distract the irritated man.
"Of course we can!" said Heechul. "We'll play hide and seek."
"Will you actually look for us this time?"
"I'm not promising anything."
Donghae sighed dejectedly, his head in his hands as he lay on the grass. 
"Here, Hae. I have some cards that we can play with." Zhoumi pulled the pack out of his pocket and shuffled them as Kyuhyun and Eunhyuk formed the rest of the circle.
The players were deep in concentration when Ryeowook approached them to call for lunch.
"Wookie! Come play with us!" Hae sang to the approaching figure, waving his cards around.
"Now I know what your cards are Hae. You need to hide them so that we can't see them. You won't win if we know what you've got." Zhoumi shuffled the cards again, passing them out. "Now try again."
"What were the rules of snap again Mimi?"
The tall man sighed deeply. "I put a card down and you put one down on top. If they are the same then you put your hand on top and say 'snap'. Then you win those cards. When you run out of cards you lose. Got it?"
"It's not hard Hae, this is the easiest card game ever." Kyuhyun leaned back and stretched lightly. "And it's time for lunch now anyway, we can play later."
After eating lunch they headed back to the card game. Many rounds later Donghae won and threw the cards up in celebration. Unfortunately, they were caught by the wind and blown across the camp site. Desperate to collect them all, they ran around after the red papers, stuffing them into their pockets as they found them. But when they gathered together, they realised that there was one still lost. As they were searching for it, looking carefully in every bush, they found a small sign that said "Dig here".
Hae shouted and laughed when he found the sign and began to dig in the soil with his hands. 
Eunhyuk ran up eagerly, smiling when Hae told him what had happened. He ran off, but returned panting moments later with two beach spades from the car. They dug and dug, until Hyuk felt resistance. 
"It could be a treasure chest! It could be diamonds!" he smiled and dug deeper until his spade uncovered a smooth cement surface. Feeling that it was hollow they both began to jump on it to break it. Suddenly, the cement broke and they found themselves up to their ankles in oily substance, the thick black goo all over their shoes and trousers as they climbed out of the hole they had dug.
A man stormed over to them, red in the face with anger. " You've broken an oil pipe! And the electricity's gone too! Come with me you two!"
They followed reluctantly behind him as he marched over to Leeteuk. The leader took one look at their oily clothes and guilty expression and sighed. "I'm so sorry." 
"You should be. Pack your stuff and leave, you're not welcome here again."
As they got into the car to drive home, Hae and Hyuk sat silently with their heads down. No-one spoke, no games were played, there wasn't even any singing.
"Wow." said Heechul sarcastically, breaking the silence. "A record-breaker. The new record for us being forced to leave due to you two breaking something is now one hour and nine minutes."
"What do you have to say for yourselves?" said Leeteuk in a serious voice.
Donghae crumbled. "I'm sorry umma" he cried. "I saw a sign that said "Dig here" so I did. I didn't know it was a pipe."
Siwon placed his arm around the sobbing boy and kissed his cheek. "It's okay Hae. It was an accident. Don't worry."
Leeteuk pulled into a lane and stopped. Turning around in his seat he looked at Hae. Intending to lecture the boys about not just digging up everything they see, he changed his mind after seeing them. They were oily and messy, their eyes red with tears and their heads down. He sighed softly and motioned for Kangin to get into the driver's seat. As Sungmin called shotgun Leeteuk climbed into Min's seat and put his arm around Eunhyuk. "I'm sorry umma" the boy whispered.
The word 'umma' woke up Leeteuk's motherly side and he began to soothe the boys. "It's okay, but remember to check before digging next time okay?"
"Now look what you two have done" Heechul whined. "We now face another 4 hour car ride."
"Look on the bright side" said Hangeng to the pouting diva. "At least we don't have to go camping."


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