◊ Teaser 2 ◊ Is it You? ◊

◊ SM Entertainment New Girl Group ◊ Diamond ◊ 다이아몬드 ◊ Apply Open! ◊


◊ is it you?...

it was another fine monday morning in SM Building, Apgujeong, South Korea. a pretty looking girl was walking―and half running―down the hallways. she wore a pair of black leggings and a rose pink t-shirt. as she passed by, she met the staffs and respectfully bowed to them, plastering her sweet signature smile. the staffs nodded their heads and smiled back. and the girl continued her way as the staffs move further away. she exhaled.

"here comes another long day of training for me..." she whispered to herself.

the girl was recognized as a trainee from SM Entertainment. she came to her training class in the early morning because it was her 2 weeks holiday, and because she felt the need to practice harder than she usually did in the past few years. wondering why? that's because she's a trainee that is already in her 'high grade', the debuting class. that meant that she was not just a mere trainee anymore; she was a soon-to-be-born superstar. 

she continued to wander around the big building. after all the years she spent there, she was still mesmerized by this simple building. the most obvious reason is that everyday, she could see celebrities... everywhere... moving back and forth like regular people in the traditional market. hence―even though she tried to deny it―sometimes she has a fangirl side that just wanted to scream and go crazy when she saw male idols. moreover, the male idols going back and forth in the building each day was all cute and hot. her type. with their flashy smiles and perfect figure that just no girl can resist, she had to admit that it was sweet torture for her, trying incredibly hard to hold her fangirl side in. when it strikes, usually she would calm herself by thinking "if I would wait a little longer, I can be like them...". and with the hope of actually getting close to those male idols, she have tried very hard on her trainings, wishing that one day, in the near future, the trainers will recognize her and will give her the secure pass to debut.

for a moment she stepped in to the still-empty practice room that will soon belong to the debuting group―her group, if she ever gets chosen. the room was still clean, unlike the other practice rooms that are already a mess caused by the practicing artists. it wasn't exactly the practice room that was seen much in SM's practice videos―the one with the blue sky background, and the all-black room―, no, those were no other than a mere shooting set. they were used only when they were shooting cameras around. no artist had actually been practicing in them. but this room was just another standard version practice room SM had. with 2 speakers and a music player, the room looked like it was already prepared by SM to welcome the upcoming group.

"hey you!"

a man's voice could be heard clearly. she was startled, and she quickly turned around. what she saw was none other than Jung Hanjoong―or who she preferably called Mr.Jung―, her nasty dance trainer. his looks and expression has never been friendly, and neither was it then. she looked down, feeling somewhat afraid of the man behind the white door. for a moment, she tried to gather all her remaining courage to face him.

"a-are you... l-looking for me... ssaem (teacher)?" 

her voice sounded so soft and feeble, but the ssaem's ears turned out to be rudiculously sharp to even hear her fainty, fearful voice. his sharp, murderous eyes examined her from head to toe, somewhat looking like he was about to pounce on her anytime. her courage quickly sunk to it's lowest level, and her knees started to tremble.

"what are you doing here?"

Mr. Jung's cold and toneless voice could be heard once again. right then, she felt like her courage meter was sinking to minus.

"I-... I was... th-that..."

her voice trembled with her knees, and everybody knew it was too obvious now that she was very afraid of the older. 

"okay stop. I don't care. just go find Ms. Kim and give this to her."

he said as he handed a stack of documents to her. she wasn't really sure if Mr. Jung have forgiven her yet, or not, but for one thing that he said, she felt comfortable about it.

"just go find Ms. Kim,"

those words comforted her. not only because she didn't have to deal with Mr. Jung anymore, but also because she got to 'escape' to Ms. Kim! well, to be honest, Ms. Kim was her favorite SM staff of all. too bad she wasn't a trainer. she was pretty, nice, outgoing, and-.... now what am I doing praising Ms. Kim? I've got a story to write!!

so she started to―once again―wander around SM Building, the simple, yet magnificent building that held the head office of South Korea's biggest talent agency. passing the hallways full of offices, staffs walking around, managers on their phones, etc, she suddenly felt like she was transformed into one of the staff members at the moment, especially with a stack of report books, documents, and a few folders in her embrace, the feeling her even worse.

she stopped in front of a room with a steel-framed glass door. there's a plate with "김 연미 전무 이사" (Managing Director Kim Yeon Mi) written on it on the door, so she was sure that this was Ms. Kim's office. she knocked twice, softly. but there was no answer. she knocked again, louder, but there's still no answer. right then, Ms. Kim's secretary―Lee Haeri, or Ms. Lee―came across.

"do you have any matters to discuss with Ms. Kim?"

Ms. Lee's sweet and soft―yet toneless―voice made her gulp unconciously. well, Ms. Lee was Mr. Jung's close cousin. no wonder. she tried to say something, but as soon as opened , no words would come out of it. so, she just shook her head 'no', and pointed to the documents she was holding. Ms. Lee immediately understood.

"just go in. Ms. Kim is still in a meeting, but she should be done in a few minutes. put the documents on her desk and then leave if there's nothing more."

just like Mr. Jung, Ms. Lee's voice still gave her the goosebumps no matter how many times she had talked to her. she was cold and mean just like Mr. Jung, too. seriously, if all their family members were like that, she sweared that she would never ever ever agree to go to their house in any condition, even if someone would pay her a thousand billions for it.

and with a single huff and a slightly annoyed expression, she entered the room. she was quite impressed. the room was big, but really neat and tidy, with stacks of documents here and there, carpets, and luxurious interior, it really felt like the 'Big Boss's room. but ignoring all the amazement, she walked slowly to the desk at the other side of the room, and put the things that has been in her hands on the table, slowly and carefully.

just as she was about to leave, she heard the sound of the door opening. in a few milliseconds, she turned her body around. as expected, it was the owner of the room―Ms. Kim―who was entering. not expecting her presence, Ms. Kim was startled. but she quickly plastered her sweet and comforting smile.


the older greeted warmly. she couldn't help but to smile back.

"you're from the debuting class, right?" 

she nodded at the statement.

"what are you doing here? do you want to discuss something with me?" 

this time, she shook her head.

"no, I'm supposed to give this documents to you. they're from Mr. Jung," 

she explained while pointing to the stack of papers on top of Ms. Kim's desk. Ms. Kim nodded. after that, she bowed to Ms. Kim and prepared to leave.


she turned back upon hearing Ms. Kim's voice.


"you're the girl that has been chosen to debut, right? congratulations!"

she was startled and confused. her? debut? now what kind of joke is this? and who's the pranky prankster? the questions popped continuously in her head. she definitely thought that it was a big joke, but seeing Ms. Kim's sincere smile, she begun to doubt that it was a joke. moreover, Ms. Kim rarely joked. I mean, she does joked, but not this kind of joke.

"de-... debut?"

she asked carefully. Ms. Kim nodded vigorously, signaling that she was serious with her words.

"Mr. Jung haven't tell you?"

she tried to remember everything that Mr. Jung had told her for the past days, but she couldn't find any memories regarding Mr. Jung telling her that she was about to be debuted. then she shook her head. Ms. Kim frowned.

"that's weird. I'm sure I told Hanjoong oppa to tell all the debuting trainees..."

Ms. Kim said to herself. but noticing the eagerness in the expression of the girl in front of her, Ms. Kim finally smiled and said

"that's okay. if you don't believe me, go see the bulletin board; the announcement should be out by now..."

hearing that, the younger's face lightened.


Ms. Kim nodded with―yet―another sweet smile. and with that, she took off and ran as fast as her legs could carry her. she stopped in front of the bulletin board at the end of the hall. there were already this huge bunch of trainees attempting to see if they were chosen to debut or not. she tried hard to get pass the crowd to get to the bulletin board. and much to her surprise, what Ms. Kim said was true. she was chosen to debut! she saw her name right beside the word 'lead dancer', along with other trainees' names. she also realized, that the a few names written along her name was actually the names of some of the girls in her class. she smiled. all those are the names of her future group member. she was reminded of the reality shows that showed the lives of idol groups. they all looked like they were as close as best friends, and even siblings. imagining that she would be able to do all that with the girls that have their names written above and below her's in the bulletin board; just made her happy. unconciously, a wide smile was formed on her lips.

"OMO! that's my name! that's my name! I'm chosen!"

suddenly, a girl's voice was heard beside her. she turned her head around. just next to her, was a girl with a smile just as wide as her's. she had long, dark hair, beautiful features, and fair skin complex. all in all, she was a beauty, and her age didn't seem to be that much far away from her own.

"gyaaah!!! unnie, your name is on this too!!!..."

the girl squealed in joy. another girljust as pretty as the first one, but with a cold and mysterious face expression―appeared beside her and nodded slightly.

"hm... seems like so."

not only her expressions, her tone was also cold and... murderous. and made her thought of Mr. Jung and Ms. Lee. only thinking of it gave her another set of goosebumps. but she shook off the thoughts and quickly put on another smile.

"you guys are chosen too?"

she asked. the two girls looked her way. the first one instantly smiled and nodded, while the other one remained silent and kept her cold, murderous aura.

"unnie is chosen too? then, we'll all be in one group! yay!"

the first girl cheered. it was quite obvious that she has lots of spirit. even though she was not sure how this girl found out if she was an unnie or a dongsaeng when they just met and haven't even introduced themselves. but as if she was reading her mind, the girl spoke.

"I'm going to be the maknae for the group, that's why I called you 'unnie'..."

she explained. in spite of shocked about the 'mind reading' thing, she just smiled back.

"I'm going to be the lead dancer. see my name beside 'lead dancer'?"

the so-called maknae diverted her gaze back to the bulletin board, and nodded a few times. she smiled. and as if she had just realized something, she instantly grabbed the other girl's arm.

"this unnie is going to be the visual!"

she chirped, introducing the other girl―the cold one―in behalf of her. suddenly, another 3 girls came. the crowd had thinned up as the male trainees left instantly as they were announcing a girl group, and other un-chosen female trainees had mostly left, so the arriving 3 girls had no problems swarming in. or actually, the other 2 were dragged by the cheery-looking one.

"what did I miss? what did I miss?!"

without letting go of the two unwilling people she had dragged all the way to the bulletin board, the cheery girl intently examined the paper sticked to the board, and eventually, found her name beside 'lead vocalist', and the other 2 girls' names beside 'leader', and 'lead rapper'. she squealed in joy.

"we're debuting guys! I'm going to be the lead vocalist, you're going to be the lead rapper, and you're going to be the leader! woo hoo!!!"

she said as she pointed to each of the girls at her sides, who only looked the least interested.

"whoa! then the six of us are going to be a team! yay! and, um... this unnie is going to be the visual, this unnie is going to be the lead dancer, and I'm going to be the maknae! so please take care of us!"

the maknae chirped along. she was usually shy, but at the time, she seemed to be too excited to notice her shyness.

"wait, six? there's supposed to be seven of us! where's the last one? the... sub-leader!"

the girl that was appointed as the leader suddenly said. despite all of the rude image she showed at first, it was now obvious that she was the motherly leader she was supposed to be.

"wow, wow... already getting in the role of the leader, I see..."

the lead vocalist teased. the leader's face reddened.

"then so wha-..."

"as expected."

the six girls instantly turned their heads to the direction from where the voice came from. there, stood a girl, a pretty one just like the rest of them, but the phrase "I'm a " was already written all over her face just by the first look. her beautiful, yet sharp gaze was now landed on the other girls. not much tenseness, but her deadly gaze was already like a laser that burned the girls' skin.

"you must be my groupmates."

her tone was deep and sharp, but not toneless. the thing that could be heard in her voice was more like.... arrogance? she smiled. a sweet and pretty smile, yet still full of disdain. this girl was really something. she examined the girls one by one, from head to toe, like she was a designer choosing her models for a fashion show.

"he-... hello"

feeling uncomfortable, the others greeted her faintly, almost couldn't be heard. she just flashed an arrogant smile once again, and left without any other word.

"well, looks like this is going to be our team..."

some of the others nodded and some sighed.

"then what do you say we just try our best and make this team work? hm?..."


author hereee... 

so, guys, luvhpurple here.... how was it?

this is my 2nd teaser of the story... just to show off my writing skills... mwahahaha #slaps

yeah, I know Jungkooks_Wife unnie was supposed to do this one, but she's still busy with her school and other fics, so... let's just let her off the hook, shall we?^^

tbh, I haven't choose any members yet, so I just made this according to the descriptions I made...

and don't ask me why I used Emerald's point of view first... coz I don't know about it either! LOL

so, again, like it or not, please, please, please comment... okay chingus? ;P

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if this goes on, I might have to fill in for topaz, sapphire, crystal, and pearl...


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SomethingGDs #1
Chapter 3: Is it to late to apply?
Chapter 9: Hi there. Are you still accepting apps?
Chapter 9: This was the original group of some sort...?
Chapter 3: Update soon author nim <3
Chapter 3: Don't worry author-nim if no one fills for other characters I could fill for the pearl to help you...they fear that character :)
Chapter 3: waaahh authornim are you an ELF?? kkkkk Mianhe for using evil maknae's ex gf kkk. I really like her :))
Chapter 3: Thank you for liking her :))
Chapter 2: I may sound stupid...but I don't want my character to have a relationship so I am doubting right now if I should fill that space...