Chapter One- Takahashi's Meeting

AKB48 - Maid Cafe

Sorry my first chapter took so long, I've been trying to create an outline of how the story might go, but nothing is concrete yet. I alos had some trouble finding a picture for my OC that i liked( becasue i'm picky).

I have added a poll at the bottom becasue i don't know if i should split the groups based on teams (so week one & two is Team A, week three & four is Team B...) or if i should just mix and match different members. SO pleace take 2 seconds to give me your feedback, so i can see what the viewers (a.k.a you guys) want in this story.

So without further delay... Here is chapter one

Monday March 4, 2013


Takahashi Minami walked down one of the many long hallways of the AKB48 Theater with confusion written on her face. Just moments ago she was practicing with the rest of Team A, when she was told by one of the staff members that Yasushi Akimoto, the producer and creator of AKB48, was in the building and asked to talk to her about an important matter. When Takahashi Minami asked what Mr. Akimoto wanted to talk about, the staff member said he had no idea, and was only told to inform of the important meeting. She finally reached the double doors at the end of the hallway with the room number 248.

Throughout the walk, Takahashi Minami continuously contemplated why Mr. Akimoto would want to talk to her, and what was so important that she had to skip rehearsal. The girls of AKB48 rarely saw Mr. Akimoto because of both AKB48’s and Mr. Akimoto’s  hectic schedules, so having to meet him on such short notice made Takahashi Minami very nervous and worried.

Takahashi inhaled a large breath to try and get rid of her nervousness before knocking on the large wooden doors. She heard a muffled “Come in” from the other side of the door, and quickly entered the room. After she closed the door, Takahashi bowed to Yasushi Akimoto, who was sitting behind a large desk on the far side of the room.

“Takahashi, please have a seat” Mr. Akimoto said, with a smile plastered on his face and his hands clasped together, with his elbows resting on the desk.

Takahashi quickly sat on one of the metal folding chairs placed on the other side of the desk, silently hoping that this meeting wasn’t actually the crew of AKBingo pulling another prank on her. When the chair did not break or move as she sat down, she unconsciously let out a sigh of relief because she seemed to be the main target of AKBingo and their embarrassing pranks.

“Takahashi, do you have any idea why I called you in here on such short notice?” Mr. Akimoto asked, while resting his arms on the desk in front of him. When Takahashi shook her head, indicating she did not know why she was asked to meet him, Mr. Akimoto continued.

“Well as you know, the 5th Senbatsu Election will be held at the beginning of June, and I have been contemplating a way to increase the number of votes this year. I’ve talked with our promotions manager and we have come to the conclusion that in order to increase the number of votes, and to pass last year’s record, we need AKB48 to be even more approachable towards its fans”.

“Everyone knows that the main concept for AKB48 is based on the idea of idols you can meet. By having these daily concerts the fans feel more connected with the group. So we thought if the fans could feel even more connected to AKB48, then they will convince others to listen to AKB48 and try to convince their peers to vote as well”.

“So I have decided that in order to make AKB48 seem even more approachable to fans, we will have the members of AKB48, work at the AKB Café for two weeks”.

Takahashi sat in her chair completely motionless, except for her jaw, which almost touched the floor, and her eyes widening a considerable amount. Takahashi knew that all the girls were nervous about the upcoming elections and were wondering how they were going to be promoted this year. But never once had Takahashi thought that she and the other members of AKB48 would be working. Takahashi was more than surprised to hear that AKB48 would be working in their café, but in her mind it did make some sense. If they worked in the café, they would be able to connect to their fans more easily. That in turn would help their popularity, and result in more votes at this year’s election. After thinking for a minute about the fact that she and her fellow members will be working in a café, a question formed in her head.

“Mr. Akimoto sensei, how are we going to work in a café? None of us have any clue how to work as a waitress, or cook?”

“Well, I have talked to the manager of the AKB48 café, and he suggested that you will be trained by their number one employee, for three days before reopening the AKB48 café with the members of AKB48 being the waitresses. The chefs at the AKB48 café will still be working there, and I was assured that the number one employee will also help you girls work, just in case. The manager will also stop by from time to time to make sure the café is running smoothly”.

Mr. Akimoto then stood from his chair and walked towards the window, his back facing Takahashi as he continued his speech.

“Now the AKB48 café usually has six waitresses on staff at a time. So this week I will make the groups that will be working there, and by this Friday the first group will start their lessons on how to be a waitress. Also each group will be working from Monday to Friday for two weeks, before the next group switches shifts. The groups will spend the first Friday afternoon, Saturday and Sunday to learn how to be a proper waitress”.

Mr. Akimoto then turned around and walked back to his desk, standing behind his chair with his arms resting on the top of the leather chair.

“Takahashi, as the general manager I need you to inform the other members of AKB48, while I create the groups that will be working. I know some of the girls may not like this idea, but I assure you this will help AKB48 gain even more popularity. Do you have any other questions?”

Takahashi sat in her chair thinking if there was anything unclear. When she concluded that there was nothing else she needed to question, she rose from her seat.

“No Mr. Akimoto, I understand the situation and will tell the girls right away”.

Takahashi then exited the room and walked down the hallway wondering how the other girls will react to the news that they will be waitresses at the AKB48 café.









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hi scuse me but are you still gonna continue this? ;A;
Chapter 1: first chapter... more or less a prologue, interesting, Aki-Pro-Troll has already appeared... so the story is set in the past... aka a few weeks ago... 5th sousenkyo over... if paruru would be put in, I wonder... salty?? who knows
*lurking* (-_-(-_-)-_-) Hope the first chapter is up!
welcome? hrm, interesting, but the fact that the OC has a guy name and it's english(?) kind of threw me off there, I will observe how it will turn out, but I'll only subscribe if at least a few chapters are good due to the fact that even though I like harem, I don't really like it in fanfic. Maid might also be a weird setting, hrm. well, whatever, like I said before, I'll just be observing. Fight on!