Part 1/2

Vampires smell everything.

Note before reading:

- Jonseon Dynasty (1392-1910). 
- Think of it as the extended Asian middle ages, which is how I got to the idea of mythological creatures. (vampires)


The new exchange student walks into the classroom. Our homeroom teacher, Mr. Jung quietly asks him several things that I couldn’t hear, probably just small details. Mr. Jung turns to the class. “Ok, guys, we got a new student.” After stating the obvious, he again faces our yet unknown classmate. “Please introduce yourself.”

The exchange student nods, shifting his attention towards us. “I’m Kim jongin. I recently moved from China.” His eyes roam the classroom. Switching from person to person as if analysing.

“I move around a lot so I most likely won’t be here for long.” Eyes still shifting between people.

“Though I hope to stay here for longer than usual. Please treat me well.” His eyes linger on several girls, though not all of them, and finally settle on me. Why is he looking at me? Mr. Jung hums under his breath while deciding what seat to give him. We have several free seats due to having a generally a small class.

He takes a very long time deciding though, he looks a bit out of it?

“Hmm… why don’t you take the seat next to Kyungsoo?” Kyungsoo is the vice president of the student council. His seat is on the other side of the classroom but still in the back like me.

Without even saying anything, Jongin moves to get seated next to Mr. Vice President. They exchange very quick looks and then settle. “Ok then. We were on the subject of mythology. More specifically, the Joseon Dynasty.” Mr. Jung moves to the blackboard, writing a circle with ‘MYTHOLOGY 101’ in it.

“Can anyone give me some examples of mythological creatures from the middle ages?”

A sea of hands all poke the air, mostly guys. More specifically Chanyeol. His face is just begging to choose him. “Jung. Jung! Mr. Jung!” oh god.

I turn my attention to my hands. Listening to Chanyeol is too tiring to keep up.

As I’m playing with my fingers, I accidentally touch my desk with my arm. It’s just a slight touch but it’s a touch that hurts even through the bandages. I let out a quiet small hiss. It’s more irritating than painful but it’s still pain none the less.

I stop playing with my hands to avoid further clumsy happenings. Looking around, still ignoring Chanyeol and frustrated Mr. Jung, My eyes land upon the new exchange student. Kim Jongin, quite tanned for a Korean. Nice arms as well, He probably fills that shirt better than our dance instructor, former-idol Taeyang.

His eyes meet mine and he smirks. I want to avert my gaze but… I can’t. What-

‘Thank you’ He mouths before letting his stare drop a bit lower to the arms I keep covered at all times. A weird look flickers for a second before he turns back to the front to continue watching Chanyeol harassing Mr. Jung.

Well, that’s embarrassing. He thanked me though. Is he a mind reader? Should I mentally scream to see if he flinches?... ok I should stop now.

To just avoid anything else that might happen, I turn myself towards the front of the class room.

“…And now we’re going to stop talking about unicorns-” Mr. Jung shoots a harsh glare to Chanyeol “-to give other people the chance to shove their ‘wisdom’ up our asses, ok?” wow, Mr. Jung has never been this riled up. It’s a new record for Chanyeol.

A hand raises, it’s Jongin’s. “What about vampires?” the class turns quiet. Vampires aren’t exactly Asian mythological creatures and although China does have something close to it, we don’t exactly have anything on vampires except for popular series as ‘Twilight’ or ‘The Vampire Diaries’.

Mr. Jung seems to think over his words. “Hmm.. It is an interesting subject though.-” He caresses his nicely trimmed chin, being one on those people that look good with it. “It’s of European origin and hugely romanticised due to recent romance series…” He always has a small furrow in his brows when thinking.

“Alright, I’m going to change the subject from mythological creatures to vampires.” Clasping his hands together and basking in the relieved sighs of his students, he turns to grab the eraser for the chalkboard. “Since you’ve been getting this practically every year anyway.”




I sit at the usual table in the cafeteria, waiting for Baekhyun. I don’t take anything, the food is just horrible here. I got fat because of Baekhyun’s movie nights anyway. That kid is all about looking good but he can make mean film snacks because ‘One does not simply watch a movie without lots of food’

Like we actually managed to pay attention to the movie we were watching.

Baek is taking too long. Texting him, I ask him where he is.
No reply.

Just as I was typing the rant I was going to send him about reading his texts, I receive a reply.

Don’t wait for me, I ditched school with Yeol. go be social myunnie~ ;v’

…He knows that I can’t. He knows just how much I can’t handle dealing with people. He knows I only got him…

I’m losing him to Chanyeol. Why do I keep losing everyone I care about. I speed walk out of the cafeteria, to the side of the main building. It’s calm there, with trees, grass and shade to hide in.

Aside from Baekhyun, it’s the only thing that can calm me down to a degree.

Is it because I’m boring? Am I bothering him? If I was normal, would he stay for me? Why do I even ask, I just know I am too boring, too neat, too-… everything. If only I was different-

Don’t think that.’


‘You heard me, stop lying to yourself’

I look around in surprise. The voice was close to my ear but… there isn’t anyone around. I let out an incredulous chuckle. Isn’t this just perfect, I’m starting to become schizophrenic. Hearing voices when there isn’t anyone around.

“But I’m right here though.”

I flinch in shock at the sudden appearance behind me, covering my face. I didn’t hear him come close to me nor that he was even around in the first place.

“no, no. Show me your face.” He whispers as he coaxes me out of my defence. Softly, he brings my hands down from my face to my lap. I must have looked stupid. I’m still too scared to look up, even though I have an inkling to who it is. I heard that new voice just this morning.

“The sun shines too brightly to hide behind your small hands.” I can just hear him smile, the type of smile that a parent gives their child. It’s a kind smile. I peek up slowly.

I see the same school blazer that I am wearing and the slightly bigger tanned hands holding mine. “Small hands, my ” I scoff softly. They’re not that bigger than mine, you just got a big face.

Still not seeing his face, I can hear him chuckle softly again as I continue to look up. I see his red tie, his newly pressed white shirt. His chin and lips enter my vision as I stop again. It’s a bit less tanned than his hands but still a sun-kissed skin.

I finally see his smile for once just right before his lips move to speak. “I promise I’m not too ugly.”

You better looking than our homeroom teacher. There’s no way you’re ugly. I dare to look up to confirm who I thought it was. To confirm the person who spoke in my head and who just appeared out of nowhere. Kim Jongin.

He flicks my forehead. “Told you I’m not ugly”

It's true.

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Chapter 2: My! The ending was damn hilarious XD
Chapter 2: Period blood authornim pls
Angelhunhan #3
This was so good!! Ahhhh!! Will you he doing a sequel or any extra chapters? I would love to carry on reading omfg
Chapter 2: Haha.. Funny Jongin at the last part.
Lol because of the period blood ? Haha.. >.<
Chapter 2: I love Jongins reactions ♡
kriena #6
Chapter 2: Omg the ending with the period blood XD this story was short but sooo cute :D
Chapter 2: aw this is a cute read :')

I love how jongin reacts to suho's thoughts reading minds must be fun and torturous at the same time.

and omfg that period blood thingy though. I can't get it out of my head hahaha!♡
Chapter 2: Oh, this is wonderful! Really really wonderful! It's sad it's already ended, but I hope you will write some SuKai/KaiHo soon! Really good good good job. :D