Chapter 4; Food is the key to a man’s heart & the key to wishful thinking

The Last Encore

2 weeks & 6 days later...

Today was the last day Miyoung would be available to hang out freely. She officially becomes a JYP trainee tomorrow, which makes me a little sad because that would make me be the only one with nothing to do at home. Oppa has work, Unni has school, so what about me? I actually knew that it would be like this, so I promised myself to find a part-time job to keep myself busy. It would also give me a chance to pay back Miyoung and help around the house with the groceries. As much as I am a guest under their home, I don’t want to be a big burden. However, Miyoung has told me I shouldn’t worry and that there was no way I would be taking up any job offers. Now, just because I’m sick doesn’t mean I’m completely disabled. I will agree that I do need a job that doesn’t have too much heavy lifting because I still get my usual dizzy spells.

Today was awesome. We went to the beach, ate shaved ice and now we were at an all-you-can-eat buffet. Apparently the buffets in Seoul are very expensive, but very worth it.

“Wow, for a girl who’s sick, you sure can eat, Best. Haha” xD She said with a surprised look on her face as I sat down with my third serving of kimchi fried rice and mandoo (dumplings). I stuck my tongue at her and smiled at my plate.

Recently, I’ve been having these tendencies to eat bigger portions than usual and I think it’s all because of the medications I have to take. Of course Chemo didn’t work for me, so just to ease the pain from my dizzy spells and the occasional morning migraines, I was prescribed medication.

“Yah! You paid a lot for the both of us, so I’m making sure I eat your money’s worth. Once I get a job, I will treat you out next time!” I said in defense.

“That’s a deal! Anyway, I’m ready for dessert, you want anything?” She asked me as she put her plate on top of the other two I put aside. I told her that I wanted a Crème brûlée or if they didn’t have that, my second option was vanilla yogurt ice cream.

By the time I finished my plate, Miyoung came back looking hyped on sugar, but the funny part was that she came back empty handed.

“HOMG! HOMG! Did you see them?! I can’t believe they’re here! Out of all the fancy buffets, they’re in the same place as we are! KYAA~!” My eyes grew wider and everyone else was staring. I motioned her to sit down before anyone thought she went nuts. I handed her a glass of water, but she quickly pushed my hand away and grabbed both of my shoulders.

“ChaeRinyah! JYP and everyone are here! OMG!”

“Wait, what? JYP? OoOOH! Is that the name of the company you’re training under? He’s the CEO, right?”

“DUH! Well, he’s not anymore. I mean he just wants to be a producer and a solo artist. But that is not the point! 2AM and 2PM are here!! OMG! I want an autograph from Kwonnie and Chansung! Come on let’s go!”

Without saying a word, she grabbed my hand and she quickly made her way through the people walking by us. Around the corner of the sushi bar, there was a huge crowd of people, along with camera crews, fans and I’m guessing a few security guards surrounding all of them.

I tried to escape from Miyoung, but she held onto my hand tighter when these very tall men turned around facing our direction and bowed to the cameras. She quickly let my hand free and squealed as she motioned her hands in front of her face as she was fanning herself. Geez, I didn't know she was this crazy for a boy band. Who were they really? Others who aren't familiar with boy groups would say, “They all look the same, except the blonde one. Are they all from one group?” I thought loudly. Big mistake Rin, now a crowd is staring at you.

Miyoung covered my mouth. She bowed and did a dry laugh, then she gave me that Are-you-out-of-your-mind look. I removed her hand from my mouth and shrugged. I didn’t know who was in what; they all look like they all belonged in one group. Like the big group that I saw at the 2008 Korean Music Festival I was dragged to. Super Friends? Err-no. Umm. Super…something.

“It’s Super Junior and no 2AM and 2PM are not in one big boy band. And yes I knew you were thinking about that because you have that thinking look.”

She was right and good, a perfect reason for her to be called my best friend. It was a little creepy, but cool nonetheless. The huge crowd slowly died as the security guards instructed for the fans and camera crews to leave. Just then, as the tall boys walked into the back room, what might’ve been the V.I.P. room, the tallest one looked at me. He kept squinting his eyes, but it wouldn’t help him much considering that his eyes already looked squinted from my view. That made me chuckle and smile; the blond guy tapped him on the shoulders, and they both looked at me. The taller one put his head down, while the blondie just smiled. They both followed everyone else into the room.

“Awww! They’re going inside! I wish we could meet them. Oh wait! The bathroom is near the V.I.P. room! Come on!” Miyoung started walking faster towards the direction where JYP and everyone else were. I don't like the idea of interrupting people while they’re eating, so I slowly followed after her. As she neared her distance to the entrance, JYP and the boys came out and started to fall in line for the buffet. I stopped in my tracks and turned around to walk towards the dessert area. I felt bad leaving my best friend, but I just couldn’t do it. I don’t know why, but I was feeling awkward. Aside from the awkwardness I felt earlier, the dessert area was amazing. They had everything any dessert lover would want. Sadly there was only one Crème brûlée and it’s going to be mine!

Hmm, that’s strange I could’ve sworn it was just right there.

“HAH! Yes! They do have them and I got the last one. Lucky me!”

“Yah! I saw it first! That was suppose to be my Crème B-r-û..lée.” O___O

Blondie?! Of all people I had to encounter it had to be him. I have to admit he was cute, tall and masculine. He was wearing a white tee, and a short-sleeved dark blue plaid polo and jeans. I immediately looked down and walked away. I couldn’t believe I said that. I sounded like a child that had their candy taken away. But I wanted that Crème brûlée. Suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder. I jolted and slowly turned around only to see him again.

“Uh excuse me Miss, you can have this. I didn’t know you were going to take it.” He said in Korean, but by his pronunciations he could be half American or something. He tried to hand me the plate with the dessert on it, but of course I declined and in English I said, “Oh that’s okay. You take it, thank you anyway.” ^^

“But are you—“

“Khun Hyung come on, let’s eat!” One of his friends wearing a beanie called out to him.

”Ahh okay, well thanks for the dessert. If I see you next time, I’ll be sure to repay you.” He said and then he winked at me. Now this is the first time I even had a boy talk to me like that, so I just smirked and walked away as he did.

I went back to my table only to see Miyoung looking as if her soul floated out of her body, slouching. She was mumbling how she was so close to her Dongsaengs. I on the other hand, was enjoying…nothing. I had nothing on my plate because that blonde—Khun is that his name?—took my dessert.

“Ugh he took my dessert. And I didn’t even get anything, thanks to him.”

After giving a disappointing comment, Miyoung sat up straight and asked, “Huh? Who took your dessert?” She arched her brow as if it was something of importance. I just shrugged and told her what happened, but what I didn’t know was after telling her, she would freak out on me again.

“You said that to the Thai Prince?! Best!! I can’t believe you were—“

Honest? “Being myself? He did take it without thinking I was the one who was there first. And to think he says he’ll repay me, I mean what a dork. Haha”

“Yah, Babo. Khunnie is the sweetest one out of all of them so don’t refer to him as a dork. Besides it’s his favorite dessert, so you’ll understand why he took it without thinking.” Yeah I do understand because it’s also my favorite X_X Best! Do you not know me at all!? My Crème brûlée.. T_T

“Araso~ so he’s not Korean? But is he half White?” I don’t know why I was interested, but to keep her off from my incident, I had to ask.

“No, no he’s Thai and Chinese, but was born in the U.S. Don’t you remember what I told you about JYP and his kids?”

Nope, not really. It wasn’t because of my tumor, it was the fact that there are too many of them to remember.

“Some but not all, so go easy on me.”

Later that night…


“Hey Khun Hyung, who was that pretty girl you were chatting with at the dessert area? A fan? I wouldn’t be surprised considering there was that huge crowd surrounding us that day.” Junho asked me, and then sat on my bed.

“No, I’m not sure. I just know that she and I have good taste in desserts. Though, I did feel bad snatching it away from her. I didn’t even know she was staring at the same thing as I was.” I replied, but Junho looked confused. I smiled and just told him that it was just a misunderstanding.

“Anyway, Hyung don’t forget we need to get up early for the Make A Wish For ONEDAY event at 11AM.”

“Oh right. So tomorrow the winners will be picked?” I asked. He walked out of my room and yelled a ‘yes’ to answer my question.


I walked into Miyoung’s room to say good night, but I found her on her bed with her laptop with her back facing me. I jumped on her bed to surprise her, but she was too busy to even flinch.

“Best what are you doing?” She suddenly closed the laptop and turned around to face me.

^___^ “ChaeRinyah, remember when I told you that whatever happens, just go with the flow?”

“Uh yeah?”

“Good! Let’s keep it that way and don’t forget!”

“Why do you ask?” Before I could even get an answer from her, she shooed me away and said good night.

What is she up to now? O~O


Dear Diary,

Miyoung passed her audition! I’m so proud of her! She’s an amazing dancer, and I’m sure she will be amazing at anything and train hard. I really envy her but not out of hatred, but more on the fact that she gets to live out her dreams. I haven’t even thought of what I wanted to do with my life and now all I have is trying to make my final year on earth a memorable one. But can I do that if my parents are constantly protective over me? I do hope my best friend keeps her promise about taking me with her, because I really need a break from my life. I don’t want to be reminded constantly how my brain will slowly die along with my body. I know my parents will understand when I do this. I should call Miyoung and ask what company she got accepted to. I’m not really into Korean music like she is. She’s the only one who updates me with what’s happening in the entertainment world, so it’s frustrating when she makes me remember everyone’s names and what groups are out there. I still can’t believe there’s a 13-boy group. How can people tell them apart? Anyway, I need to stop babbling and sleep!


“Jinwoonyah! What are you still doing up? We have an event tomorrow morning. Are you still reading that dirty fan fiction you told me about? Dude if it is, that’s gross man. Go to bed now.”

I was in my room and had all my lights off except my flashlight, so of course I squealed having Kwonnie Hyung barge into my room like that. And no I wasn’t reading fan fictions, but I decided not to say anything.

“Araso, Hyung.” I folded the torn piece of paper and stuffed it under my pillow.

I wonder where this girl is now, I mean I thought I saw her today at the buffet. Yeah come to think of it, that girl who was looking at me looked very similar to the girl I bumped into at the airport. Then again, the girl in the airport looked much paler than the girl at the buffet.

-Sigh- Yeah, I’m sure buffet girl wasn’t airport girl.

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You probably haven't recieved a comment here in a long while... But I just wanted to let you know that this is my most favorite fanfic ever. Even though it's not finished i just keep reading and re-reading it.
I just wanted to say thanks for the awesome story :)
smilingeyes #2
2PM and 2AM, YEEEES 8D!
Are you filipino? This story is my fave haha
Your picture is so cool. I was like "How the hell did she do that?" I love it!
CYmu5ic #5
To say the truth, I keep imagining 'MiYoung as Nicole' and 'ChaeRin as Hara'. I wonder why...
woot~ I'll be anticipating^^
yup, enjoying it so far~
AKTF94 #8
8O ooooooh miyoung is so nice! This Chase person must be stopped...
i knew it. why am i not surprised