Chapter 19; Meet Rae, the new face of JYPE.

The Last Encore

(???’s POV)

A couple of months ago...

Question 10: What do you value most and why?

“Dear Mr. Park,

I don’t even know if you will read this, but I will write to you anyway. You seem like the man who would give anyone the opportunity to shine and the opportunity to fail. You also seem to be the type to judge a person’s talent more so than their appearance. So give me this chance to give those opportunities to someone.

She looks weak, fragile, and soft spoken. However, her determination, courage, and talent breaks the shield she puts on herself. ChaeRin Park is her name. When I first met her, I thought she would be the typical everyday person. I was wrong. After hearing her terminal fate, she sees it as a blessing. Cancer is a curse, but to her it gave her the opportunity to live her life. She knew there was no turning back, so what ever fate came her way she treated it as a challenge for her drive. The drive to live life to the fullest.

I ask for you to give her the opportunity, give her a new purpose, and show her that anything is possible if she keeps trying.

You ask what my values are? My values are love, friendship, and family. And she is all three.”


“Don’t tell me you’re actually going to believe this piece of crap?”

I sat in front of my laptop and wondered if this letter has any truth to it.

“Hmm no, but I am intrigued to see who this ChaeRin is.”

“Mr. Park if you choose her, this could be another scandal waiting to happen.”

“MinJong, just because I stepped down as CEO and entrusted it to you, don’t you think my opinions matter too? I’ve built the company and I know when I see something worth looking into. Please.”

He wasn’t too happy about my decisions, but he knew I was right. And I will make sure that I’m not going to let this girl down like I did with Jay. The least I could do is to help this girl out, in hopes that my help will amend my guilt. Selfish? Maybe. I didn’t say I was always 100% the good guy, but I know when certain wrongs could make a right. And right now, ChaeRin is the key to my problems.

Continuing from the last chapter...


The next day I was told to stay inside my dorm until Jinyoung oppa returns from a tour he was doing in New York. I felt bad that he had to come back home during his tour, but it couldn’t be helped. I was at the point of not having the courage to step foot out of my dorm. Even my parents were upset by the thought of a stalker watching my every move. Nancy assured them that I was in good hands because Jin is watching over me. However, they even were considering for me to quit. I told them that I wasn’t going anywhere. I was given this opportunity and I’m sure as hell not going to let some stalker take this dream from me. I promised them that I will be more careful and will not go anywhere without any protection.

I was alone in the dorm, well not completely alone. Jin was outside of my dorm, but I told him that he was more than welcome to stay inside. Miyoung had practice with her dance crew, so having Jin for company wasn’t too bad. At first she was reluctant to leave me alone, but I insisted that she shouldn’t be wasting her friends’ time staying home. Because of what’s been happening, I wasn’t allowed to contact 2AM or 2PM. I hate that I can’t even tell them that I’m doing okay and not to worry.

I spent most of my time cleaning my room, Miyoung’s room, and just about every room in the dorm. The kitchen was practically clean, so I cooked lunch for Jin and me. It was a good reason for me to clean the kitchen. Jin insisted to take care of the dishes, but I kindly declined and suggested he should watch some TV or read a book. I threatened him that if he were to wash the dishes, then someone could just snatch me right away. Haha, that worked all right. It was mean, but I only did it because he was a guest and so he shouldn’t be cleaning.

The day turned into the afternoon, afternoon turned into the evening. Miyoung called ahead to apologize that she wasn’t coming home at 11pm, but will be home around 2am. Nancy called right after and mentioned that she’ll be coming for a visit, but that was 5 hours ago. I felt sorry for Jin because he had to stay with me until Miyoung comes home.

I decided that since I couldn’t practice at the studio, I’d take it upon myself to practice at home. Besides, I have my portable keyboard that I received from my parents a month after. After cutting up some fruits for Jin, I excused myself to my room. I pulled out the keyboard under my bed and assembled the stand for it.

“Hmm let’s see, what should I play.”

-Ahem- “Do you mind if I listened here.” Just when I was about to play a key, I saw Jin standing in front of my door. I offered him to grab a chair from the kitchen and place it in my room, but he preferred to stand.

As I got comfortable, I closed my eyes and thought about what to play. Then my thoughts were filled with Jinwoon, 2AM, 2PM, and Khun. I’m not sure why my heart would feel heavy whenever I thought of Khun. Maybe it was guilt? Or was I disappointed?

I took a deep breath and played a familiar tune. A song that seemed to be appropriate for the mood I was in: Only Remind Me of You by MYMP. I remembered one of my school friends’ sang this song for a showcase at school. It was a sad song, but it was beautiful at the same time.


Once I finished playing, I heard clapping. I looked over Jin to thank him for his applause, but it wasn’t him. It was none other than JYP himself.

“Wow. Why is that every time we meet, I find you singing? You know, you really surprise me.”

“Uh-thank you?” That was the only respond I could think of. I was surprised to see him too. I thought he would be coming tomorrow morning, not tonight. Time difference? Maybe. Anyway, I was still standing there while he made his way inside my room; examining everything from wallpaper to photos.

“So how are you?” He finally asked, still looking around my room.
-Sigh- Well Despite the fact that there’s a stalker out there waiting for me to be seen, I’m feeling fine. And despite the rumors trying to discredit not only my future, but Khun’s and 2AM’s credibility, life’s been great!

I wish.

-Sigh- “Well I’m not going to lie to you, Oppa. I’m afraid to go outside of this building, BUT I am not going to let this get in the way of my training. I won your contest, you gave me a contract, and you even gave a home for Miyoung and me. I will work harder and make sure that I am not wasting anyone’s time.”

He stopped in front of me and had a soft smile on his face.

“You know, for a girl who is sick, you’re really tough and determined.”

He knows?! O_O Since when?

I wanted to ask him, but he beat me to it.

“You’re wondering how I knew? Silly girl, I do a background check on every trainee that come through here. Unfortunately, I wasn’t even able to track if your stalker is a JYPE employee.”

“Does that mean, I-I’m going to be kicked out? Because I’m sick?” I was terrified that he knew. I was more afraid of him rejecting me than the stalker kidnapping me.

“Oh no, no. My dear don’t worry. Why would I kick you off for having an eye infection? Nancy told me that you got contacts? You should start wearing them when your eye heals.”

He quickly turned his back from me. I was confused. So he doesn’t know that I’m really sick? I was relieved, but I felt guilty for lying.

“Ahh that’s right! Where’s Nancy?”

“O-oh she said she’ll be...”

“HERE! I’m here! -panting- I’m sorry I was late. Traffic was insane.” Nancy was literally stumbling as she walked into the hallway with grocery bags in both hands. Jin went to help her out, while Jinyoung Oppa and I were in my room.

“Perfect. We need to discuss Rae’s new look and comeback.”

Rae? Don’t you mean ChaeRin? I asked myself.

He then motioned me to follow him to where everybody was; the kitchen and living room.


Present time...

Three weeks had already passed, but it felt like more than a month. It’s been that long since I last seen or even heard about ChaeRin. It was as if she disappeared from the face of the earth. I asked Jinwoon if he’d seen her, but he also had no clue what was going on. Miyoung was out of the picture as well. In fact, there had been some rumors going around that she switched to a different company. Everyday I would check all the news sites hoping to strike up an article about the incident, but nothing came up. It was strange to me that the article about me and her just disappeared. Not even one article popped up when I googled myself and the ”mysterious woman.” I was glad about that, but now it only meant that ChaeRin never existed.

“Hyung, why are you still in your pjs? We have rehearsals to go to and we still need to get ready for the video shoot.” Wooyoung came into my room and was already dressed. Well, he still had his pajama sweats on. Tonight is our video shoot for "Without U.” The new song from our new album. We also needed to practice for our comeback this Friday, but I had something else on my mind; ChaeRin. I couldn’t even call her because the service was cut off.

“Can’t you just let it go hyung?”
“Yeah maybe she went back to her hometown.” Both Taec and Junsu passed by and agreed that ChaeRin wasn’t coming back. I wanted to say otherwise, but they might be right. I mean she was a target for more danger if she stayed here with that stalker on the loose. Jinyoung hyung didn’t even say anything, so I’m sure the new CEO had made it official for her leave.

-Sigh- “We don’t know that. She could be just resting or she could be training somewhere else.” Junho came to her defense.

“He’s right. Until then, let’s focus on our comeback and give our fans the best comeback they’ve never seen before.” I added, now standing next to Junho.

“Guys! Did you see the craziness that’s going on down stairs?” Chansung came running to where everyone else was, my room.

“Yah, would you keep it down?” Junsu complained.

“What are you talking about? Don’t tell me fans are already surrounding our dorms?” O_O Both Wooyoung and Taec shivered at the image of having fans blocking every exit possible. They weren’t ready to greet fans, especially the way Taec looked; him and his orange cargos.

“No, It’s not that! It’s a crowd full of media reporters, something about a new artist? I couldn’t see who he or she was, but they had a couple big security guys surrounding them. I wonder who it is and why such a big secret?” My attention went back to Chansung who made a valid point. Then suddenly I thought of her and ran for the door.

“Hyung! Where are you going? We have rehearsals in an hour!” Junho shouted.

“Don’t worry I’ll just meet you guys there, I’ll be right back. I need to clarify something.” I replied and left.

As I stepped out of the elevator, there was a crowd of reporters around the body guards. I couldn’t see who they were protecting because the reporters were basically pushing and shoving each other, hoping to get a picture of the mysterious person(s). Then a familiar face squeezed herself between the guards.

“Ms. Choi who is this person you and the company have been trying hard to protect from the media?”

“Is this person a new artist? If so, when can we expect them to debut?”

Reporters attacked her with questions, shoving their mics at her face.

“Please! Everyone, please calm down. I’ll answer everyone’s questions when the right time comes. As for now, JYPE has made it clear that nothing will be released.”

“Can’t you just give us some insight? A name even, please?”

“Khun?” Nancy’s attention went straight towards me.

“Khun? What?” The reporters were confused as to why she said my name, but it wasn’t long for everyone else to catch where her attention was. The reporters then ran towards my direction. Just great Khun, look at what you did. Manager hyung is not going to like this one bit.

“Mr. Horvejkul! Congratulations on 2PM’s comeback. Despite what has happened with former leader Park Jaebum, are you and the rest of 2PM excited for tonight?” One reporter asked. I was overwhelmed with their anticipations that I just froze. Then someone stood in front of me.

“What’s going on here? Please refrain from asking any questions regarding Park Jaebum.” It was manager hyung, was he here the entire time? I wasn’t sure, but my attention went back to Nancy, who was escorting the guards, along with the mysterious person towards the other building.

Just then, they stopped. The guards moved aside and a woman with curly bluish-black hair and dark blue eyes stood between them. I couldn’t tell if I knew her, but she bowed in my direction. Before I could even respond, the guards went back to their guarding positions and continued to walk out of the dorm building.

“Khun? Hey Khun? We’re going to be late for rehearsal if you keep daydreaming like that.” The manager caught off my concentration, not realizing that the reporters already left.

“Wh-what happened? Where are all the reporters?” I asked, still confused.

“Well, they left when I told them that 2PM will not do an interview with the media.”


“Oh? Is that all you can say after I managed to get them off your back? Aigoo! Khunah, you’re spoiled you know that? You’re lucky hyungnim wasn’t the one that caught you, otherwise you’ll get another lecture from him again. Now come on, before your brothers start to wonder about your absence.”


Three weeks ago...

“U-uh you sure this is going to work?” I sat in front of the mirror, waiting for the makeover I was about to receive.

“Of course! Even Jiyoung Oppa agreed to it. Isn’t that right, Unni?” Miyoung was sitting on a chair next to mine, while she also got herself a new look. She wanted longer length, so she got extensions which I thought looked great on her. Her hairstylist just finished, but wanted waves in her hair. Miyoung said that having longer hair while dancing looked y, which I thought would also look great on her, but I was jealous. I wasn’t used to change, especially when it comes to appearances.

Just when my stylist had her scissor in her hand prepping to cut my hair, I jumped out of my seat and I hugged my hair. I cringed at the thought of having a short hairstyle.

“Couldn’t I just wear a wig or something? Please? I love how my hair looks now.” The only reason I had to change was for two purposes: one, there’s a stalker in it for me. And two, Jinyoung oppa planned this type of concept for me. Still, the thought of not having long hair wasn’t working for me. I love my hair! It was the only thing that separates me from a chemo-patient and non-cancerous person. It hides what I am, it was my shield. My mask behind the harsh reality.

“Tell you what, I could just dye your hair reddish-brown and when you do your performances and promotions, and what not, you can where a wig?” The stylist suggested. Thank god she was on my side, and thank god that she and Nancy are best friends. To keep the new makeover and my true identity a secret, Nancy called her best friend slash sister-in-law, Yoomi, if she could take me in for a private makeover at her salon near Nancy’s place. Nancy’s older brother is married to her, so I felt a little bit more comfortable to have her do my hairstyle.

“Well all right then. I’ll go prep up your hair coloring and I'll ask one my trusted employees to prep you up for hair-washing. I’ll be right back. And Nancy, please don’t order take-out in my salon. As much as I love food, I don’t want any of my clients’ coming out of here smelling like JjanJjanMyoung.”


Two days ago, Jinyoung Oppa came back from New York just to see me. He wanted to see how my training was coming along, but on a serious note, he wanted to make sure my safety isn’t in danger.


“So you’re saying what they are revealing on the internet isn’t true?”

“The only thing I’m guilty of is my stubbornness. The only reason Khun Oppa and I were in the first place was because I wasn’t feeling too well, and fainted. I didn’t want to be taken to the infirmary, so he insisted to stay with me until I felt better to walk back to my dorm. I did not expect anyone to be watching us, and I certainly did not expect the same person to take a picture of me when I was helping 2AM.”

Jinyoung Oppa is a scary person when a situation as serious as this comes to his attention. Oh the other hand, I would much rather handle things with him, than the other CEO.

For a while he just sat on my couch, thinking. Then he stood up, heading for the door, but he then spoke about a plan.

“Nancy, while I erase these rumors have our PR people track down the person who wrote the article. Then set up a meeting from there. This needs to be a secret because we wouldn’t want more people asking questions. I will also set up a meeting with reporters regarding Rae’s debut. So for now have her continue her vocal and dance classes. I’ll try to set up the meetings outside of the building, so she can be a hidden artist for now.”

“Rae?” I asked.

“Oh that’s right, Rae is your debut name. ‘Rae’ is a new concept for you. You may not know this, but I have been working on how your debut will be. I’ve also learned that you and Kim Yeohee had worked on a song? Anyway, I will fax a copy of the disposition of your debut to Nancy, so don’t worry. Just as long as you continue your hard work ChaeRin—or should I say Rae, you’ll make it. Fighting!”

[End of Flashback]

“So~ which color of wigs do you prefer?” The stylist came in pushing a cart full of wigs. They all were the same style: short and curly. The great thing about these wigs is that they are made from human hair. They look realistic and are easy to put on. Because I had a coloring cap on, the stylist suggested for me to try one on.

I don’t know which one to pick, but since my favorite color is blue, I tried on the dark-blue. Did I mention Nancy got me to wear contacts? Yup. Contacts. Ever since she found out that my vision hasn’t been too well, she made me go get a check up. I got dark blue colored contacts. I wanted these dark purple ones, but they made my eyes look fake. At least with the dark-blue contacts, they looked more realistic.

“Don’t I look like a doll with blueberry cotton-candy?” Yoomi fixed my wig by combing out my real hair inside the wig.

“Hey a change isn’t bad, right? Besides, I’ve been trying to get you to get a streak of blue in your hair last summer.” Miyoung went behind me and started playing with my hair.

“You know, you’re right. A change is a good thing. Although I do have to say, I look like Curly from the Three Stooges. Haha”

“Ooh they also have hot pink, too! Maybe you could change your hair color for each performance you do. It could be your signature look!”

“Haha right.”

After playing around with the wigs, I was asked by one of Yoomi’s employees to follow her into the washroom.

A whole day with just the girls definitely kept my mind off of the thought of a stalker following my every move. At least no one hasn’t questioned my whereabouts, but I couldn’t help myself from feeling the guilt of not informing 2AM and Khun...At least they don’t have to worry about me, because they have more important things to worry about.


As I sat down and laid my head into the sink, the girl excused herself to get more shampoo and towels.

Just then, I heard something fall on the floor to my left.

“Oh crap, my iPod.” A male’s voice. I came back up in sitting position and noticed a boy with his head on top of the sink, while using his right arm searching for his iPod on the floor. I saw this and picked it up for him. I handed it into his hand and he was surprised by the contact.

“O-oh thank you. I would’ve stood up to get it, but I already have shampoo on my head.” I’m not sure why I did it, but I stood up and even helped him put his earphones in his ears, and his iPod for him. He had a 2PM song on pause. I couldn’t see his face because he had a white towel over his face.

“O-oh no problem. Heh.” As I started to move back to my spot, he held onto my wrist. Now at this point, I’m thinking this guy could be my stalker. Unfortunately, I couldn’t even react to the contact because by the time I turned my head around, I realized who it was.

“N-noona?!” O_O
I hope that satisfied you guys enough :D

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You probably haven't recieved a comment here in a long while... But I just wanted to let you know that this is my most favorite fanfic ever. Even though it's not finished i just keep reading and re-reading it.
I just wanted to say thanks for the awesome story :)
smilingeyes #2
2PM and 2AM, YEEEES 8D!
Are you filipino? This story is my fave haha
Your picture is so cool. I was like "How the hell did she do that?" I love it!
CYmu5ic #5
To say the truth, I keep imagining 'MiYoung as Nicole' and 'ChaeRin as Hara'. I wonder why...
woot~ I'll be anticipating^^
yup, enjoying it so far~
AKTF94 #8
8O ooooooh miyoung is so nice! This Chase person must be stopped...
i knew it. why am i not surprised