Chapter 17; Reconciliation is the first step to fight a bigger battle

The Last Encore

Hello guys ^^
Thank you so much for staying with me. It really gives me the inspiration to continue with my story.
I decided to update before I start on my final paper that's due tomorrow :X

Anyway...I hope this chapter doesn't disappoint in how it's going so far & hopefully I don't disappoint in grammar either ><;



A few days later...

A couple of days have passed since the incident and I can vividly remember everything. Especially the part when 2AM came to visit me. I forgot they still had my groceries, so that was one reason why they came to visit. And the other reason? Well, apparently Miyoung made them come and explain to her what exactly happened to me at the market. Of course, I was in my room the entire time, but her voice was loud enough for me to hear most of the conversation. They claimed to take full responsibility for what happened, but I disagreed. It was no one’s fault because no one would’ve expected it to happen.

Thanks to that crazy man, Nancy has insisted for a body guard to be with me everywhere I went. I told her that I don’t need it if I’m going to be in the studio most of the time, but here I am now in the studio while Jin Oppa is outside, guarding. Jin has a 5th degree black-belt in martial arts and has a degree in criminal justice. Every day he’d come to the dorms at exactly 9:15am, then he’d me to the studio, to the cafeteria; he’d even be near when I have free-time to visit Miyoung. He would also be very protective when any non-JYPE employee or trainee would come close within 5 feet of me.

I was annoyed by all of it because I’m not a child, and I certainly don’t need a 24/7 babysitter watching my every move. This was something I wanted to say, but I had no right to because Nancy is just trying to protect me, and I think knowing my secret took a big hit for her. She’s even cautious about events I should be doing because of my condition. But I told her, like I told everybody else who knows about the real me, that I can take care of myself. I especially hate when I’m being pitied or have people doubt my capabilities. It’s not fair to me and for others who are going through the same deal, especially when they can do things their own way. It’s not like I don’t like the help, but at least give me some credit. I’ve gotten this far, didn’t I?

So I asked Nancy and Jin if they could lighten up the security and that if I need help I won’t even hesitate to ask. Jin understood. Though he is a not the man with many words, a nod from him was enough. Nancy however, well let’s just say her reaction was exactly how my mother reacted when I told her about leaving for Seoul with Miyoung. Slowly, but surely she agreed and I of course had to agree to work hard, and to take it easy when I feel pressure from it.


After practice, Jin and I headed to the dance studio. I was glad that I finally started dance practice because that meant that I would have the same lunch as Miyoung. Unlike me and some of the trainees, Miyoung had opportunities to be a back-up dancer in a couple of performances for other companies, and it was all thanks to her teacher. She even told me that she might even have the opportunity to choreograph a routine for this new group that Jinyoung oppa has created in China. It felt good to know that even though Miyoung and I are riding on different paths, we both are grateful to have the opportunity to be part of it.

As Jin and I entered the room, there were still people inside. I couldn’t tell if they were trainees since their backs were all I could see, and my vision nowadays have been compromised thanks to the tumor. However, there was one person who I definitely could pick out from a crowd.

It was Khun wiping his forehead with his sweaty wifebeater. In fact it was all of 2PM in their wifebeaters and basketball shorts. I looked for a place to sit down and watched their routine. There was a table full of backpacks, which I assume were theirs, so I sat on top next to them. Jin of course followed and stood beside me. Their choreographer went to the stereo to replay the song one last time.

The song started out with what sounded like rain and thunder. I never heard of the song, so it must be a new one. To tell you the truth I never really listened to their music, except for “Again & Again” and “When You Come Back” from Miyoung. I think she had the second song on repeat throughout September towards the end of December of last year. I forgot why though.

“All right guys, one more time. Junsu make sure you don’t make your ‘OK’ signs sloppy and Khun when you switch with Junsu, make sure you don’t bump into each other. Come on guys, your comeback is near and we need to be sharp and precise.”

Once the song ended, Junho looked straight at me from the wall of mirrors. He had that “OH!” expression and quickly stood up to greet me. I did a small jump step from the table and bowed in front of all of them and they did the same. Junho was first to run up to me and asked what I was doing here. While the others, except Khun who was talking to their choreographer, took their time to walk towards the back.

“Noona! How are you? It’s been a while, did you see our photos in the magazine? They all turned out great!” Junho commented. I simply smiled and nodded at his question. Junsu smiled and nodded at my presence and walked passed me to get his backpack.

“Oh Noona, so what are you doing here? Are you waiting for Khun hyung?” Wooyoung asked.
I tried to block the thought of Khun, but it was kind of hard considering he was across from me. “Oh no, I’m here to practice. You guys did great by the way. Was that a new song?”
All of them turned around and gave me a look.

“Yeah it’s the song we—wait didn’t you see the teaser?” O_o Taecyeon asked. Miyoung did, like a thousand times, but I on the other hand did not. I wanted to just say that, but instead I just said that Miyoung told me about it, but I haven’t gotten the chance to listen to it.

“Here.” A CD with the written words “Without U practice” on it was presented to me. I could easily tell that it was Khun because of the bracelet hanging on his wrist. I hesitated to take it since it was the copy they were using to practice to, but he said it would be fine for me to take.

“Oh th—thank you. I’ll listen to it when I get home.” As I took it from his hand, there was a folded piece of paper underneath the disc. I wanted to ask him what the paper was for, but by the time I turned around to call after him, he already was near the door with the rest of 2PM. So instead, I bowed to say goodbye. The choreographer left right after and told me that since I was the last trainee to use the room, I’m responsible for telling my teacher to lock up right after. It wasn’t long for my teacher to arrive, but we spent more than a hour dancing. So much for having lunch with Miyoung. ><;


“Oh!” I heard Junho say after we finished. I followed his stare and saw ChaeRin sitting on top of the table. What was she doing here? I thought. I also saw her bodyguard Seulong told me about. So, it’s true then; something bad happened. I wanted to say hi, give her a hug and say that I was worried, but I didn’t. Instead, I stood there while the others greeted her. I stood there because I felt guilty for the other time. I tried to make eye contact with her, but then the choreographer called me over.


“Yeah I’ll remember that, thanks hyung. Oh and do you mind if I keep this copy? I’ll burn another one.” Pointing at his CD, he gladly handed it to me.

“Wait, haven’t you seen the teaser?” I heard Taec ask her about our song.

I took out a folded piece of paper from my pocket and took the pen that laid on top of the speaker.

Hey! -scratch- We need to talk. -scribble-
I’m really sorry about last time. I know I should’ve said something, but
I just left you hanging like that. Sometimes I panic when I’m faced with situations like that, but that still doesn’t make a valid excuse to do that to you. Please forgive me ><;

If you want to talk, feel free to call me anytime XXX-XXX-XXX

“Here.” Here? Is that all you can say? Great, now she looks scared.
I couldn’t figure out if she was scared or surprised that I was talking to her. Once she took the CD, I quickly passed by her and headed for the door with everyone else. I wanted to stay and talk to her, but we had a fitting to go to and besides, her bodyguard doesn’t seem to be too happy with me talking to her in the first place.


Throughout the day all I had on my mind was whether she would call me or not. I was having some mixed feelings about it. If she did call me, would our conversation turn out to be a disaster? I couldn’t even focus whenever someone would ask a simple question. I would respond with a “huh?” or “what?” or I’d simply walk aimlessly around.

“Hey Khun you should pay attention.” Our manager yelled across the room because he saw that I was just spacing out while the noona stylists were giving us instructions. I apologized and put all my focus on what was happening now. We were all getting fitted for the new outfits for the comeback this month. At first the stylists were suggesting another suit and tie look, but then the coordinator received a call from Jinyoung consulting about the new looks.

Because the new songs called for a more beastly look, he suggested that we should wear tight black jeans and black wifebeaters. The boys and I looked at each other, and we all had the same look; we were worried. Well okay, not everyone was worried. Taec seemed to like the idea, but then again he is after all a fashion terrorist.

The new look screams out one word: JYP. It was definitely Jinyoung’s style and I wasn’t digging it. And what made it worst were these metal headbands we had to wear along with the outfit. I mean okay, so the outfit does shape out our new body, but I can’t get this image of myself as a younger JYP in front of the mirror. Taec was happy because he would be the one ripping off his shirt.
-sigh- Seriously Jinyoung, why this outfit? I would much rather be half and just imagine, our fans would most certainly agree to it.

It was too late now. If that’s what he wants then we have no choice in the matter. I would think our coordinator would say something, but to my surprise she actually liked it.

After our fitting we all headed back to the dorms. It was late, in fact it was past midnight, and so far my phone hasn’t even vibrated once. Not even a text from anyone. I took a shower before everyone else, then I laid on my bed while I held up my phone dangling; swinging it in front of my face. I wanted to call her, but then I’d sound desperate.
But isn’t that what I was doing the entire day? I thought to myself. Let’s be honest, after leaving her with no time to react to the letter, all I did today was think about whether she would call me or not.

I checked to see the time on my phone and it was 1:01am already. I wasn’t even sleepy and I—I mean, we all had to wake up at 4am. Finally after 5 minutes which felt like another 50 minutes; I received a missed call. Then another came after that, then another. I didn’t even let the third one ring because once I saw my phone light up, I quickly answered it.

“Hyung!” Oh it was just Junho, but wait, why is he calling me when he’s just in the next room? I hung up on him and went to his room. I wanted to ask why he called my phone when he could’ve easily just entered my room. But he just grabbed me to sit on his bed and shoves the laptop in front of my face.

“What the heck? What was that fo—”
I looked at him and saw that he had a serious expression. He then points at the screen.

“Breaking news: Mysterious girl seen with NichKhun from 2PM is also seen with 2AM. A source tells us that she was filming a program with 2AM. Does that mean she is working with Mnet? Or is there something much bigger than that? Stay tuned as we uncover the truth behind it all!”

After reading the article, Junho told me to scroll down and what I saw next pissed me off. It was a photo of ChaeRin, but fortunately her face was blurred out. I was pissed because the photo’s angle was similar to the one with me in it, and her face was also blurred. Whoever is leaking these photos to the media certainly knows her every move, and I wasn’t going to just sit around and wait to see what happens next. I placed the laptop on top of the bed and stormed out of Junho room, leaving him dumbfounded at my reaction. I was mad and I wanted some answers, but who do I ask exactly? I made sure that everyone was sound asleep, so I could leave without anyone knowing. However, Junho caught up with me and said he wanted to tag along.

“Hyung where exactly are we going?” That was a good question, but instead of answering him we ended up in front of 2AM’s dorm. I asked Junho to call Seulong and to tell him that we were in front of their door, but no answer. I started ringing their doorbell and after couple rings, Kwon answered.

“What the—not that I don’t mind seeing you guys, but why are you here?” He sounded and looked drowsy. He rubbed his eyes and squinted as a reaction to the lights.

“Where’s Jinwoon? He might know what’s going on.” I let ourselves in and passed Kwon to look for Jinwoon. It wasn’t long for everyone else to wake up and started wondering why Junho and I were doing in their dorms so early in the morning. Jinwoon was the last one to make his way in the living room while the rest of us were already sitting.

“Hyung, you’re looking for me?” Jinwoon lazily asked. I took out my iphone and showed him the article. The sudden change in his expression told me that he knew exactly what’s been happening. Seulong took my phone to take a look and he too, had the same expression as Jinwoon. As each of them read the article, their want of sleep went away and a serious expression were painted on their faces.

“Do you think it’s him?” Jinwoon asked Changmin.

“He could be, but I didn’t see a camera with him when we was running away.”

“It couldn’t be any of our fans either because they all had their attention towards us, so it can’t be any of them.” Kwon added to Changmin’s theory.

“What is going on guys? What happened during your recording? Was noona really with you guys?” Junho asked who made his way to sit next to Kwon.

2AM all looked at each other and then back to me. “There was this man, he attacked ChaeRin.” Changmin finally confessed.

“He what?! Why didn’t anyone call the police?” I demanded answers, but who was I kidding? They couldn’t do anything because they weren’t there when it happened.

“Changmin hyung and I saw him push her to the floor and so we chased him, but he was long gone before we could even get a good look at him.” Jinwoon who sounded guilty and avoided looking at me. He sounded more upset than anyone else in the room besides myself.

“But he did leave a clue behind.” Changmin added. He then went to his room and came back with what looked like a phone charm of a die. He handed it to me and said that they found it next to the spot where ChaeRin was.

Suddenly I felt the urge to go see her, so I just left.

With no patience to wait for the elevator to come up, I decided to take the stairs, but there he stood trying to be intimidating. I started to stiffen up and even held my breath.

“And just where do you think you’re going?”

“Hy—hyungmin…” I gulped hard trying to collect saliva in order to moisten my dry mouth. It was the new CEO and he wasn’t looking too happy to see me roaming around this late at night.

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You probably haven't recieved a comment here in a long while... But I just wanted to let you know that this is my most favorite fanfic ever. Even though it's not finished i just keep reading and re-reading it.
I just wanted to say thanks for the awesome story :)
smilingeyes #2
2PM and 2AM, YEEEES 8D!
Are you filipino? This story is my fave haha
Your picture is so cool. I was like "How the hell did she do that?" I love it!
CYmu5ic #5
To say the truth, I keep imagining 'MiYoung as Nicole' and 'ChaeRin as Hara'. I wonder why...
woot~ I'll be anticipating^^
yup, enjoying it so far~
AKTF94 #8
8O ooooooh miyoung is so nice! This Chase person must be stopped...
i knew it. why am i not surprised