Episode 76

From a poor little girl to a rich princess

*Sherry POV*

Next day~i go to BAP's house woah yesterday was DAEBAK!hahaha especially when we went to the carnival,Himchan oppa's idea was so hilirious but we love it!(flashback)

Himchan:okay guys~but wait where did Daehyun go?

Zelo:molla...but look their turn to ride the ferris wheel is around the corner...

Sherry:what should we do..?

Himchan:*think*haa!how about this?


Himchan:im not finish yet~

Yongguk:straight to the point

Himchan:how many people can ride that thing?

Jongup:3 i guess...

Himchan:okay...urhm~we will make Daehyun and Jae Hi ride together while Ji Min will ride the ferris wheel..alone~

Yongguk:*raise his eyebrow*how?

Himchan:*look at us*Sherry and i will ride the ferris wheel with Ji Min*smile*

Jongup:hyung!Ji Min will be suspicious if she see you

Himchan:aish Jongup-ah dont be so slow,we wont show ourself since our outfit was hoodie

Zelo:but why must you and my girlfriend?

Himchan:i wont do anything with her duh...

Zelo:you better hyung~

Sherry:great!shall we start?

Himchan:kaja!*pull my hand*

Zelo:hyung!!dont pull her

Himchan:*run then push Ji Min into the ferris wheel*

Sherry:*follow Himchan then sit next to Himchan*

Ji Min:what the...Daehyun ride with Jae Hi?!*sit down while cross her arm*

Sherry:*hold my laughter*

Himchan:*whisper*see they ride together

Sherry:*whisper back*thats great oppa

Ji Min:oh please...its all because of you guys!!why did you*point to Himchan*push me?!

Himchan:*look down*mianhe...

Ji Min:mianhe?!*laugh*you're not sorry!!urghhhh see my boyfriend ride this with my sister damn it!!

Sherry:er....*whisper*oppa dont laugh

Himchan:*whisper*i can't hold it!

Ji Min:then i have to stuck with this weird person oh my god!!

Sherry:*whisper*okay i can't hold this laughter too

Himchan:*whisper*i feel yaa...

Ji Min:i want go out right now!!what are they doing,i can't see anything this is !!




After we finish our travel hahaha xD Himchan oppa told the others what actually happened,oh my god we laughed whole night like there is no tomorrow lol(flashback end)i knock the door then Daehyun oppa open it up while smile sweetly at me

Sherry:annyeong oppa!

Daehyun:annyeong Sherry-ah,want me to call Zelo?

Sherry:for sure..

Daehyun:ofcourse,come in,i will call him for you oh?


Daehyun:its not a big deal,have a sit oh?*walk away*ZELOOOOOOO-AHHH!

Zelo:*walk downstair*bwae?

Daehyun:Mina was here~


Daehyun:*walk upstair*

Zelo:*walk behind me silently*Mina...?

Sherry:Mina..?*whispers to myself*

Zelo:is that you?

Sherry:*roll my eyes*er...

Zelo:why did you come here?i dont want to see you~

Sherry:*shock"aish jjinjja?!he really think that i was Mina?!"i thought*okay fine!!*turn around*

Zelo:*eyes widen*She..Sherry?!!!

Sherry:*cross my arm*uhuh?

Zelo:Sherry-ah i didn't mean to...

Sherry:*raise my eyebrow*

Zelo:*hug my leg*jebal forgive me jagiya,Daehyun hyung told me that you are Mina~

Sherry:*confused but then giggles*

Zelo:am i forgiven?



Sherry:*kiss him*

Zelo:*shock but kiss me back*

Himchan:*see us*YAHHHHHH!!!!!!

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bellahussein #1
Chapter 100: Woah this is good! I love it!
Chapter 100: omo! omo! omo! this is the best fanfic i have ever read!!! daebakk!! superb!! love the story soo much!! you are the best author-nim!! >.< keep up the good work!! please do!! really anticipating for it!!
Awwwww!!! This it the BEST story ever!!! :D
AS_SarahW #4
Chapter 100: Finally I finished read story..such a long story!!!at first I really want to punch daehyun and Ji Min but..after what Ji Min said about "loan" omo...that part really touch my heart what a great unnie anyway great job!!!!!!!
Chapter 100: wooaaahh! eonnie what a sweeeettt as a candy ending, kyaaaa teary eyes xDD congrats you've finished a great story like this, haha make some more :)))
jessicawangsa #6
Chapter 100: awww so sweettttt
Chapter 100: Awww it ended already (T ^ T) this is so cutemake more stories like this please keep it up ^^
Chapter 100: woooooaa...its ended already...T_T..i will miss this fanfic and maybe i will read again after this...XD...btw,this fanfic really2 great..daebak~^_^
Chapter 100: WHOA