Secret Crush

Secret Crush

If there’s one word to describe you, it would be comfortable.  You’re considered to be one of the boys, the low maintenance type that could hang anywhere and with anyone.  You’re the girl who’s got her hair up in a messy ponytail walking around in her shirt, jeans and snickers.  The lass who’s good with a ball and who enjoys a huge meal fit for two.  Your guy best friend has always mistaken you for a guy, telling you things you don’t want to know and doing things you don’t particularly want to see (or maybe you do-in a way *wink*).


Until one day…


“Hey!” your best friend, Wooyoung shouted calling your name making you turn around while walking in the middle of the field after a soccer match.  “What are your plans tomorrow?” he asked as he walked towards you.


“Why?” you asked back as you wiped the sweat trickling down your forehead with the back of your hand.


“I need to get the cleats I ordered.  Wanna come with me?” Wooyoung asked with his hands on his waist standing in front of you.


“I can’t.” you said squinting your eyes as you looked at him with the sun as his backdrop making him look brighter in your eyes than he already was, almost blinding that you wanted to pull away.


“Why not?” Wooyoung asked with a pout.


“I have a thing tomorrow.” you said walking away making him follow you.


“What thing?” he asked trying to make you stop and face him to get an answer about tomorrow’s plan.  “How come I don’t know this thing that’s happening tomorrow?” he asked with furrowed brows.


“It’s not something you should know.” you said trying to avoid him.  “Besides, you don’t know everything about me.”


“Oh come on!” Wooyoung said holding on to your arm to stop you.  “What don’t I know about you?  I know everything there is to know about you.  I have a master’s degree in you.  I even know when you get your period.  You’re my best friend.” he said as you hit him on the arm flustered about him knowing your monthly cycle.


“Trust me Wooyoung, what you know about me is only a sliver of what I am.” you said smiling at him making him all the more curious of what you’re hiding from him.


“Really?  So tell me one thing…just one thing that I don’t know about you.” Wooyoung said smiling arrogantly.


“Well, you don’t know how I really feel…deep inside.” you said looking straight into his eyes.


“About?” Wooyoung asked confused.


“You…for instance.” you said turning away from him with hurried steps, almost running away.  “You don’t know how much and how long I’ve wanted you to see me as a girl.” you thought to yourself.


“Me?” Wooyoung asked as he follows you.  “I don’t get it.”


“Of course you don’t.  You’re dense like that.” you said as you ran back towards the locker room making the boy ran after you.


“Hey!  Aren’t you going to explain?  What’s with the me-thing that I don’t get?” Wooyoung said as he closed the door of your locker while you tried to open it.


“It’s nothing.” you said as you take out the bath towel from your locker.


“You’re getting weirder by the day you know that?  So, about tomorrow…” Wooyoung said as he leaned on the locker doors beside yours while you undo your hair.


“I can’t go with you tomorrow.  I already told you that.” you said as you take a few other things out of your locker.


“Why not?  Please come with.  Please…please…please.” he said with a pout puffing his cheeks up trying to look cute with his hands clasped together.


“I can’t.  Besides…Wooyoung…get out.” you said looking at him.


“Cold.” he said.


“This is the girl’s locker room.  I can’t wash up and change with you in here.” you said pushing him away.


“Change.  I don’t mind.” he said with a smile teasing you.  “Take a shower even.  I’ll convince you in there.”


“I mind!” you said annoyed pushing him all the way to the door.  “I’m a girl just in case you haven’t noticed.”


“You are?  I hardly noticed.” he bantered.


“Well, I am, you punk!” you said as you stick out your tongue at him closing the door.


You took your time in the shower letting the warm water touch every part of your body.  You wished this water could wash away all the thoughts and all the feelings just as easily as it did the dirt on you.  You’ve had the biggest secret crush on your best friend, the heart thumping kind.  The type of crush that gives you butterflies in your tummy every time you’re alone with him making your heart race and turning your world into a bright pink.  And deep in your heart you know that it’s the type of crush that when gets found out would end your friendship.  Because no matter what anyone says and no matter how you look at things, you know that he sees you as a guy.


“Found you!” you hear a familiar voice as you felt a finger poke you at the side making you jump in shock.


“Channie!” you shouted seeing Chansung with a wide grin.  “What are you doing here?”


“I came to find you.” Chansung said as he tucks away your hair behind your ear that fell on your face from your messy ponytail with his fingers.  “And I came to confirm tomorrow.”


“Ahh..tomorrow…yes…tomorrow…definitely.” you said nodding keeping your close proximity with him.


“So what time do I pick you up?” Chansung asked as his finger fixes the hair falling on your face.


“Why are you picking her up tomorrow?” Wooyoung asked all of a sudden surprising both you and Chansung from seeing him appear between you two.  “And stop doing that.” Wooyoung said as he swatted Chansung’s hand away from your face.


“We’re going out tomorrow.” Chansung said.


“Why?” Wooyoung asked with confusion painted all over his face looking at you and Chansung.


“There’s something we have to do tomorrow.” Chansung said.


“Like an errand?” Wooyoung asked.


“Like a date.” Chansung replied.


“Funny.” Wooyoung said giving a fake laugh.


“What’s funny?” Chansung asked in a serious tone.


“Date?  Come on!  Date?  With her?  She’s like…you know…like family…like a brother.” Wooyoung said making you feel hurt and insulted.


“She’s a girl.” Chansung said putting his hand over your shoulder.


“Yeah, I know…but…she’s like.” Wooyoung tried to explain but failed.  “What I meant is…I mean…you know.  Whatever!  You just can’t date.”


“Fine!  I get it.  I’m so not like a girl.  And I’m incapable of dating or being loved.  Is that it?” you said annoyed at Wooyoung.


“That’s not what I said.” Wooyoung said defensively seeing that you got angry.  “I never said that.”


“You were thinking it but never said it.” you said.


“Don’t get mad.” Wooyoung said holding on to your sleeve with pouted lips as he swats Chansung’s hand from your shoulder.


“Whatever.” you said rolling your eyes at Wooyoung.  “Pick me up at 1?” you said to Chansung.


“How about a little earlier so we could get lunch together?” Chansung said.


“Okay.” you replied with a nod.


“Good.” Chansung said grabbing your oversized bag from your shoulder and carrying it as he held your hand.  “Let’s go?  I’ll take you home.”


“Am I invisible?  Have you two suddenly connived into not noticing me?” Wooyoung asked irritated.


“Let’s go Woo!  Don’t be such a drama queen.” you said motioning to Wooyoung to come over.


“Stop holding hands.  It’s weird.” Wooyoung said trying to separate your hand from Chansung’s making Chansung push him away with a huge grin.


The three of you reached your home as you bantered and chattered in the car on the way with Chansung taking the wheels.


“Well, this is me.  Bye guys!  And thanks for sending me home.” you said as you went out of the car taking your huge bag with you and unexpectedly taking Wooyoung along as well.


“Wooyoung, where are you going?  Get back in here!” Chansung shouted as Wooyoung gets off the car.


“You go ahead, we have a few things to talk about.” Wooyoung said to Chansung who stayed in the car.


“Go home Woo.  I’m tired.” you said pushing him back in the car.


“Wait.” Wooyoung said.  “Are you really going out with Chansung?”


“Uh.” you said with a nod.  “Now go!”


“Like a date?” Wooyoung asked with half of his body in the car.


“Would it make you stop if I said yes or if I said no?” you asked.


“I told you already we’re going on a date tomorrow so stop bothering her and let her rest.” Chansung said pulling Wooyoung inside the car.  “Bye!  I’ll see you tomorrow.” Chansung said waving at you.


“Bye guys.” you said closing the car door on Wooyoung who was looking at the window with a sad face on.




The night was long as you kept receiving messages and calls from your best friend asking or more like pestering you about the date with Chansung, none of which you dared to answer.


Tomorrow came and you’ve decided to be a little different from your usual self by wearing a cute little white linen sun dress, one of the few dresses that you own and then letting your hair down for a change.


The doorbell rings and you hurry to the door not wanting Chansung to wait long.  You open the door and see Wooyoung standing there instead.


“Jang Wooyoung!  I told you I can’t go with you today.” you said at Wooyoung who seemed to have blanked out looking at you with his mouth open wide.  “What?”


“You…” Wooyoung said.  “You look like a girl.”


“I am a girl you dimwit.” you said annoyed.


“Well…what I meant was…you look it now.” he said.


“Are you trying to pick a fight?” you said with your arms crossed in front of your chest.


“No, I just meant I think you look beautiful.” he said making you slowly form a smile in your face.


“Go home Woo.” you said as you tried to close the door, but he managed to push it preventing you from doing so.


“Are you really dating Chansung?” Wooyoung asked.


“We’re just going out, that’s all.  It’s not like we’re getting into a relationship, so don’t over react.” you said with a smile as you tried to shoo him away.  “Don’t worry I won’t take him away from you.”


“Oh!  What are you doing here?” Chansung said to Wooyoung as he came up to your doorstep.


“Channie!  Hi!  He was just leaving.  Let me just get my purse so we could go.” you said hurriedly going in to grab your purse and out your door again.  “You’re still here?” you said to Wooyoung.


“You own a purse?” Wooyoung said.


“You look pretty today.” Chansung said as he touched the tips of your hair that lay on your shoulder.  “Prettier, since you’ve always been pretty.”


“That’s a line.  Clearly a line.” Wooyoung said pointing to Chansung.  “You don’t just drop a line like that at her.  She won’t buy it.”


“Thank you.” you said to Chansung with a smile.


“Didn’t I just say you won’t buy it!” Wooyoung said giving you a little push.


“What’s your problem?” you asked Wooyoung irritated.


“I just don’t like this.” Wooyoung whined aloud.


“Well, that’s your problem, isn’t it?” you said turning away as Chansung lead you to his car holding onto your back.


“Bye bro.” Chansung said with a smile to Wooyoung as he helped you get in his car.


You drove away with Chansung watching Wooyoung getting smaller and smaller on the side view mirror as you get farther away from him making you unintentionally sigh loudly in the passenger’s side.


“He deserves it.” Chansung said looking at you as he drove.  “It’ll teach him to see you for who you really are and at the same time it’ll give him the needed push he needs.”


“Meaning?” you asked looking at Chansung.


“Meaning… I have always known you’re the type Wooyoung likes and I know you like him too.” Chansung said with a teasing smile.  “He just haven’t figured it out yet.”


“His type is the boyish type?” you asked raising one eyebrow at Chansung.


“No.  His type is the sweet, smart, simple, comfortable type.” Chansung said.  “Which is exactly you.  Which is also coincidentally exactly my type.” he said with a grin.


“Don’t say things like that.” you said shaking your head.


“Was I out of line?” Chansung teased with a sly smile.  “Well, I am helping you pick out a birthday gift for that halfwit friend of ours, so I assume you would forgive me?”


“I would if you feed me.” you replied with a crooked smile.


“That I will do.” Chansung said.  “But…you know, if Wooyoung won’t make a move on you, I just might.”


“Do you want to die?” you said hitting his arm lightly.


“Why?  You’re really pretty.  I really mean what I said earlier.” Chansung said.


“Weirdo.” you said making the both of you laugh.




The sun has set and the night grew deep without you noticing.  At the end of the day you just felt a stinging feeling in your sore feet after walking countless of circles around the mall looking for a suitable gift for your best friend’s birthday and also from trying to find a few sets of girly clothes for you that Chansung insisted you buy.


“So do you think he’ll really like what we got him?” you said as you alight Chansung’s car holding a paper bag that holds Wooyoung’s gift.


“Of course he would.  I helped pick it up.” Chansung said following you towards your door carrying the rest of the shopping bags.  “And if he doesn’t, I could just strangle him till he does.”


“That’s not very comforting.” you said facing Chansung.  “It’s like I have to force him to like it.”


“I was kidding.” Chansung said holding on to your shoulders bending down to meet your eyes.  “He’ll love anything as long as it’s from you – trust me.”


“Yeah right.” you said with a smirk.


I’ll see you in before leaving.” Chansung said as he stood behind you real close as you try to open your door.  “


“Your hair smells good.” Chansung said as he stood behind you closer.


“Were you smelling my hair?  That’s really weird.” you said turning around holding your hair looking at Chansung with judging eyes.


“What?” he said with a laugh.  “Your hair is directly on my nose.”


“Then don’t stand too close to her.” Wooyoung said coming towards you two by the door.  “And it’s her shampoo.  She uses the lavender scented ones.”


“You’re back?” you said surprised looking at Wooyoung.


“I wanted to show you my cleats.” he said as came towards you empty handed.  “But I left it at home.  So, how was the date?”


“Good.” Chansung said with a smile.


“Details.” Wooyoung said.


“It’s late you guys.  Let’s talk tomorrow?” you said.


“Okay.  Well, I was just passing through anyway.” Wooyoung said as he kept his hands on his pocket.


“What passing through?  We live several blocks away!” Chansung said.


“Shut up and let’s just go home.” Wooyoung said pushing Chansung to the car.


“I’m helping her carry these in her house.” Chansung said holding the shopping bags up.


“I’ll take those.  Thank you very much.” you said as you took the bags from Chansung.  “Good night!” you waved to the two men by the car as you walked over to your door to call it a night.




Its Wooyoung’s birthday and you are on your way to his party with his gift in hand and a trembling heart.  You’ve chosen to dress up for the occasion putting on the outfit you have picked with Chansung at the mall the other day.  A short fitted navy blue one shoulder dress matched with champagne colored stilettos.


You walked in a crowded room with loud music roaring drowning out the incoherent crackles of the people in the bar.  You searched the place among the sea of strangers trying to find a familiar face going through people dancing and chatting in the dim lit room.  You can seemingly feel their eyes looking at you as you pass making you feel all the more fidgety and conscious of how you look.


“Too short.” you heard Wooyoung whisper in your ear covering your legs with his jacket and with himself by standing close behind you.


“Woo!  Happy birthday.” you said turning around and handing him your gift.


“What are you wearing?” Wooyoung said looking mad.


“It’s a dress.” you answered.


“I helped pick it out.” Chansung said as he came over with a drink in hand.  “You look beautiful.” he said to you making you smile and feel shy at his remark.


“Shut up!” Wooyoung said to Chansung.  “Let’s sit.” he said as he led you by the hand to a table.  “Sit there and stay there.” he said to you angry as he sat you down and laid his jacket on your lap.


“What are you doing?” Chansung said as he sat across you.  “You can’t hide her there.  That dress is for showing off.”


“Chansung do me a favor and shut up.” Wooyoung said.  “Or give me your jacket to cover up her shoulders.” he said to Chansung who just shook his head in reply.


“Woo, what’s wrong?” you asked.


“Don’t wear things like that.” Wooyoung replied.


“It’s a dress!” you said exasperated.  “What’s wrong with me wearing a dress?”


“I just don’t like this dress on you.” Wooyoung said.


“Just on me?  Just when it’s on me?  Chansung likes it.  I like it.” you said.


“Well, I don’t.” Wooyoung said.


“Why?  Because I don’t look like a girl and I look weird in a dress and it’s disgusting to look at me acting like a girl?  Is that it?” you said mad.  “Well, guess what.  I am a girl and I’ll continue to dress like this and act like this whether you like it or not.  Happy birthday you idiot!” you said as you stood up and threw his jacket back at him before leaving the party.


“You could’ve just said she looks beautiful.” Chansung said shaking his head.


“I know!  I know she’s beautiful.  I just don’t want other people to see her like that too.” Wooyoung said out loud just as the music stopped making everyone look at him.


“Go after her then and tell her that.” Chansung said as he took a drink.  “Consider that my birthday gift to you.”


Wooyoung ran after you to the hall as you were hurriedly walking away from that place.  Having difficulty in moving fast as you’re not used to wearing high heels, he catches up to you calling your name and asking you to stop.  He catches you by the arm to turn you around and seeing your tears flowing to your cheeks he couldn’t help but sigh.


“I was stupid.  I’m sorry.” Wooyoung said holding to your shoulders and breathing hard trying to catch his breath from all the running.  “I didn’t mean to make you feel bad and I don’t find you disgusting or weird as you said.  Really.  Honestly.”


“Then why react like that?” you asked.  “I know this doesn’t suit me, but you don’t have to rub it in my face.  I know I look…”


“Beautiful.” Wooyoung said as he wipes away your tears making you stop mid-sentence.


“You’re saying that because you know I’m mad at you.” you said scrunching your nose up.


“No, I’m saying that because I mean it.  I always found you beautiful.  Even before this dress.” Wooyoung said as he touched your nose.  “Even when you tie your hair up messy.  Even when you’re covered with sweat from running.  Even in your loose shirt and jeans.  And even when you sleep in the middle of reading a book.  Every time you laugh, you smile or stay quiet and still looking at nothing…I found you beautiful.”


“Then why…” you tried to ask with a racing heart.


“Because I’m afraid everyone will find out.  I’m afraid to lose you to someone else.” he said.  “Can you imagine the horror I went through when you went out with Chansung?”


“We bought you a gift.  He helped me choose which to give you.  Something you’d really like.” you said with a smile as you wiped the tears from your eyes that just kept on falling.


“You’re my gift.” Wooyoung said.  “Do you know how long I’ve had a crush on you?”


“Maybe as long as I have had one on you.” you said.


“Does this mean?” he asked looking at you with a little smile.


“Yes.” you said with a nod.  “Happy birthday Woo.”


“I love you.” he said as he pulled you close to hug.  “This is the best birthday gift I’ve received ever.”


“Do you still hate me wearing this dress?” you said as you pushed away from his grip.


“Umm.” he nodded.  “I prefer for you to be out of it and in my arms.” Wooyoung said with a menacing grin.


“ert!” you said as you hugged him tight.  “You could have told me sooner about how you feel.  Could have saved me from all the drama I had thinking about you.”


“I thought you liked the manly type.  You always said I’m like a baby.” Wooyoung said.


“No.  You’re exactly my type.  And here I was thinking you like the girly type.” you said with a laugh, when all of a sudden Wooyoung closes in to give you a kiss on the lips.


“Let’s get out of here.” Wooyoung said in your mouth as you feel his lips forming a smile.


“This is your party.” you replied.


“Their well-fed and quite drunk, as long as the food and drinks don’t stop, they won’t even notice I’m gone.” he said laughing as he held your hand to lead you away from everyone else…just the two of you.  Alone in the world with just the two of you.

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chanwoon #1
Chapter 1: but the story is cute... i like it ^___^
chanwoon #2
Chapter 1: Aww.. Chansung :<

reminds me of Classic video..
Chansung was left at the altar...
gelliii512 #3
Chapter 1: I salute Chansung! :)
2037 streak #4
Chapter 1: wow! Such a beautiful story author-nim :) i really enjoyed reading it.
Wooyoung is a cute baby, isn't he? ;)
Chapter 1: I wanna be that qurl...
but poor channie...he could've love as much...himnae..
Chapter 1: aww soo cute <3 i love it :)
Chapter 1: *sigh* This is perfect. Can totally relate to this too. Really love it. Good job author.
Chapter 1: Haha~ This is soo cute ^_^
I think you'll kill me when I say...poor Chansung...I wish he could find a nice girl...*caugh* sequel *caugh*
Just kidding xDD <3
Sapphire_Moon #9
Chapter 1: Beautiful... Loved wooyoung's character :D
Chapter 1: I realllyy love your one shots *O* it's soo cute!! <3