A Dog's World


He was the loyal dog who loved his master in every which way.


Luna rose and stepped back, and Seunghyun took that as his persmission to stand, the chains a harsh scrape against the thick of the quiet. Luna moved to the side and Seunghyun took a breath through his nose before shuffling toward the exit.


The final hiss and hollow thump of the door closing behind him rendered him cold.


Freedom was never real in the first place.


Dedicated to the lovely -Angela-Zhang- who is my first true supporter on the site. Also to Amalya for her continued friendship with me [whcih i treasure to bits] and to Michelle, Luv, Gab, Gen, Kayla, Xandra and all those I'd converted to the Gao Yixiang bandwagon. Please enjoy <3

An actual chapter. I...just wow.


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Chapter 1: Well then! That is quite an introduction. Finally had a chance to sit down a read it. ;) Your last 'command' was very poignant too and very much unexpected. That part, or rather the removing of the collar bit reminds me a bit of Unleashed but I'm not fool enough to believe it's going to be even remotely close. ;) Not by a long shot. haha

In point of fact, it took me forever to figure out what was sort of happening in the intro. The straight jacket threw me somewhat though the collar itself I had a better idea for initially. Why Seunghyun was put in the 'Pound' is beyond me and I'm presuming it's a mystery that will be revealed in time, though for now, it sounds like a strange and not entirely legit institute. haha

You made me sad with the Luna bit at the intro. The way you portrayed her reminded me a lot of one of those orderlies who euthanizes pets; kindly to a degree but they carry a palpable sense of guilt about them and are often disliked or even outright hated. Then again, given the circumstances, the comparison isn't entirely that far off since I'd wager that the Seunghyun that went into said establishment is nothing at all like the one that has been 'claimed'.

I thought you were also rather creative with your futuristic description as well and it was a joy to envision. That was cruel too, that you gave him the belief that he'd kept track of time but even that was a lie. Poor thing. I guess with his thinking it was less of a cruel reality to believe his tally marks, since that makes the lack of contact with the outside world (coughhisfamilycough) not as bad. I'm not particularly inclined to like them so far and I'm not even remotely convinced Seunghyun has any sort of 'mental illness' to speak of. Yet. Time will tell and at this juncture, as always, I am very much looking forward to the next update and finding out just what it was exactly that was done to Seunghyun in his time there. And what the hell he's going to do to his um...target.
SNSDsaranghae here i look foward to it!!!!!!!!!
Enjoy I will! <3
I'm very excited to read this one ^^