Until death do us part

Project YunBe: A Collection of One-Shots and Drabbles ♥

Yunho was sitting next to a bed where a beautiful woman was sleeping peacefully. He held her hand and rested his head on her bed. Yunho was slowly dozing off to the dreamleand.

And in his dream he went back to his high school days in 2003. The bell rang as he was walking down the halls of his school with his friend. The hall was crowded with kids running up and down, many of them hurrying to get to their classes. Yunho remembered this day very clearly.

“I am not ready for this test at all” Donghae complained as he looked at Yunho’s notes with a worry on his face.

Yunho and Donghae were ones of the best looking students of that school, they were seniors and very popular amongst the girls, but they also had the worst grades. Yunho’s parents told him that if he fails another exam, they will transfer him to another school because they believed Donghae was a bad influence.

“I studied all night and now it’s all messed up in my head…” Yunho was worried.

“That’s what you get for not studying on time!” Changmin said after he jumped in front of them.

“Kiddo, go back to your class!” Yunho shouted.

“If you fail this exam, I’m gonna tell mom!”

“If I fail, the professor will tell her anyway!” Yunho said after hitting his brother’s head a little. “Use your head.”

“Do you wanna go and watch a movie together after school then?”

“Go find a girlfriend and stop bothering us!” Yunho yelled at his little brother, so the 15 year old boy turned around and ran away.

Donghae laughed, “You shouldn’t be so harsh on him, he’s a good kid”

“I know… but he doesn’t let me breathe.” Yunho responded.

They started walking through the crowded hall again and Yunho looked at his notes, “If we put these under the shirt, would we be able to copy it?”

Donghae liked the idea and opened his mouth to say something when all of a sudden three girls ran out of a classroom on their left side and clashed with the boys. Yunho was pushed couple of steps to the right and he dropped his notes to the floor; students passing by were stepping all over them. Donghae rushed to gather them, trying to get through the crowd running after every sheet of paper that was now all over the floor. Yunho stayed frozen in the spot after the three girls just giggled and walked away.

Donghae was collecting the notes off the floor, “Yunho, come on! Help me find them!”

But Yunho didn’t hear him. Following the girls with his eyes, he was praying that the one in the middle would turn around and look at him once again. Having a crush on one of the most beautiful girls he has ever seen was already hard enough, but now that he finally had some sort of contact with her, she pretended she didn’t pay any attention on him. Donghae took the last sheet of paper off the floor and approached Yunho, “They’re all dirty now… And have shoes prints all over them” He tried to remove the dirt with his sleeve, “You can’t even read what it says clearly, how are we gonna copy it now?” Donghae was annoyed.

But Yunho was in his own world “Come on” he was whispering to his chin, “come on”

Donghae was confused looking at his friend’s face as he tried to see what took Yunho’s attention. Once he saw Yunho’s fixed gaze at the girls walking away, he realized what made his friend like this. “Beni, huh?” he , “Way out of your league, man…”

But Yunho wasn’t paying attention to his words, “Turn around, come on…”

The girls were getting further and further away, chatting with their arms locked.

“Come on!”

“She won’t turn around, Yunho…”

“She will.” Yunho was confident. He never spoke to her, but when they met at the hallways they always shared the shy eye contact. Yunho believed she liked him as well.

“She won’t turn ar-” Donghae’s mouth shut when Beni secretly, not wanting her girlfriends to notice, turned her head towards Yunho and smiled briefly, just before her friends and she went through the exit door and disappeared from their sight.

Donghae’s face was motionless, with his mouth open and his jaw dropped.

“She turned around, bro.” Yunho patted his friend’s back while taking his dirty notes from Donghae’s hands. “She turned around!” Yunho shouted and ran in direction of the classroom where the exam was about to begin.

Donghae was still unable to move, “Unbelievable…” he uttered through his breath.

The sound of the bell ringing threw Yunho back to the hospital room, where a young nurse was trying to wake him up.

Mr. Jung…” she whispered, “Please, the visiting hours are over...”

Yunho looked at his wristwatch, it was already 8pm. “Yes, sure…”

He looked at his wife, who was so pretty even when sleeping in a hospital bed, with no make up. Even after so much she has been through today.

He kissed her hand and left the room. In front of the room, his younger brother was waiting with his girlfriend. “Hey, we will stay here, you go home and take a shower… you can come in the morning” Changmin said. "We'll stay overnight if you're already so worried, but you spent the whole day here, you need rest"

“You worry too much, we will be around here, so don’t worry… if anything happens, we will call you immediately” Sooyoung added.

“Thank you, really… but I just don’t want to leave her now. Changmin, I can’t get to our parents… I have been calling them all day, but there wasn’t connection. I’ll try dialing them from the hospital, maybe it’s the roaming problem…”

“Oh, there is a phone at the reception” Sooyoung suggested.

“Thanks, I’ll try to call them now”

As Yunho was approaching the reception desk wanting to reach his parents, he had eye bags and really felt the need to shower – he felt so tired. Picking the phone at the reception desk and dialing the number, he remembered the first time he spoke to Beni. He was about to go to the director’s office. It wasn’t his first time though since he was a famous rebel in his high school and he made many stupid jokes that got him in trouble. And although he passed the mid-term exams, he knew he was in trouble.

He entered the waiting room where to his surprise, Beni was sitting in a chair and waited. When she noticed him, she closed the magazine she was reading and friendly spoke to him, “Don’t just stand there, come and sit!”

Yunho slowly closed the door behind him and carefully approached her. He sat opposite her chair. He was surprised she spoke Korean that well and even more surprised by her straightforwardness – she always looked so shy when they met in the halls.  

“So, why did they call you?” she asked him like they were friends for many years.

“I.. I don- I don’t know.” Yunho stuttered.

“You did something bad, didn’t you?”

“What?” Yunho was confused.

“I’ve heard about you.”

Yunho was confused but still glad, “You’ve heard about me?”

“Yes” Beni said while walking over and taking a seat next to Yunho, “You’re quite famous in this school. You always joke around and neglects studying, right?” Beni laughed, “It’s ok, I don’t like studying either… I’m gonna be a singer one day.”

“I have to ask you something” Yunho never imagined that he would have the courage to ask her that question, but he felt like this was the perfect timing. “Are those rumors true? Are you really a famous singer in Japan?”

Beni’s mood dropped but she still responded, “That’s why I’m going to school here… I was bullied home”

“I’m sorry” Yunho apologized right away.

“Don’t be” Beni smiled, “They sent me here to finish school, but after I graduate, I’ll have my first album… so technically I’m still not a singer. But I will be! I’ll become a really popular singer, I can guarantee it!” Beni was even showing off a little bit, trying to appear cool in front of Yunho.

“It’s so cool…” Yunho said in awe.

“So if you want to have a famous friend, maybe you should stick me” Beni whispered to Yunho, trying joke around.

“What?! What did you just say?” Yunho was laughing.

Beni tried to figure out what was funny and Yunho just laughed.

“What’s funny?” Beni demanded to know. Yunho was amazed by her. He had a crush on her ever since she came to the school last year but chatting with her was so natural and fun, he knew he liked her completely now – not just her appearance, but her personality as well.

A secretary entered the waiting room and when she saw Yunho, she told him to go to the director’s office. Then she turned to Beni, “The counselor is also available now, Miss Arashiro”

Beni and Yunho left the waiting room together but just before Yunho went in the director’s office he shouted to Beni, “I’ll stick WITH you, if you want!”

Beni at first didn’t know what he was saying, but when she realized, she completely blushed. Yunho waved, still laughing, before going in the office and the last image of Beni blushing didn’t leave his mind. He spent less than 5 minutes with her but he was so certain – he wants this girl in his life.

That memory was wandering Yunho’s head while he was dialing his parent’s phone number. He managed to make the call, but no one was picking up.

Changmin patted his back, “No one is answering?”

“That’s right…” Yunho sighed.

“How about Beni’s parents?”

“I… I called them, I think they're on the plane already”

“Ok, go home and shower and then come back… you don’t want their parents to see their son in law looking like that, right?”

Yunho agreed and left after promising he would be back soon.

He left the hospital and walked towards the parking lot. After finding it, he sat in his car and looked at his own reflection in the mirror. He had bags under his eyes, so he hurried home to take a shower and refresh a little bit, trying to at least look decent when her parents arrive. He was driving through Gangnam when he thought of Beni again. Beni was actually all he could think about this day.

It was year 2005. and Yunho and Beni were walking down this same street. Yunho was walking in fast steps and Beni was following him with her head bowed, like she was ashamed of something. Yunho noticed it, “What’s wrong”

“What if” she said in low tone, “what if someone recognizes me”

Yunho tried not to laugh, “I love you Beni but you’re still not famous here… They won’t even notice you’re not Korean”

He tried to walk again, but Beni stopped him by pulling his arm again, “Wait… can we just postpone this?”

“Postpone it?”

“I mean” Beni was nervous, “You know…”

“Beni, no one will recognize you… Come on, we’re almost here” Yunho said while they were approaching one love motel.

Beni was still nervous and just before they entered the motel, Yunho saw she was hesitating.

“Beni, are you having second thoughts?”

“Yunho, I love you… but I’m scared, what if they call some reporter, if this gets out in Japan, my career is done.”

Yunho cupped her face and gave her a sweet kiss. “Are you scared about the reporter or are you scared of doing it”

Beni blushed, “What? Of course I’m not scared of that!”

Yunho laughed, “We’ve been dating for two years and if you say so, I will wait for another two years… if you want, let’s wait until we marry”

Beni laughed, and Yunho gave her another peck on the lips. “No one will report it to anyone, but if you’re not ready, we can do this some other day”

“I’m telling you, I’m just scared that someone can recognize me there… but if you say it’s not gonna happen, then okay, I trust you”

“Are you sure?” Yunho asked and Beni nodded with bright smile. And she was being honest, there was nothing she wanted more in her life then to finally sleep with his boyfriend. They had a wild chemistry but since they were having a long distance relationship for the past year, they didn’t have opportunity, nor place, considering Yunho now lived in a student dorm, to do it. And now, Beni and Yunho were sneaking to a love motel and although she was afraid someone would recognize her, she didn’t want to wait anymore.

Yunho was happy she didn’t back off their plan, so he took her hand and headed in the direction of a love motel again. Both of them were so madly in love and couldn't wait to make love for the first time. But just when they were several meters away from the entrance, one couple was leaving the motel. The guy had his arm around the girl's neck and he was kissing her. Yunho thought he didn't see well at first, but when they guy stopped kissing his girlfriend, he was sure.

"Donghae?" he said with a teasing voice, he didin't know his friend had a girfriend, but he was glad.

Donghae noticed Yunho and Beni and his whole body froze, the girl's face was also visible now.

"Jessica?!" Yunho shouted, not so happy anymore. "With... my sister?!" he had a hard time processing this information.

"Oppa..." Jessica started, "I ... we.. I can explain!"

"With my sister?!" Yunho expected an explanation from Donghae but Donghae just took Jessica's hand, "Well, I guess there's no need to hide anymore"

"Dude!" Yunho was horrified.

"Oppa, I was about to make excuses but then I realized you and Beni have some unfinished business here" she said with equally judgying voice "Let's go, honey" she pulled Donghae's hand and they both staretd laughing. Yunho on the other hand was speechlessly looking after them leaving carelessly, and Beni said with a loving voice, "Sweety, it's ok, let's get in and-"

"Oh, I'm not in the mood anymore" Yunho said and walked away in the oposite direction and Beni followed him, laughing out loud, "Wait! Don't walk so fast, I'm in heels!"

The car beep interrupted Yunho’s thought about Beni’s and his past moments in this city. He couldn't help but laugh at a failed attemt of doing it with Beni for the first time. He remembered how he couldn't sleep for days thinking about his best friend and his little sister. And now, several cars were beeping him when Yunho realized it was green light already. He turned left and in short time he found himself in front of his and Beni’s apartment. He parked his car and hurried to his apartment to shower and change clothes, wanting to go back to the hospital as soon as possible.

It was a little past 9 when Yunho finished showering. As he was dressing up, his eyes were fixed on the picture frame on the night table. It was his wedding picture. “God, Beni was so beautiful that day…” he said to himself. He still remembered their vows, every word they promised to each other. “In sickness and health” echoed in his head. He approached the table and took the picture in his hands. Beni in elegant white wedding gown and Yunho in white tuxedo, with nothing but a blue see behind them – they had the wedding of their dreams, on the beach with only family as witnesses. It was Beni’s wish, no press, she asked. No press, no unnecessary people, paparazzi, fake friends… she wanted to promise her love to Yunho only in front of the people who truly mattered to her. Yunho never felt inferior to her, she was a superstar in whole Asia after all and he was just a high school sweetheart. And it was because Beni was so down to Earth, respecting everyone around her, her staff, her fans, her friends and family, and never thought she was any better than the rest of the world. It only made him love her more. She was so perfect in his eyes, and especially today, when his whole life changed for good. There was no second that he could not think about her, she was everywhere. Looking at his watch again reminded him he should hurry to the hospital so he could be there when Beni’s parents arrive.

When Yunho walked in the hospital, Changmin was sitting with his girlfriend in front of Beni’s room, just as they promised. “Did something happen, is everything alright?”

Changmin opened his mouth wanting to say something, but he saw two elders just entering the floor, looking around. Changmin pointed to them, “I think your in-laws just came…”

Yunho turned around and recognized them instantly. Her mother ran towards him and hugged him tightly “Where is she? I want to see her!” she yelled in Japanese.

“She is resting, this was a hard day for her” Changmin responded because Yunho was fighting for his breath and couldn’t say anything.

“Woman, you’ll kill him” said Beni’s father after which she loosened the hug.

“Did you have a pleasant flight?” Yunho asked them and the father wanted to respond, but the old lady almost shouted, “How can you talk about flights in the moment like this? Let me see her!”

The nurse walked over to them and tried to calm the woman down, “Please, be quiet, patients are resting.”

“Tell her I want to see her!” Beni’s mom asked from them to translate.

Changmin was already annoyed as he said to Yunho’s ear, “Explain your mother in law that Beni needs to rest now.”

A smile came to Yunho’s tired face when he turned to Changmin, “She’s not talking about Beni, you idiot” He hit his head just like he did when they were younger. “When will you start using your head?” he joked.

Changmin’s annoyed face turned into a bright one as he finally accepted to translate what the old woman said to the nurse.

The nurse suddenly smiled as well and nodded, “Follow me”

The elders were standing in front of a window, with Changmin and Sooyoung next to them. The looked through the window with tears in their eyes, Sooyoung was the worst. She was sobbing so hard… but with a smile on her face.

On the other side of the window, the nurse was placing one tiny body wrapped in white in Yunho’s arms. Yunho’s eyes were watery as well as he looked at the baby sleeping in his embrace. He looked at the window and showed the baby girl to his family; Yunho became a father.

Beni’s mom started crying and Beni’s father was trying hold back the tears. “Do you see it, Noriko” he told his wife, “Did you see how beautiful our granddaughter is”

“What about her mother” Beni’s voice was heard, one of the nurses was pushing the wheelchair.

“Beni, you should be in bed!” Her mom shouted.

“Mom, stop it, you’re the one who woke me up in the first place!”

“She should be in bed” the nurse responded, “But she insisted to come here because all of you gathered… so just 5 minutes, okay? Beni, I’ll come get you in 5 minutes, no further discussion, you need to lie in bed.”

The nurse on the other side of the window took the baby back from Yunho’s arms and put her back in her bed, so Yunho joined everyone.

“Can you see what we made” Beni told him after he kissed her.

Changmin’s phone vibrated and he picked up right away, “Where are you, why weren’t you picking up?? Beni had the baby!” he was saying to the phone walking away from the rest, and Sooyoung followed him.

“Beni is fine, it’s a girl!” Yunho could hear Changmin’s shouting in the background.

“Beni you should go back to bed” Yunho was worried.

“You worry too much, I’m fine”

“No, you’re not, the doctor said your body is weak now-” Yunho started to push her wheelchair to her room

“I am not week, I feel fine” Beni was starting to feel annoyed

“No, I’m placing you back to that bed-” Yunho said when Donghae and Jessica rushed to the floor holding hands and ran to the couple who was now fighting over wheelchair.

"Beni, congratulations!" Jessica wanted to hug her, but Beni pushed her away because she was busy figthing wiht Yunho, “Yunho I wanna watch our baby girl a little more!”

“You’ll watch her for the rest of your life, now you’ll sleep”

"What is going on" Donghae asked.

“Yunho, stop pushing the wheelchairs and get me back to the-”

“Oh, it’s starting” Beni’s mom laughed as she watched the couple fighting.

Beni’s dad laughed as well, “They’ll be fine”

“I don’t wanna go to bed!” Beni shouted as Yunho and she disappeared at the corner, and Donghae and Jessica ran after them.

"Is it a boy?" Beni's parents could hear Donghae's voice in the distance, "If it's a boy, name him after me!"

The elders happily turned their eyes back to the cute baby sleeping peacefully in front of them.

“Have you ever imagined they will come this far?” the woman asked his husband.

“I knew it since the day she came before us at the dinner with determination in her voice and told us she was dating someone… I could see in her eyes that it was the man she’ll love forever”

“She was so stubborn… I remember I forbade her to see him… she was leaving Korea at that time and it wasn’t convenient to attach to someone who will live in another country…”

Beni’s father laughed at the irony of her words, “Well, like mother like daughter”

Noriko laughed as well “You’re right… my parents hated the fact I was in love with an American”

“And that didn’t stop you from marrying him, right?”

“Well…” she said looking at her grandchild, “As you can see, true love is impossible to forbid. Love changes, of course, just like trees change over the seasons, but tru love can never disappear. True love can’t be stopped or forbidden. And now… looking at this beautiful girl in front of us, I am more sure than ever that Beni’s and Yunho’s love will beat everything that comes their way…”

Beni’s dad looked at his wife who was smiling, “In sickness and health” he said. He loved his wife just the way he loved her 30 years ago.

She held his hand and looked into his eyes, “Until death do us part”

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I uploaded a YunBe drabble! And please like YunBe's official page on FB :D


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aaaawn this story is just damn awesome
i love this and it inspired me alot :)
Chapter 4: AWESOME
i love this story
YunBe for life
this is just perfect
he is the perfect husband for Beni
Just get married u both would u??? :3
Chapter 5: waaahhhhhh this is awesome!!!! i love this caring and loving yunho!!! i wud trade anything to be with him!!!! :) he's perfect and she's perfect for him!!! i loooooove this absolutely!!!!
TaquitosNOMNOM #4
Chapter 5: *satisfied sigh* ( っ´∀`)っ♡
EnaLovely #5
Chapter 5: omg this was so perfect!! i wish it comes true one day!! right?? this is totally how i imagine their first morning... it's so sensual and cute at the same time... AWESOME CHAPTER, GIRL!!!!!
TaquitosNOMNOM #6
Chapter 4: Kyaa!! A baby!! How cute~!
Chapter 4: awww.... i almost thought something bad happen to her in the beginning!! and such a beautiful and cute family is here.. the husband is over-protective of his wife as always.. i looooooove it!!!
TaquitosNOMNOM #8
Chapter 3: I knew she was dead!! lol
Good story. ^^
Chapter 4: Oh!! It's romantic, sweet, gentle & lovely!!

I love this!!! TwT