The next aisle was filled with bottles stacked neatly, some glass, some plastic, others see-though, others opaque. There were also shiny plastic packs that contained sachets. All of these contain one similar thing: coffee.

Dark roast, white, latte, decaf, mocha, 3-in1’s, instant, ground, whole bean…

Yongguk slowly walks down the aisle, looking for a familiar label.

“For Himchan?” Minjoo simply asks.

Yongguk simply nods.

Himchan inhales coffee like a hurricane does Dorothy’s house, and after each cup it’s like he’s no longer in Seoul but in his own little world that he sees in slow motion: which explains his quick reactions, fast witty comebacks, and his ability to nit-pick on tony things that nobody else notices.

Also he’s been drinking so much of it, it might have already gotten to his brain.



“Psst, Minjoo,” an eager Himchan whispered with a mischievous glint in his eye.

The girl turned to him with a what now look, and returned the shirt she was browsing back into the rack. “Himchan I swear, you asked me to help ya with picking out a shirt—“

“Yes, yes, yes, I know. Actually I didn’t need you to help me pick the shirt (I actually have impeccable taste in fashion, but your second opinion is welcome), but I needed your discount card so that’s why you’re here.”

“Yeah, honest boy, now if you would please get back to buying that shirt…” Minjoo looked through more dress shirts, occasionally pulling the hangers out or rubbing the fabric between her fingers.

“Do you see those?” Himchan pointed to the mannequins lined up in the middle of the store. They were all painted black, and they had white shirts on that read “sale.”

Minjoo glanced and went back to looking for a nice dress shirt. “Yes it means they’re having a sale and that’s why we’re here.”

Himchan smiled a smile that Minjoo knew meant bad news. “Hey, ask the sales lady if that’s on sale. Say you want to buy it.”

Minjoo snorted and gave an unflattering laugh, “Pfft. Are ya serious?”

“Dead serious.”

“What’s in it for me?” Minjoo had her arms akimbo and her eyebrow was arched up, ready for a challenge.

“I buy you one article of clothing that isn’t more expensive than what I’m getting from this store.” Himchan proposed.

“Ya sure?”


Very sure?”

 “Yes yes yes, now go do it.”

That was why they were the Kim Twins. They were two very bored individuals who had nothing better to do in life. So they dare each other to do stupid things that would cause self embarrassment. It was to pass time and maybe they’d look back and have a good laugh.

Indeed Minjoo went to ask one of the shop assistants if the shirt was for sale. It was, surprisingly. It was weird and embarrassing and Himchan had a kick from looking at the shop assistant’s weirded-out expression.

In the end Minjoo got conned, because Himchan bought the sale shirt for her, as promised by their bet, and his new crispy white dress shirt.

“Himchan yer a jerk.”

“Thank you.”

“I really wanted that flannel shirt too, you know,” Minjoo pouted.

Her shopping buddy snickered, “Well that’s too bad, you know? But now you have a special shirt thanks to me!” Himchan pulled out the t-shirt and pushed it into Minjoo’s hands.

“Yer horrible,” she said, but she rolled the piece of clothing up neatly and tucked it into her bag. “What time is it?”

Himchan pushed back the sleeve of his school blazer and got a good look at his watch, “It’s four… twenty-five.”

“Bbang’s practice ends at five, right?” Minjoo asked, and Himchan nodded. “You want to get anything before we go back?”

“Ah, coffee would be nice.”


It became a routine.

Friday afternoons were the longest. Freedom kicks in early at 2:30 right when classes end. In these afternoons, you’d easily see students hitting the shopping centers ok karaoke places, not bothering to change out of their uniforms.

For our golden trio, such plans were already foiled from the beginning. The basketball team scheduled practices what only ended at five. Usually Himchan and Minjoo would go out for a stroll and they’d meet up for dinner post-practice-shower. (Because Minjoo wouldn’t tolerate a sweaty, smelly Yongguk. Or maybe it was because he would purposely whip his sweaty hair at Minjoo.)


“So where’s dinner at? It’s your choice this week,” Himchan asked as he opened the door to Cocoa Moon, the coffee shop nearest to the school building.

“There’s this place called The Wind in the Willows that I want to check out,” Minjoo replied excitedly.

Himchan ordered an iced Americano , turned to Minjoo and she declined his unsaid question.  “What a long name,” Himchan said as he received his change and thanked the barista with a nod. “It sounds expensive.” He thought for a bit, “Unless you have discount coupons again.”

There was something in Minjoo’s smile, “Well, they aren’t really coupons, but I get a discount today.”

Himchan pursed his lips and nodded, “Sounds good.” He picked up his drink from the counter, “It sounds very… western?”

“Yeah, I think they have sandwiches and pasta. I heard that their special drinks are nice,” the girl informed as they made their way back to school grounds.


“Nah, maybe frui—“

“What isn’t coffee isn’t a good drink.” Himchan cut in, and took a satisfied sip of his drink. He got a light jab on the shoulder for that.





The long hand on Himchan’s watch was already a bit past the number three. He and Minjoo were sitting on the concrete steps that overlooked the basketball court. The players were still in their sports attire, two teams fighting for an orange ball, only to shoot it through a hoop.

 The boy was making noises sipping Americano diluted in melted ice, while the girl, despite having a magazine in hand, wasn’t doing any reading. She looked at time on the screen on her phone. Again, again, and again. In between those, she would try to find Yongguk in the throng of sweaty males, but failed. Maybe she needed to get new glasses already.

“5:30” read on her handphone screen, and her feet started shuffling on the concrete.

Himchan wanted to ask her if she was ok, but he was cut off by a loud whistling noise.

Yay, it’s over!

The team started to disperse. They either reached for their towels or their water bottles. Some were sprawled on the court.



“Hey,” Yongguk’s deep voice greeted while he was wiping his sweat off with a towel. He threated to flick the wet towel on Minjoo, who shielded herself with her magazine. After a small episode of  sweat showers and Minjoo’s violent almost-punches (because the kid was so sweaty she didn’t want to land the punch), Himchan took his bag off the steps. “Let’s go! I’m hungry,” he called, raising his fists into the air.

“No we aren’t leaving yet, this boy needs to shower,” Minjoo points an accusing finger at Yongguk, making sure not to touch him in the process.

Himchan tsk-ed exasperatedly, “No he doesn’t need to, he’s all slick and y, now let’s go have some pasta. I’m really really hungry,” he whined.

Yongguk shied away from Himchan’s comment and looked away, while Minjoo wore a disgusted look on her face.

“Uhh guys,” Yongguk’s voice was a little quiet, “There’s a game next week so we’re practising ‘til late today.” Himchan’s face looked somewhat shocked, while Minjoo had something… unreadable. She furrowed her brows, bit on her lip, and looked on her shoes.

Did Yongguk’s sweat drip there? He remembered that she had only bought the brown leather shoes not too long ago.

He reached out to tap her shoulder, “Hey, you okay?” He wanted to ask.

“Can’t you… skip?” She asked, her lips pulled back to reveal all her teeth in a nervous grin, “I mean this is last minute stuff…”

Both her friends were taken aback. Skipping school activities was never her style.

 “Ah, but you have a game next week,” she said quietly, shooting down her own suggestion.

“Nevermind, you still have a discount right?” Himchan asked. “I’ll eat your share well,” he put his thumb up and smiled broadly to Yongguk, who replied by messing up the other’s hair.


Bzzt bzzt bzzt


Himchan fished his mobile phone from his blazer pocket.


Incoming call from Ponytail Hyo



Yah, Kim Himchan,”

“Yes, speaking.”

Oh are you at the grand stand? I think I see you.”

“Yeah I am. What’s—“ Himchan was cut off by the beep of a dead line.

He scowled at his phone. Jaehyo was so rude sometimes.


“Yo Kim Himchan,” a voice called. It was from the approaching figure also known as Ahn Jaehyo, or “Ponytail Hyo,” as saved in Himchan’s mobile phone. Himchan turned to him with slightly raised eyebrows, waiting for the news.


“Jung ssaem was looking for you,” the ponytailed boy said.

“Jung? Jung Minhyuk? The conductor?” Himchan asked thoroughly. What did that have to do with him.

Jaehyo scrunched up his face in thought, “Yeah, I think so. He said something about the concert so…”

Himchan let out a ear-piercing screech of frustration, “It’s Fridaaaay.” He made more whining noises, “Aish, Minjoo I’m so sorry, I have to prepare for the upcoming concert.” He made more noises. He really wanted Friday off from school.

This meant no dinner. Minjoo had to eat alone. She was used to it before, eating alone in the house while watching videos online, but after the routine she had with Himchan and Yongguk, the thought was a bit… Lonely.

Himchan caught on to Minjoo’s sudden interest on the shine of her brown shoes.

“Don’t be sad, Joo-yah,” Himchan cooed, patting the bun on her head, “We’ll definitely eat in that Windy place next week. And we’ll let you choose the place for the next two weeks, right, Yongguk?” He turned to his friend.

Yongguk nodded and said, “Yeah, definitely.”

Minjoo faced both of them and frowned. She pointed at both her eyes and ran her fingers down her cheeks as if tears.

Himchan just laughed at Minjoo’s expression of grief while Yongguk gave her an apologetic smile.

“Windy place? You mean The Wind in the Willows?” Jaehyo asked out of the blue.

“Aish, how do you remember such a long name?” Himchan asked.

“It’s a popular place in town,” Jaehyo said, “They’re famous for the cream pasta and the fruit smoothies.” He turned to Minjoo, “Hey, maybe you might want to go today. I heard they’ve redecorated.”

“We were supposed to go,” Himchan clarified, “But next week’s ok right, Joo?”  He went back to patting the now-turned-quiet girl’s hair.

“Oh,” Jaehyo spoke, “But isn’t today the grand reopening? I heard they put up some really nice paintings. Maybe you can meet the artist, you know?” He directed the question to Minjoo.

“But the paintings will still be there next week.” Himchan alternated to patting his friend’s shoulder.

“Umm,” Minjoo said, and all eyes were on her. “Actually those are my paintings.”

Jaehyo made a surprised noise that sounded like a broken squeaky toy. Himchan’s jaw dropped and Yongguk bit his lip.

It was just a few weeks ago that they were joking about Minjoo having an art exhibit, after knowing that she had gotten very good grades for her elective. They cheered and jeered, saying that she should treat them to a meal and that they’d bring her flowers and whatnot and make a lot of noise in the gallery. The deal was a meal in exchange of attendance and a freestyle rap performance.

They didn’t expect that day to come so soon.


“I can go with you if you don’t mind,” Jaehyo’s voice cut through the awkward silence. He peered to get a better look at Minjoo’s face. She didn’t seem like she was crying or anything…

“Actually I have a discount and a reserved table for today, too,” she said, making the Himchan’s and Yongguk’s hearts drop on the concrete. They felt like bad friends. But duties were duties and school was very important. Minjoo would feel guilty if they had skipped their activities.

“Aw, man,” Himchan groaned. And it wasn’t because of the one-day-only offer of the discount.

Minjoo slapped her cheeks and recovered from the little sad fest. “It’s okay, we can go see it again another time,” she said to the people with busy evenings. “You don’t have any food packed right?” she asked the two, and both shook their heads. “We’ll head out and get you some packed food, alright?” Minjoo turned to Jaehyo, who nodded willingly to joining her small cause.

The two decided to head out early to pick up dinner for Yongguk and Himchan so they would have time to go to The Wind in the Willows. Minjoo said they’d leave it in that exact spot on the steps in case the basketball game had already begun and they were locked out of the auditorium.

“Please look after our Minjoo,” Yongguk called. Jaehyo responded with a raised hand and a thumbs up.

“Yongguk,” Himchan said in a quiet voice, “I don’t think you should ever say that to Ahn Jaehyo again.”



“So, how’s our Kim Himchan doing now? Are you taking care of him?” Minjoo asked while Yongguk was looking carefully at the labels. “You look good so I assume he’s taken really good care of you.”

Yongguk let out a laugh. Himchan was the type of person who couldn’t even take care of cacti. The only thing he could probably take good care of was himself, and he wasn’t exactly doing a fantastic job. “Hey, I take care of myself well enough,” Yongguk argued, “Channie’s very hard to take care of. He can’t take care of himself.”

“Oh really?” Minjoo was surprised, “I remember that he had taken very good care of me back in the day. I always wanted to have a big brother like that.”

“How about me?” Yongguk smirked, “You don’t want a brother like me?”

“Nah,” Minjoo responded plainly. “Don’t want.”


“Maybe not as brother....” Minjoo confessed while Yongguk reached for the bag of ground coffee beans on the top shelf, missing her expression.

Before he could pry into that line, his phone rang again.

Incoming call from Channie


“Gukkie, are you still with Minjoo?”

He gave an affirmative grunt, and passed the phone to Minjoo. The lady gave a confused face and Yongguk mouthed, “It’s Channie.”


“What now Kim Himchan?”

“Sorry I was busy. I’m on my break now! Do you miss me?”

“Of course I miss you, you bugger.”

Himchan made happy girly noises.

There was some noise in the back. Someone sounded scandalised and Himchan was trying to defend himself. “No, it’s not my girlfriend,” Minjoo roughly heard.

The commotion grew louder and she was basically listening in to an argument between two men.

“Oh yeah she’s my girlfriend, she’s prettier than Song Hye Kyo, and we’ve been together since highschool,” Minjoo took offence in that second part, “Yah, Kim Himchan!”

“Yes, Joo-yah my dear?” Himchan cooed back, and there was immediate silence.

Minjoo furrowed her brows. She wanted to turn to Yongguk for some translation help, but he was busy looking for Himchan’s creamer.

There was some muffled talking on the other line.

“Sorry Jaehyo was being a noisy bastard,” I’d say that about you too, Minjoo thought to herself.

Wait. “Jaehyo? Ahn Jaehyo?”

Yongguk turned to glance at her.

“Yeah! That’s me!” another voice called. Minjoo figured that she’d been put on loud speaker.

There was someone calling for another go, and shuffling noises were heard. “Oops, we’re taking some more photos,” Himchan’s hoarse voice said, “Sorry we can’t have a complete conversation. Tsk, I thought we’d have a longer break.”

“It’s not like you’re capable of long conversations anyway.”

“She has a point,” the softer voice, identified as Jaehyo said.

“Yah, you’re mean.”

“Aren’t I always,” Minjoo smiled.

“Sorry we gotta go,” Himchan said.

“I miss you a lot,” said the other voice.

Minjoo smiled, “I really miss you too.”







Hello! How are my lovely readers doing? Hope you are all well. I'm sorry for very slow and boring updates. Though, there's the beginning of something in this chapter. HMMMMMMMMMMM...

I hope you all enjoyed this one. Please comment down below. I need to rush off to dinner. OTL

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Chapter 4: Smart girl. I wouldn't want him as a brother either. *ifyouknowwhatimean* lol
This chapter is taking this fic towards a somewhat sad(?) ending.. Them missing her exhibition was so sad. And to think that she had a place reserved and all. :(

But thanks for the update! Can't wait for your next. ^_^
Chapter 4: Aww, I like the part where Minjoo made invisible tears with her fingers. I don't even know why. keke. I can just imagine them hanging out together. You really are good at writing this kind of story. It makes you want to turn back time and hang out with your school friends. keke.
Chapter 3: your writing is just .. ugh i love your writing style so much.
the flashbacks are so cute~ (reminds me of how they do it in movies ;;)
and your writing really stands out ^^ i love it<3
Chapter 3: You know what? I like the way you describe things. It's not poetic but it's more to your own style. It's really cute what with the shh-shh sound and crrk-crrk. keke. awwww, I love their friendship XD they're the best friends in the world for giving Yongguk ramyeon!
Chapter 3: This is so cute!
I really like the way you play around with the flashbacks, and you're very good with descriptions!
It's really different from other fanfics and I'm really intrigued!
Keep it up author-nim! Fighting! ^^
Chapter 3: HimCHYEAH? ROFLMAO~
As per ush.. Another cute and heartwarming chapter from you. I absolutely LOVE how Himchan knows Yonggangsta so well!
Seriously.. He's not even one of my favourites but that's what a bro is all about, chyeah!
Chapter 3: This is so awesome! I love the way you flick from current day to school years.
Chapter 2: I love reading this :D It's a simple slice of life fic. keke. and Himchan and Jaehyo are really hilarious for their obsession in fashion and cosmetic products (plus Yongguk's total confusion) kekeke
Chapter 2: The first two chapters look promising! Love your writing style!
Keep writing! Fighting! ^^
Chapter 2: Himchan was never one of my favs but yours gave me the feels. Seriously.. He's the Best. Wingman. Ever!