Spilt Coffee


Chanyeol reeks of bad life decisions and tactlessness. Kris sighs. Sehun asks why his OTP is no longer canon.



They say there's no use crying over spilt milk. What's done is done. All you have to do is clean up the mess and buy more milk, if you need to. That's it.

Though spilt coffee is a whole different story. What's done is still done, but it leaves a bitter stain in its wake that will never go away. The harder you scrub, the more the fibres of the fabric will unravel and all that will be left is one big gaping hole.


This is cross-posted from tumblr! I hope you enjoy.


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i'm loving this <333
Chapter 2: What more is there? ;; I feel really bad for Chanyeol right now ;;
Chapter 1: Ohh I like this c: