
Twins (Editing)


Annyeong~ I don't really got anything to say in this chapter because I already said most of it in the first chapter which I un-hide simultaneously as this. So please go read that one first. There'll probably be a little change here and there in both chapter 1 and chapter 2. And I believe that's pretty much it really. I'll try to edit the third chapter but I can't promise I'll be able to do it any time soon. I'm still halfway done with my new chapter for my Facade story and I also got tons and tons and stacks on stacks of homework to do... Sooooo

Thanks for subscribing and I would really appreciate it if you guys comment. It would show that you guys are enjoying this fanfic and that's really important for me to know...



The air is heavy with the judgemental glare by the shirt stained by juice brunette, JeongMin toward the honey blonde boy who gave no attention to it, instead the blonde, namely YoungMin, continue on doodling on the piece of paper and the sound of papers being rummage as the background courtesy of the president of the student council who's also the oldest there, DongHyun.

The silence is broken by JeongMin who's getting annoyed from being ignored by his younger best friend.

"So let me get this straight, your parents got remarried and decided to move together. And with your mother, you have two younger brother, a younger by six minute twin and a kid. Did I miss anything?"

"Nope, that's pretty much cover everything" answered YoungMin absentmindedly, his eyes never left the piece of paper that the pen in his hand keep on doodling.

"Than care to tell me why aren't you introducing us to your newly found and reunited twin, what's his name again... Gwang-Kang-"

"It's KwangMin, hyung" cut YoungMin

"KwangMin, right. So why aren't you introducing us to him then?

"Just because I do-"

"Don't tell me you're afraid that we'll like KwangMin and leave you alone, YoungMin. Aww you poor lit-" JeongMin's word are cut of by YoungMin by a simple yet very effective method, crumpling the piece of paper he was doodling and throw it at JeongMin though it was easily dodge by JeongMin much to his dismay.

"See if I care. In fact, go ahead and talk to him to that cold and hateful and arrogant and annoying and-arghh... Why does he hate me so much" complained YoungMin as he ruffle his perfectly style hair that took him a quite while to do. It's not that long though, just roughly about half an hour or so.


"Ahh... So that's why you're being all emo here, just because in your point of view, you think he hate you" said JeongMin thoughtfully, taking the groan from the blonde who pretty much look liked a kicked puppy as a 'yes', he continue. "I forgot that you're very sensitive 'bout what people think about you but really, don't worry about it. I'm sure there's a very, very good reason for KwangMin to hate you as you say it. If he don't I know a certain vice president who'll want to beat him to a pulp for making you like this" JeongMin stop talking for a moment, turning his head toward the oldest before continuing "Don't you think so, Mr.President who don't have his VICE president beside him?"

"What? Vice president? HyunSeong?" his suddenly started coughing and fanning himself, suddenly feeling like the air conditioned room temperature's increasing when he finally get what the younger brunette was implying, the said brunette just smirked seeing his older best friend's reaction. After DongHyun finally calm down and open his mouth to say, most probably something to return even the odds with JeongMin when someone just have the impeccable timing to knock the door, stopping him cold in his tracks. "Come in" muttered DongHyun annoyed but the negative feeling quickly faded when he saw who is it. Talk about the vice president...

"Hey guys, check out who I found wandering around the campus" said the vice.

"Oh, HyunSeong hyung, you're here. Who is it?" greet JeongMin not without sending a suggestive with a bucket of smug-ness grin to Donghyun.

"Come on in. They won't bite you, but they may question you like a criminal in a top secret lab" said HyunSeong warmly though his words are weird and don't really make sense as a boy with red hair step inside the room, making their eyes widen at the sight, surprised.

"ChanHee" exclaim the boys at the same time, earning a giggle from the said boy.

"Hi guys, long time no see" greet ChanHee with a small wave. He decided to ignore the weirdness which is Hyungseong and his words and his not so successful choice of word...


Author's Note

Annyeong~ Sorry not updating sooner guys and sorry for this short chapter. I know this may sound like an excuse but I'm having a really, really bad headache, I almost puke a few times. It hurts a lot, I can barely move from my bed this morning. I know it's just an excuse but I'm really sorry 'bout this, mianhae {TT__TT}

Luckily I've manage to write a bit yesterday for my beta(though I have no idea what it means but it got something to do like checking my mistakes and stuff I suppose and she said it's a beta so I'll just use beta) to check this chapter. Really sorry, I can't say sorry enough really but the headache is killing me.

Oh yeah, I almost forgot but thankfully, I wrote this particular paragraph yesterday. Just saying, this story could be written in a supernaturally thingy stuff way, just a thought. But I doubt I'll be able to do that though the idea is nice. Anyway, I know it's bad for saying(technically writing but you know what I mean... Right? Right...) after almost a week for the second update and here I am, saying(again...) that I may or may not write my second FF(well of another one but I doubt it'll be necessary to say that since this is one itself) but this time, if and I'm saying IF I'm writing it, I'm going to use the ChunJoe couple. 

Well, that's about all I have to say/write at this moment. Again I'm very SORRY for this short chapter, MIANHAE!!! Please forgive me {TT__TT} See you guys, if you guys( or & and girls) could find it in your hearts to forgive my incompetence as a writer and would still read the next chapter that is. Annyeong~



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Chapter 12: I understand what you're going through. My bestfriend used to do that before we became friends. She used to fall in depression a lot and ,believe it or not, me and friends helped her to stop. I know you'll think none of your friends would ever dare to do what we did to my bestfriend, but WHO KNOWS? Maybe there's someone between your "friends" who is really nice and maybe he/she is willing to support you and not to judge you.

Always remember, you'll always have someone who has your back. Always protecting you, always supporting you, always helping you... If none of your friends want, then you have your family and you have us.

Author-nim, we are willing to listen to you and support you. We are here to support you, no matter what your decisions are. And whenever you need someone to talk to, WE ARE HERE FOR YOU. Please take care <3
PinkHolic0205 #2
Chapter 10: TT_TT I have been waiting for so longggg for the next chapter ;~; But It's ok, Author-nim hwaiting !! Hope u'll comeback soon. I love ur fic :x Goodluck to you ♥
I read this fic before sleep, so I have a dream similar to this fic HAHAHA!!!!
I want to read relationship among twins more, please~~
because it seem so fast that they have step in to brother.
You don't understand something? Could you tell me what you don't understand? Maybe I can elaborate it better for you XD
sheelalim #5
Chapter 9: Woah I don't really understand this story but it's quite cool. Update soon please!