|Recovering memories|


Zelo is 18 years old when he gets into a car accident caused by a drunk driver. He looses 4 years of memories due to the head injury he suffered. He rejects the love of his life Himchan for at 14 he didn't believe he was gay. They meet when zelo was gonna commit suicide. Himchan talked him down and zelo explained his reasonings. But now himchan must win a confused zelo's heart. Will zelo remember they're life together? Will zelo accept himchan's heart or break his heart with rejection?


Zelo - kind and warm. He's very child-like and energetic always caught smiling and eating stuff. Himchan - tentative and sweet. He's a hopeless romantic always seen with zelo holding him. Yongguk - protective and joyful. He's zelo's childhood friend knowing zelo's history well. Jong up - serious and quite. He's himchan's best friend and is always there when himchan needs him. Daehyun -playful and caring. Friends with yongguk and and zelo he has a crush on them both but keeps quite. Thank u icecreamz graphics shop for the lovely poster!! My designer was winter!! I would link but I don't have font or link boxes and so I can't sorry guise xc


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Chapter 3: I'm really liking this story ^^
It's a bit sad the hole ZELO story, but there's something I want to know. Whose on top? ZELO or Himchan?