New Day , New School.

Love without Expectation.


Being a newbie in school, is the worst thing ever ! Everybody will be like literally staring at you. Rumours and Gossip are all around.

“ Miss Sora, Please wake up today is your first day for Seoul National University. “ My personal helper, Chan Mi.   “  Okay, Im awake.”  Must first day of school starts today , I’m going to face new people and be people who create rumours and gossip topic.   After  showering and getting ready for the day, I head down to have breakfast.

“ Morning , Daddy and Mummy.” While kissing both of their cheeks.

“ Morning Honey” Mummy greeted.  “ So ready for the first day of University? “ Daddy asked.

“ Errr, Sort of.  Can’t I attend the University in the States?”.

“ Sorry honey,  cos we are expanding the Company. We wanted you to attend the University here in Seoul. “

“ Its okay , I understand Daddy.” After done eating my breakfast ,  I greeting my parents goodbye and went off to Mr Lee, My personal  chauffeur  and drive me off to school.

“ Miss Sora. “ Mr Lee called.  “ Yes?”

 “ We have reached Seoul National University.” .So I look out the window

.  “ Oh alright. Thanks. You know what time to fetch my right? “

“ Yes Miss Sora.”  So I went out of the car and face the students of the University. 

So I walk to the Office to collect my timetable and other stuff, that Mummy text me.  Everybody is staring at me when I’m walking to the Office.  So I reach the office and went to the women that is on the counter.

 “ Good Morning.” She greeted.

“  Good Morning, My name is Park Sora. “

“ Oh Hello. I am Mdm Song.  Welcome to Seoul National University, today is your first day. So here is your timetable and stuff that you needed. “   I look thru the things that she give me.

 “Okay thank you Mdm Song.” .

“ You welcome, you can go to your course class now.”  So I went out of the office and look thru my timetable.

So after I found my class. I knock the door since there is a teacher in the class. “ Good Morning” I greeted the teacher.  

“ Good Morning , I am Mr Jeongbin. You must be Park Sora. “

“ Yes, I am.” I said.  “  Can you introduce youself to the whole class?”

“ Oh, sure.” I said.  “ Good Morning , My name is Park Sora and I’m from the States but I was born in Korea. My Korean is fluent eventhough I studied from the States. Nice to meet you and I hope we could get along well together. “ While bowing.

“ Okay, So Sora you can sit at the empty space beside Kim Jaejoong. Jaejoong can you please raise up your hand. “ So the guy that name , Kim Jaejoong , raise up his hand.

“Oh okay.” I said to Mr Jeongbin..




First chapter is done... Hope you'll subscribe :) 

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