Let´s be friends

Give Me Your Heart

 Sunggyu P.O.V

I slightly opened my eyes and saw beautiful man stanting in front of me.

I don´t know where i am but i know when my cat is next to me im in safe place.

Who is this young man and why is he looking at me with those shoked eyes.

Woohyun P.O.V

He wakes up he look so cute with those small eyes and those cute cheeks.

"Woohyun what happend here, how you wake him up?" My teacher said with socked face.

" I go find docktor." teacher said and run out the room to the elevator to the second floor.

5 minute later

Everybody in the class was sitting and waiting whats happening next.

Sunggyu P.O.V

" How i get here?" i asked

"We find you in the forest with your cat sleeping next to you, you were coma then and we decided to bring you here with your cat, you been 2 years in coma it´s a very long time you know, but now that pretty gentleman wakes you up somehow." doctor said.

" Can i talk to the gentleman who wakes me up?" i asked.

" Of course you can." docktor said and walked out off the room, then the man came.

" I´m really thankful to you." i said with smile.

" I actually didn´t to nothing." he said

" But still i´m really thankful to you, what´s your name?" i said

" Woohyun, Nam Woohyun and you´re Sunggyu right." he said.

" Kim Sunggyu, i only remember my name i don´t remember where i live and who is my mom and dad." i said with sad voice.

" I can help you with that, let´s be friends." Woohyun said and stretched out his hand towards me with a smile.

" Let´s be friends." i said, and gave my hand with a smile.

" You can live in my house with me and my friend Sungyeol until we find out who your parents are, and where you live and work." Woohyun said.

" Thank you so much." i said and hug him.

Woohyun P.O.V

" Thank you so much ." Sunggyu said and hug me, it was so warm and so sweet i wanted to stay there foever but then.

" Class let´s go back to the bus now." i heard teacher said.

" Teacher, Sunggyu is coming with us too, i want to help him." i said

" That´s fine, but quickly go in bus we don´t have much time." teacher said and we run to the elevator.


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Chapter 3: Update please~
Still waiting for your update authornim~~ fighting!!
Chapter 3: Update soon