Our Marriage Life

The Story Has Just Begun (Collection of Short Stories)



*Min Ah’s P.O.V*

It’s been two years since Changmin and I got married, we’ve been in so many problems before getting married. First: Because of our parents, our families are the best rival in the business world, second: Changmin’s ex girlfriend came into our life and tried to separate us. Third: I was about to engaged to the guy whom my parents want. These are only three of many problemswe encountered before having a happy ending. But it seems that, it doesn’t end there. I think this is just the beginning.

“YAH, MIN AH!!! JAEMIN, IS CRYING!!!” Changmin yelled as I hurried to our room. Jaemin, our one year old son is on the bed crying, while Changmin is getting ready for their rehearsals. Yeah, Changmin is an artist, and he’s the youngest member of DBSK, Asia’s best boy group.

“Ssshh…baby, stop crying. Uljima. “ I cooed as I picked Jaemin and carried him into my arms. His cries soon faded and he’s just playing now with my hair.

“Min Ah, I’ll be away for 2 days. We have photoshoot in Japan.” He said as he fixed his hair.

“Oppa, when are you leaving and when are you coming back?” I asked I sat down on our bed and put Jaemin back and give his toy.

“I will leave tonight…and don’t you hear me, I’ll be away for 2 days, so it means I’ll be back the day after tomorrow. Pack some of my clothes, and possible things I will use.” He said coldly and went out of our room. He’s been like that since I gave birth to JaeMin and when he got into the group. Whenever he’s going out, he never bids me goodbye nor kiss me anymore. He’ll just text me or call me sometimes if he can’t get home. He’s not sweet and romantic to me anymore unlike when we’re still girlfriend and boyfriend.

“JaeMin ah, why does it seems your appa doesn’t love me anymore?” I asked my son as he looked at me with curious eyes. I just smiled weakly at him and looked at the picture on the bedside table. It’s our collection of pictures when we had our dates. I just suddenly realized it’s been six months since we had our last date. Well to be exact it was during his birthday and we’re not alone, his bandmates also joined us.


I already packed the things that Changmin needs, I’m just waiting for him to get the luggage when I heard a knock. I opened the door and surprised that it’s Kyuhyun.

“Oppa, why are you here?” I asked him.

“I’m not alone, Jaejoong hyung and Yoochun hyung are in the car. I’m here to get your husband’s luggage. Well, he’s supposed to get it personally, but he said that he has an appointment.” He explained and I just nodded. I gave him the luggage.

“Where’s Jaemin?” He asked.
“He’s already asleep. He had a fever a while ago, maybe I’ll bring him to his doctor tomorrow.” I sighed.

“Well, tomorrow, I’m free, I can accompany you to the hospital.” He volunteered.

“But oppa, you will go to Japan tomorrow right? Together with DBSK and Super Junior.” I asked him and he shook his head.

“Only, Leeteuk hyung, KangIn hyung will go with DBSK, the rest of us have different schedules.” He said and I nodded.

“So, tomorrow, I’ll pick the two of you here. Morning..don’t forget. Ok?”

“Yeah.” Kyuhyun oppa kissed me in my forehead and went to the car.
“DONGSAENG AH!! TAKE CARE OF JAEMIN!!!” I heard Jaejoong and Yunho oppa’s voice.

“NEH!!!” I replied. I closed the door and looked at our house. For 2 days, Changmin will not be here. I hope the reporters don’t come, because I don’t know what I will do.


Kyuhyun oppa fetched us this morning, and now we’re in the hospital. I was so worried about JaeMin since last night, he had a fever again.

“Don’t worry, Min Ah, JaeMin is having a fever because a tooth is growing.” Dr. Lee explained. I was so relieved. He just gave me medicine for JaeMin and give me some advices.

“So, where do you want to go next?” Kyuhyun oppa asked me. I just want to go home now.

“Oppa, can we go home now, it’s dangerous for us to stay out here.” I told him. Yes, why? Because first, he’s a celebrity, second, the reporters or let’s say the whole world knows that I’m already married to Shim Changmin. Soon, Kyuhyun took us home, he was about to stay there for a while, but then he had an urgent appointment. Now Jaemin and I are once alone again.

Soon my phone rang, and it was Changmin…

“Yeoboseyo? Oppa?”

“Min Ah, what’s this news I’ve heard. You and Kyuhyun are having a date?” He asked and by the tone of his voice he’s pissed right now.

“Oppa, yes, we went out but not for a date. He volunteered to accompany me in the hospital because JaeMin had a fever.” I explained

“But you know, what’s ahead of you right? And how many times I told you that don’t go to the public with any guy, because, it will destroy my reputation. What will my fans say, that I always let you go out with a guy? We’ll talk about this once I got home. Bye.” He hang up. He never let me explain my side. I thought that he’s concern about what will his fans say to me, but no, he’s too much concerned for his career. He really changed that much.


It’s been a week since he returned home, and as always he’s been so busy. He doesn’t have time for me or to JaeMin. I will no longer be surprised if JaeMin call Kyuhyun his appa. “Changmin oppa, Kyuhyun will visit us again.” I told Changmin and he looked at me coldly.

“Whatever…” He continued reading a newspaper. When Kyuhyun arrived, he talked to Changmin for a while and then afterwards he played with JaeMin.

“Appa…” I heard JaeMin called Kyuhyun. Omo, it’s his first word. But it’s not right.

“Changmin oppa, JaeMin says his first word and he’s calling you.” I picked JaeMin and was about to give him to Changmin when he clutched on my shirt tightly and shaking his head.

“Jaemin ah, go to appa, and call him.” He just shook his head and pointed at Kyuhyun. I looked at Changmin and he rolled his eyes and went back on reading his newspaper. I can’t believe it, he don’t care?

His phone ring and he went to our room to answer it. I went back to Kyuhyun and JaeMin and joined them. Then, JaeMin got hungry and I was about to go to our room to get his feeding bottle, when I heard Changmin talking to the person on the other line.

“Yes, Sica, I’ll be right there. Wait for me ok.” He then laughed. I gulped down and tried to hold back my tears. He’s like happy talking to that girl. I then entered the room and still saw him smiling. When he saw me, he just ignored me. I get the bottle of Jaemin and went out. Soon, he went out also but it seems he’ll be out again this night.

“Kyuhyun, the girls told me that we have a party.” He said.

“Oh, I forgot about that. Why don’t you bring Min Ah and JaeMin?” Kyuhyun asked. Changmin only shook his head.

“JaeMin doesn’t like places with full of people.” He said and Kyuhyun just nodded.

“So, Min Ah…take care here. We’ll go now.” Kyuhyun bid goodbye and they went out.

“How will Changmin know that JaeMin doesn’t like that? He barely knows his son.” I told myself. I bet he doesn’t want us to come because he’ll see his other girl Is Changmin really cheating on me?


It’s almost 2 am, and still Changmin is not yet home, I’m waiting for almost 4 hours, actually, it is our anniversary, and he even doesn’t remember it. Soon, the door opened.

“Why are you still awake?” He asked me and sat down beside me. I then smelled a girl’s perfume and then I noticed a kiss mark on his neck but I shrugged it off my mind. Why? Because I love him and I don’t want us to fight again, not in our anniversary. Call me stupid but this is who I am.

“Oppa, I’m waiting for you. Happy anniversary.” I greeted him. He looked at me and nodded.

“Happy anniversary.” He then stood up and walked to our room, leaving me alone. Normally, whenever I greet him in our anniversary, he’ll kiss me and he’ll prepare me a nice and romantic dinner date. But, that was before.

I entered our room and found him lying on the bed, and it seems his waiting for me. I took a shower first and then after that I lay beside him.

“Babe, it’s been a while since we do it.” He said facing me and I saw lust in his eyes. He then captured my lips. At first, I don’t want to respond but then I gave up to him. I don’t know if this is really making love. But why do I feel he’s just doing this to me, to release his desire. That night is different from the nights we had.

(2 months after)
I was surprised on the news came, because the doctor told me that I’m pregnant. I don’t know if I’ll be glad. I tell the news to Changmin and he didn’t give any reactions, well, in fact, the other members are more excited than him.

I talked to Jaejoong oppa about my problem with Changmin. I’m very close to him that’s why I want to release all of my sadness, anger. He was shocked on everything I tell. He told me that I should talk to Changmin about this.

Once Changmin and I got home, we went to our bedroom. JaeMin is with Changmin’s parents. I think this is the right time to tell him.

“Oppa, I have something to ask you.” I told him.

“Wait, Min Ah, I have something to do first.” He said as he changed his clothes. I wonder where he’ll go.

“Where are you going?” I asked him.

“Stop asking questions, I’ll just meet Jessica in the restaurant.” He answered. It’s been a month now also, since he and Jessica made a love team in a show. Well some fans doesn’t like it, but some are very happy, not thinking that I can be hurt by this love team. Whenever I watched them, I remember our past. That’s the Changmin I know…that’s the man I love.

“Don’t wait for me. Bye.” He said and then vanished. Tears started to fall from my eyes. I decided to write all of my feelings in my diary. After that, I placed it in our bedside table and went out. I want to have some fresh air and to clean my mind. As I walking to the park, I saw reporters, it seems that, there’s an interview, I looked closer and saw Changmin and Jessica, and they are smiling to each other. That’s the way Changmin smile to me before, but now, all I received is glare, cold eyes.

I stayed there till the interview ended, and I walk up to the two of them.

“Excuse me, can I talk to oppa?” I told Jessica and she nodded. She left the two of us alone.

“What do you want?” He asked coldly.

“Oppa, do you still love me?” I asked him bluntly. He looked at me and laughed.

“What kind of question is that?” He said, so he’s taking this as a joke?

“Oppa, I’m serious. Are you cheating on me? You don’t love me anymore right?” I said and tears started to form.

“What are you talking about? Are you jealous because of our love team. Listen, this is just business. It’s for my career.” He said.


“Oppa, you’re not the Changmin I love before. I think my parents were right. I regret…I regret that I disobeyed them.” I told him and then I felt heat from my cheeks. I can’t believe he just slapped me.

“Oppa…” tears started to flow, I can’t do this anymore, I can’t stand this. I saw guilt in his eyes.

“Min Ah…I;m sorry” He was about to touch me when I pushed him away. I had enough. I ran from him quickly. I just want to go home, but then I heard his voice.

“MIN AH!!! ANDWAE!!!” And then I heard a loud screech of a car. I looked at my right and then soon, black covered my surroundings.

*end of PO.V*

*Changmin’s P.O.V*

When I slapped her, I stared at my hand, why did I do that? Why? I know that I made a mistake. She ran away from me and soon I heard is a car coming towards her.

“MIN AH…….ANDWAE!!!!!!” I yelled but it’s too late. I saw the car hitting my wife. No, this is not true!!! I ran to her and tried to wake her up.

“Min Ah, don’t close your eyes, don’t leave me yet. I’m sorry for all the things I’ve done. Please…hang on, for JaeMin and for our baby.” I told her as I held her in my arms. Please, save my wife and my child. Please!!!



*Changmin’s P.O.V*

I was in the hospital and waiting for news together with the other members. I don’t know what will happen to me, if something bad happened to Min Ah, and to my baby. Soon, my parents and Min Ah’s parents came.

“Changmin ah, what happened?” My mom and Min Ah’s mom asked.

“She got hit by a car…it happened really fast” I told them as I recalled the accident. I saw JaeMin looking at us. I went to him and carried him.

“Umma..Umma.” JaeMin said. I hugged him tightly. This is the first time I hold my son like this. Suddenly it hit me, I never been a good father to him.

“JaeMin ah, appa is very bad. I’m sorry…I’m really sorry.” I told him and he lay his head on my shoulders as I caressed his hair.

“Changmin ah, can I talk to you?” Jaejoong hyung asked me and I nodded. I gave JaeMin to my mom. Jaejoong hyung and I went to the chapel in the hospital.

“Changmin, you know your mistakes right?” He asked me and I nodded.

“Min Ah told me that it seems you don’t love her anymore. You treat her differently unlike when you’re still not married with each other. She was hurt by this and when you and Jessica formed a love team. Even though it’s just work, she can’t help but to get jealous, because you’re more paying attention to Jessica than to your own wife. Now tell me, do you still love her?” He said.

“Of course hyung, we’ve been in so many troubles before getting married.” I told him.

“I know, but by the things that Min Ah told me, it seems like you don’t care about your marriage life.” He said and I thought about it. He’s right. Min Ah’s right. I’m way too concern for my career, I never give time to my family. I’m sorry Min Ah, I’m sorry. Don’t leave me. I will correct all of this.

“Changmin ah, you’re so lucky to have Min Ah as your wife.” Hyung told me and I nodded. Yes, I’m very lucky. My phone suddenly rang and it’s Yunho hyung.

“Min, the doctor is finally out from the operating room.” He told me and then hang up. I hurriedly went there.

“What happened? Is my wife ok? How about our baby?” I asked the doctor.

“Mr. Shim, I’m sorry but we can’t save the baby. Because if we try to do that, there’s a possibility that you’ll lose them both.” The doctor explained. My baby, my second child.

“For now, your wife is in stable condition but still we will put her in ICU, because we’re still observing her. You can visit her after 10 minutes, but only one person can visit.” He said and went back in.


I looked at Min Ah, she’s lying on the bed with an oxygen mask on and a bandage in her head. I’m sorry Min Ah.

“Babe, I’m sorry for what I’ve done. I’m sorry, because of me, we lost our second child. I’m really sorry. Please, wake up soon, Jaemin is looking for you. Babe, I promise, once you wake up. Things will go back to normal. I’ll be a good husband and father. I love you very much. You’re the only girl in my life.” I held her hand and kissed the back of her palm.


*6 months after*

*Min Ah’s P.O.V*

It’s been six months since the accident I involved in, and Changmin already change. He’s back to normal self. The Changmin that I really love, well I think he’s very sorry for what he did. But I got surprised because of his change from sweet guy and then the cold guy, and then now, a very very romantic one. I remembered last month. They had their concert in Tokyo Dome in Japan, and I was surprised because he really planned for the surprise gift for me.

“MIN AHH!!! CHAGIYA!!!” Changmin’s calling me now. I went to the living room and saw Changmin playing with our son. JaeMin is ontop of Changmin while Changmin is soaking wet because JaeMin spilled the milk over him.

“OMO, Jaemin, what did you do to appa?” I asked him as I picked him. Changmin stood up and pinch JaeMin’s cheeks.

“Oppa, you better take a shower. You’re sticky now.” I told him, he suddenly smirked and hugged me tightly, squeezing JaeMin also.

“And now, the three of us are sticky. Let’s go take a shower.” He said and then grinned at me. I was surprised when JaeMin clapped. What the? Seriously, like father like son.

“JaeMin, you’re also a ert?” I asked my son and he stuck his tongue out. I glared at Changmin and he just whistled innocently.

“Come on babe, let’s take a shower now.” He begged and I nodded.

“Fine, but remember JaeMin is with us. So we’ll be on our clothes.” I said and went to the bathroom.

“Hey that’s unfair…” Changmin whined, and he continued.


*After 6 years*

Now, JaeMin 7 is years old and we have now a daughter, and she’s two years old. Her name is MinJi. We’re celebrating Jaemin’s 7thbirthday. All DBSK members are here and some of Super Junior and our parents. I’m so happy this day because it’s like we have a reunion.

“Umma, Umma, I have a crush on our school.” JaeMin told me and he showed me a picture of a girl.

“really? Oh, my son is a big boy now.” I told him and laughed.

“Jinja? I’m a big boy now? So it means that I can watch the videos that I saw on Appa’s laptop? Because he told me that I can watch it when I’m a big boy.” He said and I was shocked. Videos? What videos?

“What video?” I asked. I wonder what is it.

“Appa told me, that when the two people love each other, they always do it. And he said by doing it you can produced a baby.” He told me and my jaw dropped. What the heck? Shim Changmin!!!!

“CHANGMIN OPPA!!!” I yelled and he suddenly appeared. I glared at him and he looked at JaeMin.

“Oppa, you’re teaching our son, erted things?” I told him and he shook his head.

“Appa you’re lying… You told me that, and by the way, the girl I like just slapped me yesterday. You told me that I should do a move. So I kissed her.” JaeMin explained and I glared at Changmin again.

“Oh, okay, bye now.” He ran quickly.

“YOU’RE SO DEAD SHIM CHANGMIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” I ran after him. Seriously, this is the one trait that can never be change….being a ert!!!!!!!!!!!!


That night, JaeMin and MinJi slept in our room. I read a story book for them and then Changmin sang for them.

“Babe, I’m very lucky and happy to have the 3 of you in my life.” He said sweetly. I smiled at him

“Me too oppa…I love you.”

“ I love you and that will never change.” He kissed me softly before we drifted to sleep.



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can you please write another one like the story of changmin and min-ah with sadness and crying and then hapiness in the end ,pleeaaaaaaaaaaaaase???
naznew #2
So sad story...
poor changmin in "the voicemail" so sad!! hahah!!! UPDATE SOON!!!
melanarbs #4
weeee! I like!
hahah...hmmm a jealous changmin!! hehe....UPDATE SOONNN.
kyaaaaa!!! what happens next!!!
update soon!!!
i love "miss you" i cried to that one...
forever love is so sweet,cute,and sad but then i love it!!