When You Smile, the Sun Shines

Seven Days

Dawn, the time that Sihyun usually woke up. When she opened both of her eyes, she felt a pair of arms pulling her waist closer. "Mingming..." She chuckled. "Wake up, sleepyhead." She tried to wake him up by poking his palms, but that made him tighten his grip around her. Giving up, she could only sigh until she heard a chuckling sound.

"Good morning, Sihyun." Mingming smiled as he gave her a morning greeting, released his grip around her and yawned. His hair was awfully disheveled; it resembled a bird's nest and his face looked a bit bloated, which made his small eyes became even more smaller.

"Oh! You're awake?" 

"Do I look like I'm sleepwalking?" He chuckled, pinched her cheeks and Sihyun's cheek became pink instantly. "Look, someone is blushing." 

"I'm not!" She hid herself with a pillow. Mingming's pillow, yeah, it smelled like him. 

"Let's go take a morning jog!" And with that, he dragged her out of his room without any command. He was excited to spend this day with her, again.



It has been an hour since they jogged around the neighborhood. It was early, as the sun was preparing to come out. After enjoying the morning air, Mingming and Sihyun went back to his house and they were greeted by the whole family.

"Oh there you are! Breakfast is waiting!" Junhui called out, pulling both of them to the dining room. As they sat next to each other, Mrs. Yao cooed at how cute the two looked like, resulting a faint blush on Sihyun's cheek and a red eared Mingming who complained to his mother in Chinese.

They eat as they chatted about a few things, including how many girls Mingming has brought home. "So.... It's not the first time he brought a girl here?" Sihyun asked curiously.

"No, not at all! Firstly, there was this girl named Yuhee, I think. She was Mingming's dance partner for the previous task or something." Mrs. Yao answered, Mingming sent his mother a glare as she laughed at her son's reaction.

"Or that time when he brought Choah, she was also his dance partner." Junhui added, a smirk was plastered on his lips before he munched his toast.

"Ah, alright then." Sihyun nodded to herself. Mingming noticed something different from her, she looked slightly disappointed, but it seems like he knew the exact reason why as his lips curved upwards into a smile.

The two practiced again for the last time before going to school.



That night, Sihyun had returned to her house and to her surprise, her parents wasn't mad at her for running away. "I guess dad felt guilty?" She silently thought as she lay down on her bed. There was this strange feeling as she turned and tossed herself under her blanket. She felt... empty. After a few good minutes of thinking, she had finally come to a conclusion that she missed Mingming. Sihyun couldn't lie to herself, she had been sleeping with him for the past few nights and deep down inside, she missed that.

As she spotted her laptop, she decided to video call him. Maybe, that could help her to sleep easier. It took another minute for Mingming to finally accept her video call request.

"Hello Mingming?" She greeted him although the screen was empty, you can only see his messy room. Out of a sudden, Mingming appeared on her screen, looking exhausted and sweaty as droplets of sweat trickled down from his forehead.

"Hey!" He panted and he grinned. He wiped his face that was full of sweat with a piece of towel, then he threw it to the laundry basket and it was successfully in.

"Impressive." She chuckled. "Why do you look so tired, eh?"

"I was just practicing some dance moves earlier, nothing big."

"Really? May I see it?" Stupid Sihyun, it would only drain his energy more. But she was curious, what kind of dance choreography is it that he practiced until midnight?

"Alright." He smiled as he was getting ready on his position. A familiar tune of David Guetta's Titanium started playing as Mingming started to move along the beat. His moves were all flawless, despite him forgetting a few steps here and there, he improvised and let his body to feel the music instead of dancing to the choreography he memorized earlier.

"That was amazing!" Sihyun smiled, her hands were clapping like a seal as she tried to hid her overly happy face.

"Thank you." Mingming grinned, he noticed how tired she looked so he greeted her a goodnight and ended their video call.

"I think I can sleep well now." She thought as she laid her back on her bed and wrapped herself in her blanket.


 Author's note 

This is an extremely short chapter T_T sorry for not updating this for a long time, I lost some inspirations but thanks to the Seventeen Show 2 on Saturday, I'm able to continue this. Anyway please comment after reading c:

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:: seven days › updates will be really slow because i need to search for the right feeling to continue this story. sorry to disappoint you guys :c


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Kpop_4evar #1
Chapter 7: can u update this please!!!!! this is a really good story.
Chapter 7: been waiting for this update. ;w; <3
Chapter 7: mingming is really sweet xD i like this story o/
gangnam-royalty #4
Chapter 7: Thank you for the update! And they were amazing on Saturday! :3 that was actually my first time watching them live and I had a lot of fun watching them even though I had to wake up early ^_^
bangtits #5
Chapter 7: Thanks for the update!
Chapter 6: Omg just found this and I am so in love with this!
I completely love your style of writing and the whole plot is just cute and omg ;;
I love the relation between them and also the friendship between Mingming and Junhui is so adorable here!
Please update this <3
FinJee #7
Chapter 5: This is the greatest and the cutest story of mingming i ever read xDDDDD
Sihyun and Mingming are getting closer! Yaaaaay. And omg Jihoon, sleepyhead as usual, lmao.
This.is.awesome.....Omg update soon!
Chapter 3: More Sihyun-Mingming moments!!
And jogging at 5am..... saeng..... you... are. a sadist.
Chapter 3: so cute Ming ming and Sihyun kkk get well soon for your shoulders anyway Ming Ming xD
Jihoon lemme try to wake you up maybe (?) haha lol