Another Sleepover?

Seven Days

"I'm going to get changed first, sweetie." Sihyun's mother said before finally entering her room.

"Alright mom!" Sihyun breathed a sigh of relief, finally she can rest for a while. "Oh right! Mingming's backpack!" She immediately grabbed that bright red backpack and ran to her room.

"Sihyun!" Mingming stood up from her bed, he was sitting there while waiting for her.

She threw his backpack to his direction and luckily, he caught it. "I don't know when you'll be able to go home um.. so just wait, 'kay."

"Can't I just jump from the window?" Mingming suggested.

"If you want to land on the hard ground and break your limbs, go ahead." Sihyun smiled and stucked her tongue out.

"Oh." Mingming disappointedly nodded to himself, embarrassed about what he just said.

Opening the door slowly, Sihyun tried to see if her mom is outside and to her dismay, there she was, watching dramas at the living room. "Wait here." Sihyun muttered before stepping her foot to the living room.

"Sweetheart! I saw that you were cutting some fruits at the kitchen?" Mrs. Jang asked, her eyes were still glued to the screen.

"Yeah, mom. Where's dad?"

"He's going to Japan today, usual work." Sihyun's father is a famous photographer, which is why he travels a lot.

"Alright." Sihyun simply replied while putting those fruits into one big bowl before entering her room again.

"It seems like you won't go home anytime soon. My mom will watch a drama marathon or something, usually until the next morning." She sighed, sat beside Mingming and chewing a piece of melon.

"It's okay..... wait, does that means I have to sleep in here?"

"I guess so...... I'm sorry for dragging you to this mess, we should've just studied at a cafe or somewhere else--" Sihyun's words were cut off when Mingming fed her another piece of melon.

"Don't need to worry." He smiled. That smile, the way his eyes disappeared into a thin line, and his perfect pearl white teeth turned into a grin somehow made Sihyun's heart flutter.

"For the mean time, let's continue our practice?" After regaining her conscience back, Sihyun stood up and started to stretch.

"Sure." Mingming grinned as he prepared to stretch his limbs.



They practiced really hard until it was 9PM, finally feeling tired, Sihyun decided to call it a day. "Practice is over." 

"That was tiring... but it was fun." Mingming grinned as he wiped his sweat that was trickling down his neck.

"It sure is, did you brought any spare clothes?" Sihyun asked while rummaging her wardrobe to find a bath towel for Mingming.

"I did." 

"Oh well, I'll bathe first and here's your towel!" She threw the towel to Mingming before finally disappearing to the bathroom.

After exactly 15 minutes, Sihyun stepped out of the room, looking as fresh as ever with her white printed tee and turquoise plaid sweatpants. "Your turn to bathe." Sihyun walked to her drawer, trying to find the hairdryer as Mingming entered the bathroom.

"Finally... I'm not sweaty anymore." Mingming thought as water trickled down from the top of his head to his feet. He forgot to bring his shampoo and when he saw Sihyun's shampoo on the top rack. "Vanilla. Nice, my hair will smell like newborn baby." He sourly thought.

On the other hand, Sihyun was happily drying her hair while humming into a random tune. Mingming finally finished showering and as soon as he went out from the bathroom, he approach Sihyun quietly.

"Why didn't you tell me that your shampoo is vanilla scented? Now I smell like a baby." He pouted.

Chuckling in amusement, Sihyun switched off the hairdryer as she faced Mingming. "Are you saying that I smell like a baby?" She smirked.

Dumbfounded, Mingming tried to find a word to reply her question but he stuttered. "I-I.. That's not what I meant-- uh...." His ears turned bright red as he gave her a cheeky smile.

"You look cute when you're flustered like that." Sihyun ruffled his bangs, making him blush even more. "Should we sleep now?"

Mingming nodded immediately as he approached her, looking dumbfounded again. "Where am I going to sleep?"

"The floor, I've got extra blankets." She replied when she locked the door and pulled out the blankets from her walking closet.

As soon as he saw her struggling carrying those blankets, he took it away from her hand and smiled. "I got this."

Nodding to herself, she turned off the lights and gave Mingming a pillow. "And here's your pillow, goodnight."

Mingming was sleeping quite messily, his blanket weren't wrapped around his body anymore. While Sihyun was sleeping quietly with her baby blue blanket wrapped around her safely. But there's one thing, she was already on the edge of her bed, ready to fall down in any second. Sihyun stretched her arms as she yawned and that made her fell. She was expecting to meet the fuzzy carpet but apparently she landed on someone.

"Ouch!" Both of them yelped at the same time. When they opened their eyes, everything seemed surreal.

"Her eyes, her nose, her lips, her hair...." Basically her everything, shined brightly in Mingming eyes as the only light source, the moonlight shined through the window.

After coming back to her senses (Sihyun was mesmerized by his eyes, although it's small but it has that wormhole feeling? As if it can your soul), Sihyun quickly apologized before finally getting back to her bed.

"Um... You can sleep here if you want." She mumbled, patted the empty spot beside her as she shut her eyes tightly, her face facing the window.

Feeling satisfied yet shy at the same time, Mingming quickly moved to the empty spot beside Sihyun. "At least she cared for me, even if it's just a little." 

And so both of them slept peacefully with their backs facing each other.



The bright sun shines brightly through the window, too bright that it woken Sihyun up. Sure, she felt the hot sunlight on her back but something was blocking her so that her face couldn't feel the sun. She slowly opened her eyes and that's when she realized that she was no longer facing the window.

In fact, her face was just centimeters away from Mingming's neck as he hugged her as if she was a pillow. "Oh my God." Sihyun's face flushed into a shade of red after realizing how close they were. She could felt Mingming's steady breathing as he slept with his mouth open. "Mingming..." Sihyun whispered helplessly as she poked his jaw, she almost couldn't breathe because Mingming was hugging her tighter every second.

"Hmm...." He replied still in a half-awake state with his slightly hoarse voice, pulling her closer as he rested his chin on top of her head.

"Wake up." Sihyun replied in a high-pitched voice because of his sudden move, she's sure that her heart beats faster than she normally does.

"Vanilla..." Mingming mumbled as he sniffed her hair which made him woke up to reality. "This scent smells familiar.... oh no." he opened his eyes and that's when he realized how awkward it must've been for her. After releasing her from the hug, he tried to grin as if nothing ever happened. "Good morning!"

"Good.. uh.. morning too, Mingming." She awkwardly replied as she got up from the bed, squinting her eyes as the sun shined brightly.

Forgetting the fact that he's not at his house, Mingming casually opened the door when he heard someone knocked it, only to meet Mrs. Jang shocked expression. "I'm doomed."

"Sihyun! How come there's a boy on your room?!" Mrs. Jang asked in her high-pitched voice, crossing her arms while waiting for her daughter to answer.

"Mingming!" Sihyun hissed while tidying up her hair and gestured Mingming to back off. "Hi mom! Getting ready for work?" She smiled as if she didn't heard her mom's question.

"Jang Sihyun, you haven't answered my question."

"First things first, he goes by the name Yao Mingming and he's my dance partner at the dance club."

"And then? Could you explain why he's in our house and to be exact, in your room." Mrs. Jang's judging posture made Mingming gulped nervously, he was terrified. If only he didn't open the door.......

"Well.... we were doing our homework and then we were planning to watch a movie but then you suddenly came. I hid him in my room because I thought you would freak out like you're doing right now if you found out that there's a boy in our house."

"Oh." Mrs. Jang nodded to herself before throwing her arms to hug her daughter and Mingming. "It's okay! I'd never thought that my Sihyun will have a boyfriend as soon as this!" Mrs. Jang spoke in a rather too excited manner.

"He's not my boyfriend!"

"I'm not her boyfriend." the two spoke at the same time with their eyes almost bulged out of it's sockets, cheeks flushed into a light shade of pink as one's voice cracked while the other spoke an octave higher than they usually do. What was Sihyun's mother even thinking?!

"Sorry. I thought you were Sihyun's boyfriend because you slept in her room." Mrs. Jang giggled. "Breakfast is ready, let's eat!" Mrs. Jang slipped in between those two and dragged them downstairs.

"Mom is behaving weird.... I thought she despise the idea of having a boy in our house so much but now she seems happy?" Sihyun silently thought to herself.



When they finally finished eating, both of them rushed to the bathroom (Mingming went to the bathroom in Sihyun's bedroom while Sihyun went to the bathroom in her parent's bedroom) to prepare for school. Yes, it's Monday.

Only 15 minutes left until school starts, as soon as they finished dressing up and all that jazz, they rushed downstairs and bowed politely to Mrs. Jang.

"Goodbye mom!" Sihyun said before dashing off to the bus stop.

"Thanks for the food, Mrs. Jang." Mingming bowed once again before running after Sihyun. "Wait for me!"

Mrs. Jang could only giggle after seeing the two left. "Kids these days are cute."


Thankfully, Sihyun and Mingming managed to get into their classroom without any problems. Those three hour lectures felt like 30 hour. Feeling sleepy and worn out, Mingming dozed off in his table and thank goodness that their teacher didn't realized it. Break time, all students immeadiately ran to the cafetaria or simply walked outside to the garden. But not for our Chinese boy, he's still sleeping silently.

"Wake up!" Sihyun playfully poked his cheeks, but still no reaction.

"Leave it to me," Junhui said, a small smirk appeared into his lips. "Yao Mingming, wake up!" he continued in Chinese while lightly knocking his best friend's head.

"What the--" Mingming opened his eyes and he almost cursed if only Sihyun wasn't there. He's trying to lessen his 'bad mouth' now.

"Lunch! Let's go!" still speaking in Chinese, Junhui pulled the two to the cafetaria. So that concludes the wonderful weekend, replacing it with a monstrous Monday instead. Let's just wait and see, what kind of adventure is waiting for Sihyun in this Monday...


 Author's Note 

still too short I guess??? yeah whatever I hope y'all will keep supporting this story and is there enough fluffiness? *^* sidetracking here... finally EXO made their comeback! yippie! and there'll be a special guerrilla broadcasting of SEVENTEEN TV on June 4th! I could probably only stream for an hour because I have tuition at that time T_T enough of my ramblings, have an awesome weekend, guys! 

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:: seven days › updates will be really slow because i need to search for the right feeling to continue this story. sorry to disappoint you guys :c


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Kpop_4evar #1
Chapter 7: can u update this please!!!!! this is a really good story.
Chapter 7: been waiting for this update. ;w; <3
Chapter 7: mingming is really sweet xD i like this story o/
gangnam-royalty #4
Chapter 7: Thank you for the update! And they were amazing on Saturday! :3 that was actually my first time watching them live and I had a lot of fun watching them even though I had to wake up early ^_^
bangtits #5
Chapter 7: Thanks for the update!
Chapter 6: Omg just found this and I am so in love with this!
I completely love your style of writing and the whole plot is just cute and omg ;;
I love the relation between them and also the friendship between Mingming and Junhui is so adorable here!
Please update this <3
FinJee #7
Chapter 5: This is the greatest and the cutest story of mingming i ever read xDDDDD
Sihyun and Mingming are getting closer! Yaaaaay. And omg Jihoon, sleepyhead as usual, lmao. update soon!
Chapter 3: More Sihyun-Mingming moments!!
And jogging at 5am..... saeng..... you... are. a sadist.
Chapter 3: so cute Ming ming and Sihyun kkk get well soon for your shoulders anyway Ming Ming xD
Jihoon lemme try to wake you up maybe (?) haha lol