Chapter 6 >.

Daring The Darkness

The next six days flew by and KyuHyun was packing with his friends’ help at the last minute as usual. Kyu had not attempted to see SungMin after that day at the dojo, but he knew that subconsciously, his mind was always thinking about SungMin. He had instead filled the time with his past friends, who had all been delighted to see him back on his feet again.

Two of his friends, YeSung and RyeoWook, had come to visit him on the last day he would spend in Korea. As excited as he was to go to Japan, he couldn’t help but feel slightly sad that he was leaving them behind. Over the last six days, he had gotten rather close to them, and could remember LeeTeuk and DongHae from his childhood days.

RyeoWook was currently helping him pack his clothes into his suitcase, folding them neatly when Kyu would have just shoved the lot messily in. somehow, RyeoWook managed to fit more clothes that KyuHyun would need in the suitcase, and Kyu marvelled at his friend’s neatness obsession.

YeSung was sitting on Kyu’s bed, scribbling rapidly in his notebook. Kyu knew what he was doing. YeSung was writing the lyrics to another song. YeSung’s lyrics were always deep, and his voice always made KyuHyun feel exactly what the song spoke about.

“Don’t put that there, shoes go to the right, shirts to the left. Are you having some weird kind of brain dyslexia?” RyeoWook scolded him as he tried to put his favourite shirt on top his shoes.

“Fine, fine. Do it yourself then,” Kyu said, dropping the shirt on the ground and pulling himself onto the bed next to YeSung.

“What you writing, Sung-hyung?” he asked him as he peered over his shoulder at YeSung’s scrappy Korean.

“Lyrics, what else?” he answered.

“Can I see?”

“Sure.” YeSung handed Kyu the book and Kyu scanned the lyrics.

Today as well, as my memory wanders

At the end of this road, I still linger

Although I can’t see you, you’re still holding me tight

I also question this path

I want to see you

And I want to hold you again

I look up at the sky and pray

If  it’s not you, the it can’t be

I can’t be without you

Being like this day by day, for months, even years

Even if I’m hurt, it’s okay

Even if my heart hurts, it’s okay

It’s okay, because I love you


“Wow, this is really…” Kyu trailed off.

“I know you’re going to say deep again,” YeSung smiled slightly, “you always say that about my lyrics.”

“It’s true each time. I don’t know how you do it,” Kyu praised him. YeSung was probably the best writer of the three, RyeoWook the best composer, and KyuHyun the best singer.

They were all silent for a few moments before RyeoWook burst out, “There! All done! Finally!

They all looked at each other, then burst out laughing.

“It would have taken five minutes if you’d let me do it my way. But no… you love to pack things,” Kyu while laughing.

“And you would have carried half the amount of clothes I fit in there,” RyeoWook responded.

“True, true.”

RyeoWook climbed on the bed with them, and sat on the other side of YeSung. Kyu didn’t want to ruin the peaceful silence, but his curiosity was killing him.

“Guys. I have a question.”


“Do you promise to answer me, no matter what I ask?” he pressed.

RyeoWook and YeSung exchanged glances, and both shook their heads.

“Not if it hurts you.”

Kyu sighed. Why did people think knowing would hurt him? Wouldn’t not knowing hurt more in the end?

“What was SungMin to me?” he asked them anyway.

They exchanged another look, this time surprised.

“Well, to begin with, he was your best friend and -” YeSung was cut off by Kyu’s mother entering his room. She looked around at the three silent boys, scrutinizing their faces carefully.

“Why are you all so silent?” she asked.

“MOM!!!” Kyu complained, “Don’t I always tell you to knock before you enter my room!!! What if I were or something?”

“Don’t be ridiculous, dear. I saw you that way before. I just came to see if you had finished packing.”

“Oh. Yeah, I am. Why?” he asked.

“Because we’re leaving at 4am tomorrow and I don’t want you running crazy around the house looking for your other sock.”

“I don’t do that.”

“Not anymore, since I started colour-coding your socks.” With that, she her heel and left.

Kyu was just about to ask his two silent friends to continue telling him about SungMin when she peeked her head back in.

“Oh, and RyeoWook and YeSung’s dads are here to pick them up.”

And she was gone.

Inwardly, Kyu swore. Finally he had found someone who would tell him about SungMin, and they had to leave. And he wouldn’t see them again for three months. And Kyu didn’t trust his mother enough to believe she wouldn’t stalk his calls and messages.

Walking them to the front door, he bade them goodbye and went back up to his room. pulling out his phone, he began playing his favourite game, StarCraft, to get his mind off SungMin. He was going on a vacation, and wanted to forget SungMin existed. At least for those three months.


Back at the dojo, SungMin was having a hard time controlling his students. There were a little over 24 hours left until they performed in Japan, and despite his calm appearance, he was also very nervous.

“Alright! Everyone, listen. I know you all are very… excited to go but please, control is necessary. Since today is our last day in Korea, I want you all to go back home, and socialize for the remainder of the day. You will be gone for two months, don’t forget that. So please, spend these last hours with your family and friends. ”

His students began to cheer at his announcement, and immediately rushed to the front gates after hurriedly bowing.

Two months.

A letter had arrived yesterday stating that if their sensei allowed it, the boys would be kept for a special six-week training program that also allowed inter-dojo competitions.

SungMin had already contacted all his students’ parents, who had all given their consent. SungMin was as anxious as his students about their Japan visit.

Alone now, he walked back to the dojo, and began locking it up. As he swung the front gates shut and secured it with a heavy-duty lock, he smiled at the building. It was his favourite place to be now that his apartment seemed to haunt him. He rarely ever went home anymore, preferring to stay at the dojo, where he could walk in the gardens at night and watch the moon.

Today he couldn’t afford that luxury. He had to go home, pack his suitcase, and finish preparing the little 希望 he was making for his students. It meant ‘hope’, a word that make a wealth of difference to SungMin.

He walked home alone, as usual, and was surprised to see his apartment door ajar. He clearly remembered locking it the last time he had come here, two weeks ago. Still…

Cautiously, he pushed the door. It squeaked on its rusty hinges and he remembered meaning to oil them. KyuHyun had hated that noise everytime he came home.

“SungMin hyung!!!!”

He heard the high pitched squeal before he felt a body slam into his, and arms wrap around his waist. Instinctively to keep from falling, he hugged the person back.


“Mmm-hmmm. See, I already packed your suitcase. I knew you wouldn’t have done it before, so I just used the key you gave Kyu-” Henry didn’t have a chance to finish before a hand was clamped over his mouth. Behind him stood one of SungMin’s best friends, Kim HeeChul, the diva. SungMin’s smile faded a little at the mention of his name, and then he smiled more brightly than he had for weeks.

“HeeChul-hyung!” he exclaimed.

HeeChul removed his hand from Henry’s mouth, shooting said person a sharp look before turning to smirk at SungMin, and embrace him.

“Hey there Minnie. Haven’t seen you in a while.”

“Me either.”

He heard the soft voice from behind both Henry and HeeChul and didn’t have to look to know that it was HanGeng. That comforting voice didn’t belong to any other of SungMin’s friends beside HanGeng. He rushed to hug HanGeng as well, having missed the older’s little smiles and food.

After the reunion, SungMin turned to Henry.

“Did you really pack my suitcase?” he asked him. He could never trust Henry. The boy was the messiest of the friends, but such a good liar that gullible SungMin never knew what to believe.

“Of course he didn’t! Hannie did. Do you really believe Henry could even fold something?” HeeChul said impatiently before Henry could open his mouth. SungMin smiled. Of course HanGeng would be the one to pack. HanGeng loved to help others.

“We came here tonight to celebrate! So get out that door before I shove you out of it!” HeeChul yelled at him.

SungMin took one look at the diva, decided he was dead serious, and fled through said door.


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i'm almost done .-. i can't believe i'm almost done with my first fanfic :O


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beegorchesss #1
Chapter 2: Found this on ad wow
found this story just few hours ago and can't stop until i finish it all.this story put my heart in a twist.i'm off to read the sequel.thank you for writing such a beautiful story!
Aaaaa omg story....
Why is it that hard to put them back 2gether ? :(
Its painfully hurts seeing bot separated one to another... T__T
But the wait is always worth...
i like how u put some pics at the end of every chap, its so refreshing... n_n
Lotta love for u n my fellow kyumin shipper... <333333
ayawani #4
Chapter 21: Yunho yunho go away..
Made the girl to feel okay..
If you hear to what I say, yunho yunho please go away..
ayawani #5
Chapter 18: “Well, for one, he’s not KyuHyun hyung.
Everyone here knows you belong with KyuHyun
hyung. And-” Ren was cut off by Amber, who
had finally put down her phone.
“You do, sensei. KyuHyun and you are like soul
mates, I swear!”
“They are, aren’t they? They balance each
other perfectly!” MinHo.
“And they look so cute together. Sensei looks
more like a girl than ever when he’s next to
KyuHyun hyung.” TaeMin.

Me 100% agree with all of ur students said Min..
ayawani #6
Chapter 14: Ei,Yunho..just go away..u'll never had a chance to win Sungmin heart over Kyuhyun..
angelheart20 #7
Chapter 36: yeeeeeeeeee is great, there will be a sequel to the story, I already anticipate the future. but why until September is too long. anyways, I'm looking forward to read more. fighting