
Three Words

Dasom P.O.V

Myung-soo. He stands there, his from still and silent. A pleading look settles onto his face as his eyebrows scrunch together in worry and his eyes narrow. His mouth is slightly a gaped – the drips of water falling from his bottom lip. How can he stand so stiff when the tears of the tears of the clouds fall fast like the speed of a greyhound and feel like a million ice flakes digging into your skin?

               I stay far from the silent solute. My hair soaking wet and my clothes feeling heavy on my hurdled shoulders. My arms warp around themselves. I can’t stand the freezing tears.

It’s his fault I’m out here. Mine as well.

This whole mess wouldn’t have been caused if it never ended, but it did. Like a black hole, the word he once existed in was vacuumed away. The minute he said those heart stopping words the world we both shared disappeared.


There was only darkness, no light shone through the cracks that were barely revived. The crack of the never ending dark would have signaled for some type of permanence, but one day a ringing sound echoed through the halls.

His voice rang loud and clear like a church bells on a Sunday afternoon.

Those three words.

1.2.3. the words dragged me out here into frostbiting rain.

But like I said, It’s my fault as well.

I forced myself to tear away the protective cover I was in, to keep myself from his needed warmth. I gave in so easily it makes me mad. Knowing all the self therapy did nothing. Like a little girl I caved and ran for the goods. Only I don’t know how good he is anymore.

But it’s not like I wanted it to be that way. Difficulty is no one’s specialty.

My drooping eyes glare back at him, how far he stands from me. Almost like a thousand feet away.

He distance is unbareble.

“I need the answer”, he shouts. A slight move from his feet make me jump.

I build up the strength to say, “What type of answer?”

He moves again startling me. “ You know, dasomi~~~” he says in a whispery-soft voice. Somehow I can hear him over the knocking of water. “You know exactly.” His word slash what was left of my shield. In my mind I can hear the shards of glass breaking and falling onto the concrete ground – vanishing like the drops of rain.

I gaze directly into his pleading eyes and see a gleam of light. That’s when it all snaps. The cracks show light, and the darkness falls together – gone.

The rain begins to fall in slow motion – time is slowing for me. For him

I don’t say anything. I repeat the tree words he had said over and over in my mind, the pitter patter of my feet of my feet lightly tapping the ground is only a background noise. The distance between is beginning to fade, and his silent solute becomes clearer the more I walk forward.

Five, only five are steps left.




One, I throw my arms around his neck and press my lips hard onto his. The shattered world forming once again, and back into the center of our hearts. He pulls me tighter until nothing is able to tear us apart.

One thought is in my mind. Only one


Finish Guys.....

Guys I'm really appreciate if you give me some critique and comment ...

Thanks a lot... ^_^


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lolkpopfan2013 #1
Chapter 1: im confused and it should be longer though I do like the story! :)
Chapter 1: I'm confused
chasoorim #3
Chapter 1: you should try to make it longer