Haejin oppa?!

White Song




My heart hammered against my chest as I turned away from the heavy locked metal door to face what looked like a cold, damp, empty cellar.

A shiver ran down my spine as I noticed that there was no way out.

Suddenly a heavy pounding behind me caused me to shrink back against the cold, damp wall on the other side of the cellar.

"Haneul?! Are you in there?!" A urgent voice sounded on the other side of the door.

Wait a minute that sounds like.....no it couldn't be.

"I'm coming in, don't worry." The voice came again.

Is it...

The door suddenly swung open with a bang to reveal......Haejin oppa?!


I shot up in my bed with cold sweat on my forehead.

Tears were uncontrollably running down my cheeks and I wiped them away and looked at the clock on my bedside table, 6am.

Suddenly my alarm went off and I jumped and hurridly shut it off before it woke my uncle up.

I tiredly got up and got in the shower so that I could get downstairs and cook breakfast before my uncle woke up.

"Mute ! Where's my breakfast?"

Too late.


I walked past the school gates as my hair fell like a curtain over my freshly bruised right eye.

This morning my uncle was more angry than he normally was. Probably because his new girlfriend of the week dumped him and stole his wallet.

He had a whole $2 dollars in there anyway so it's not important, and besides he probably stole that $2 from an old lady or a little kid.

Anyways, when I cooked him breakfast before I left this morning, like I always do, he hit me just because his pancakes were a little burnt on the edges, and thats only because he kept asking me to do things for him.

Is my life going to get any better?

I walked past the ever-growing crowds of students, making sure I was a few feet away from each one of them, and made my way to my locker.

Once I got my things I turned around with a gasp.

Three of the Queen Ka's; Jessica, Tiffany, and Yoona were standing there with matching evil smirks on their faces.

Well now I know it's not going to get better.

"Hey mute girl, didn't you commit suicide yet?" Ugh, I hate Yoona the most. Why does she always bring up suicide when she bullies me?

I shrank back into the lockers and waited for the rest since I knew they weren't through with me yet.

It was never that easy, no matter how many times I wished it was.

"Why were you even born? You don't even deserve to be alive." That was really harsh. Jessica, even the others for that matter, were never that mean before.

They must be having a bad day....great.

I hung my head like I always do but I guess today it was a mistake because somehow they saw the bruise on my right eye.

They started laughing at me and tears threatened to fall from my eyes.

This could only get worse.

"Look at that bruise!" Yoona yelled and some of the students around us turned to stare.

"Her own family must not even like her." Tiffany said and they walked off laughing as tears flowed freely down my cheeks and I sank to the floor.

I was so determined to not cry because of the Queen Ka's anymore but the mention of my family just pushed my over the edge.

Even though my uncle doesn't like me, my real family loved me.

"Yo move, your blocking the hallway." I looked up towards the soft voice that just spoke and I thought I was looking up at Haejin oppa.

It can't be, oppa's dead and he's never coming back. Plus, he would never talk to me like that.

It might have been because of the bright lights in the hallway but it really did look like Haejin oppa.

"Hello? ? Anyone home?" The voice asked again and my hope faded instantly. That wasn't even his voice.

I should've known. Haejin oppa is never coming back for me.

Suddenly, I saw the guy reaching out towards me, out of the corner of my eye.

My eyes widened and I held my breath as I hurridly shrank away from his advancing hand.

He laughed and walked past me. I sighed in relief and wiped my drying tears away.

I gathered my fallen books and got off the ground. I looked up and saw the retresting figure of the guy.

He had blonde hair, a bright blue shirt on, white pants, and colorful high-tops.

Just like Haejin oppa wore when he was alive, even his hair color is the same. No wonder I thought it was him.

I walked to my first lesson and sat at my seat in the back corner after I bowed in apology to the teacher for being late, not that she really cared.

The teacher announced we had a new student joining us today but I just stared out the window beside my desk like I always do since the teacher doesn't even bother to notice me, unless I'm late.

"I'm Kwon Jiyoung but call me G-Dragon." My head snapped towards the front of the room at the familiar voice as the class started to whisper about the new student.

It was him! Oh no he's gonna pick on me about what happened a few minutes ago!


Sorry for not updating in a while, I've been pretty busy lately.

Anyways I really hoped you liked it!




PS. I have nothing against SNSD. Their awesome so why would I? I just wanted to use them for the evil girls since they have a special place in the story because theres so many of them.

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Chapter 2: Oh man. This is so sad for the girl. I can't wait to see what happens next.
Chapter 1: Poor thing. Her uncle is a real bastard.
Heipaadeg #3
Chapter 2: I want more of your story, so please update soon ;3
Hi new reader! :3 your ff is really interesting. ;)
DancingMachine #5
Please update soon
Seems like an interesting story
Jessika98 #6
Update soon oh and i do not really care SNSD is used a lot as bad girls because there is so many of them but totally subbing to this story and your page like your story cant wait to read more!
fishcakes #7
pls update soon!! :[[[
fishcakes #8
YES YES YES!! i like it :)<br />
i promise to be a very good subsriberrr~ :D<br />
hehehe :3<br />
fishcakes #9
OH MY !! :( pls update soon :D
ayowassuup #10
:,( Crying already. <br />
My fav MV... hmmm... Who knows, cuz I don't! xD