Pabo Sitting

Pabo Sitting


Pabo Sitting.


"Mother I do NOT want a sitter!" The average teenage girl begged with all her heart.

Who could blame her? She's a seventeen year old girl, it's totally embarresing to have a babysitter at that age.  What if her friends found out? Or even worse? Her enemies?  She'd be the laughing stock at school! Or even worst, the WORLD!

"I don't CARE!" The woman said grabbing her shoulder purse. 

Her side could also be understandable.  She had TWO kids for a reason.  So they could watch eachother, but her eldest couldn't even do that, so why should she trust them alone together?

"Mom, I'm TOTALLY responsible though! I swear!" Soon Hye was still begging on the filthy kitchen floor, pleading as if she were a homless beggar.

"No!" her mother said with a more stern voice. "I don't TRUST you alone with my daughter."

Offended, her eldest child then stood up.

"AM I NOT YOUR DAUGHTER!?!" She scoffed at her mom.

"Of course!" Her mother sat down her bag. "But you can handle yourself on your own, little MoMo can not!"

Momo was the name that the family nicknamed the youngest child because she was so cute... at times.  Momo also threw fits that were shocking.  Her fits were tramutizing to some sitters, some even quit on the spot!  That's why their mother had trusted SoonHye with babysitting, but she was appearently of wrong judgment.


"Look, you  left your curling iron ON and on the floor in Momo's room! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!"

Park SoonHye furiously ruffled her own hair in dispare.  She'd known she'd messed up once, she forgot to turn the iron off, but Momo didn't get burned did she? Nope. Just one of her toys that SoonHye replaced herself. See, that's reponsible isn't that responsible!?

"But mom-"

She was cut off by the sound of the doorbell.

"Op, there's the sitter now!" Her mother said rushing toward the door.

The teenage girl moaned with her arms folded and reluctantly followed her mother to the front door to greet the "baby" sitter for the night.

"Hello!" Her mother cheerfully greeted. "Wow, you're even EARLY. How RESPONSIBLE!"

Park SoonHye sensed the sarcasim in her mothers voice and rolled her eyes.  She hadn't noticed who was at the door yet due to the fact that her mother was standing in the way.

"Why don't you come in?" Her mother offered.

"Yes, Thank you." 

SoonHye saw the figure standing outside the doorway bow at her mother.  As the figure began to enter the house, her jaw fell in shock.  

She felt every speck of personal pride she once had discintagrate once she recognized the guy her mother hired enter her house.

It was obviously CHANGJO! Out of all of the people her mother could've hired, why'd it have to be THIS Pabo!? She absoulutly HATED this douche.  And now he's entered her house?! REALLY! Was this really happening to her?

"Lovely home." The "douche" complemented as he politly took off his shoes and slipped on slippers.

Park SoonHye snarled at his remark. "Lovely home" he sure does put up an act.  She hadn't remembered him being this nice at school.

"Thank you, and polite too!" Her mother gave Soonhye an look that said she was judging her daughter.

"Well, I have to get going." Soon Hye's mother suddenly became in a rush and grabbed her purse and got ready to head out the door after instruscting SoonHye to show her worst enemy around the house.

"But mom-" SoonHye whined.

"Talk to you later!" Her mother replied giving her a peck on the forehead.  RIGHT in front of Changjo too.  How embarreseing.

With that, her mother left.  It was just SoonHye and an very amused Changjo.

"Don't judge me!" SoonHye started to scold already.

He just rose his hands as if saying he wasn't.

He thought this whole situation was just funny.  SoonHye has always hated his guts, and he didn't know why. Well, he knew it didn't help that he would just push her buttons during some classes, but it was because she reacted hilariously. It didn't hurt that he thought she was a little cute too...

"So you're mom doesn't trust you?" Changjo said following SoonHye around her house.

"SHE TRUSTS ME!" She snapped back viscously.

This was the very reason Changjo loved being around SoonHye, her eplosive personality.  It was exelerating to him.  He never knew what she would say or do.  She was unpredictable and he loved it. 

"Then why'd she hire you a baby sitter-"

"FIRST OF ALL." SoonHye suddenly stopped in her tracks to set him straight. "Mom hired you for my little sister! NOT me! So don't go around saying this and that to your little annoying friends unless you wanna die, got it?"

"YES SIR!" He playfully sauluted. 

SoonHye finally opened the door to her little sisters room after telling him instructions on what she could and could not eat, when to put her in bed, and what she could get in trouble for.

"You're not gonna help me."

"No, you're getting paid for a reason." Soon Hye rolled her eyes. "MoMo!"

A little girl whose head almost greeted her sisters hip came running to her doorway.

"Whose this?" The little girl greeted.

"This is jerkface, jerkface this is my sister." SoonHye blanly introduced the two.

"Is your name jerkface?" Momo asked confused.

Changjo laughed before he anserwed the little girl with his real name.

The little girl complemented his red hair and they already got onto the right foot.

"Well, since YOU like him so much he will be your baby sitter insead of me alright?"

"YAY!" her little sister replied embarressingly excited.

"I'll be in my room." Soon Hye replied depressingly.

About thirty minutes later Soon Hye was still locked away in her room fangirling on her laptop over her favorite group, Infinite.

When she heard the screams of her sister, she contimplted leaving her computer screen full of Sungjong and Dongwoo, but ultimitly ended up doing the right thing and rushing toward her sisters cries.

"What's going on in here?!" She barged through the door. 

To her suprise she only saw Changjo and Momo playing and laughing, having harmless fun.

Changjo gave her another "juding" look as he contiuned playing.

"Need something?" He mocked.

Soon Hye just scratched her head awkwardly. "Eh, just...KEEP IT DOWN! You don't need to be that loud!"

Changjo just laughed.

She was funny indeed.

SoonHye continued to fangirl in her room for the next couple of hours untill she smelt the sweet scent of what seemed to be ramyun.

Peeking in the kitchen she saw Changjo with pots and an aporan wrapped around him, accompanied by Momo in her chair with an eager look on her face.

"Hungry?" Changjo said without turning around.

This irratated her.  How could he possibly know she was in the room. She walked in quite as a mouse.  It was like he wa smocking her or something.

"No!" She denied.

He smirked.  He knew she was hungry. Plus he knew ramyun was her FAVORITE.  She'd just die when he tasted his ramyun, he knew it.  His hyung taught him how to cook it special and he'd tested it on his best friend Ricky.

"Mmm!" MoMo said once she was served her food.

The way MoMo was eating annoyed SoonHye, it couldn't possibly be that good could it.

"Want some?" Changjo offered again setting the place in front of SoonHye.

"Alright, but JUST to see if it was as good as momo is acting."

Changjo poured the Ramyun in her bowl and watched eagerly as she tasted it.

SoonHye's glare hardened as there was an explostion of flavor in .

She hated how good it tasted. Her only response was to stuff her face with noodles.

The babysitter, satisfied with his work, sat across from SoonHye and began to eat.

When SoonHye began to slurp her bowl, it just caused Changjo to give her another knowing smirk and a satisfied feeling.

"...What?" She snapped embarresingly.

He just reached across the table and handed her the only remainging napkin.

SoonHye was irratated with his kindess and "perfection".  As she reached to snatch the napkin from him, their fingers grazed against eachother and she looked the other way.

They three sat in silence enjoying their bowl after bowl of ramyun untill their was none left in the pot.

"Wow, this is really good- OOPS!" The 4 year old girl accidently knocked over her bowl which left juices spewlign over the table of her highchair with her still in it.

"Quick! Hand me a napkin before it get's on her shirt!" Changjo demaned.

"THERE'S NONE LEFT!" SoonHye panicked.

The water was still hot and if it got on her skin, it could've burnt her.  But luckily the boy acted fast and tore off his shirt and acted as if it were a towel and moped it off the table.


"Relax." Changjo said as he was wiping the table "It's not like I'm , I have on a wifebeater."

"B-But still!" 

His eyes met hers. She was blushing.  Her face had pigments of red in it.  This made it all so easy for him to tease.

"Still what?"

"Your shirt is all filthy now! I'll put it in the wash with the rest of my clothes." She stood up and took the shirt.

His eyes followed her untill she was out of the room.

Once she left, the boy was laughing to himself while clearing off the table.

"What's so funny?" The 4 year old still strapped to her highchair asked.

"Ha, Nothing," he began to get her out of the chair "Your sister is just cute, that's all."

Once he sat her on the ground and out of the chair, she made a face.

"No, she's MEAN!"

He laughed more. "That's what makes her cute." He admitted.

Eventually, The three of them were sitting in front of the television with a huge bowl of popcorn.

They were watching an animated movie which was appropriate for MoMo's age, but had hidden adult jokes which the two teens caugh and laughed at.

"SoonHye." Changjo suddenly whispered.

"Huh?" She snapped.

He shushed her and nodded toward her little sister.

She had fallen fast asleep right on changjo's lap.  Which was a big suprise for her because she never falls asleep that easy. 

"I'm going to put her in her bed." Changjo whisper as he slowly got up.

SoonHye followed him with her arms crossed.  She didn't understand him at all. Was he a wizard or something?  How could he babysitt her all night withought her complaining at all or even throw at least ONE fit.  He WAS a wizard wasn't he!?

"Changjo?" The girl yawned once she was tucked in bed.

"Shh!" He softly hushed her. "Sleep tight, ok?  Bring me a gift from dreamland?"

SoonHye saw her sister nod her head and smile, which sort of made her own heart warm.

Changjo placed a small peck on her forehead before getting up to exsit the door.

He exchanged breif looks with SoonHye before shrugging and heading back to the living room.

Confused, she ended up following him back there as well.

"Aren't you going to go fangirl?" Changjo suddenly asked tearing her stare off of the tv.

"Wh-what?" She asked suprised.

She was SURE that nobody knew that she was a fangirl, she had only told her best friend.  She wanted to keep her fangirling PRIVATE.

"I heard you talking about "DONGWOO OPPAA! MY FEELS!" when you were in your room."

"YaH!" She streached her foot across the couch to where he was sitting and pushed him with it.

He laughed.

"Dongwoo oppa!" He mimicked her voice. "Who told you to have abs!?"

She pouted in embarressment as he just snickered in merriment.

"Is that why you were suprised by me taking my shirt off?" Changjo suddenly faced her. "Because you were afraid you'd see my abs and fall in love with me."

She croaked at his words. Fall in love with him? Ha, never.

"You're funny. Like I'd ever fall in love with you." She stood up. "You're the last persone I'd ever like."

Although he was tadly offended he laughed off her riducule and stood up as well, facing her.

"Well, you haven't seen my abs yet." He reassured her as he grabbed the end of his shirt.

"I don't want to." She said plain as day.

He ignored her comment and begain to lift it anyway.

To his suprise, she let out a scorching scream.

"What? are my abs that good?"

SoonHye's face was pale as snow, and her body shook in fright.

"SPIDER! SPIDER!" She screamed.

His eyes widen as he heard her bloodcurling screams.  How could anyone be this terrified of spiders?

"SHH!" He begged her. She was going to wake up her little sister, she needed to calm down.

As changjo grabbed a shoe, SoonHye was standing atop of a couch huging a pillow close.


He turned around confused.


"I-I said don't kill it!"

How could anyone this afraid of spiders wish it life?

"Fine, I understand!" He sighed a little annoyed and grabbed a steryafoam cup.

He easied the spider off of the wall and into the cup and made a lid with his shoe and released the creepy crawler into the world through an opened window.

SoonHye sighed and relaxed herself on the couch.

"I'm deathly afraid of spiders." She admitted. 

Changjo let out and airy laugh and relaxed himself next to her as well.

"I can see that."

"I've been really afriad since I was little. I just really hat-"


Unnfourtnatly, SoonHye was really gullible and belived that Changjos trickling fingures on her shoulder was really a spider.

She ended up squeling and jumping all over the place attemting to get the spider off of her.

"I was kidding! I was kidding!" Changjo got off of the couch laughing.

SoonHye just sat on the floor with her hands covering her face. She looked quit pittiful.

"H-Hey?" Changjo tilted his head. "Are you ok?"

He took note of her sniffles and thought she was indeed crying.

Maybe he shouldn't have played such a prank because he knew she was afraid.

"SoonHye?" He said in a softer tone.

"YOU SHOULD'NT HAVE LIED!" She cried through her hands.

He frowned a little.

"THAT WASN'T FUNNY!" She sobbed still on the ground.

He walked over to her and lifted her off of the floor.

"Come on, you can't stay on the floor."


He shushed her again and reminded her that her sister was asleep.

She tried to stop crying but failed.

He laid her on the couch and let her head relax on his lap.

"I'm sorry." Changjo her back. "I shouldn't have lied."

After a while her crying was soothed from his calm humming.

She finally spoke up after a few sniffles.

"When I was younger, my father left us.  It was just my mom, and me." She began to tell him her story.

Before her mother was pregnant with MoMo, she had run off with her father and they were in love.  She was young she met SoonHye's father, and they were in love.  So she defied her own mothers wishes and ran off with SoonHye's dad.  SoonHye's dad told her mother not to work and that he'd take care of her, but he ended up treating her wrong so soonhye took her daughter and left him.  She didn't want to face her mother like this, so for a while she ended up in a raggidy apartment with the little job she could get.  When she worked she had to leave SoonHye alone in the apartment when she worked and it was full of cockroaches and spiders.  Which is why she was afraid of them.  Later on her mom apoligzed to her family and they helped her out. She later got on her two feet, got a real job and got married. Her husband was currently in the military.

Once she finished the story Changjo was speechless.

"I'm sorry." He apologized again.

"You should be." She murmered, her eyes were swollen from the tears.

"I promise I'll keep all the spiders and bugs away from you." he her hair gently.

"Promise?" She asked.

"I Promise. You will never see another spider again." He held out his pinky to her face.

She shook it awhile.

After minutes of her resting in his lap, he finally spoke up again.

"Sleep." He smiled seeing her eyes droop.

She tried to widen them. "but you'll leave me."

"I promise I won't leave you."

"Promise?" She murmered again.

He giggled at how cute she was when she was sleepy.

"I promise I'll be here when you wake. Mmk?"

She smiled and nodded. She actually  smiled.

Just as her eyelids drooped closed, Changjos lips gently pressed slightly above the bridge of her nose.


The next day, when SoonHye awoken, she felt her cheeks burn.  Was everything that just happen a dream? She convinced herself it surely was when she removed her covers.

Even though everything seemed so vivid, and detailed. She was sure it was a dream.

She soon came to reality when she opened the dryer to find his shirt mixed in with the laundry. Her grin turned into a snarl once she realised he lied to her.


During lunch, she marched up to his table and cleared .


One of his friends nudged him and pointed up at her.

SoonHye's glare was piercing through the side of Changjos head.

"Oh you came?" He said suprised by her prescense.

"OH YOU CAME?" She mimicked irratated.

The rest of the guys laughed and changjo couldn't help but grinning.

"Do you want something?" Changjo asked confused.

"YOU!" She pointed at him. "You left something at my house!"

"Ohhhhh.." The guys instegated.

He bit his lips. "Stop." He told his friends. "It's nothing like you were thinking."

She growled. "Meet me at my locker!" She ordered.

As she walked away, changjo stared at her confused.

"Ooh, Mankae has became a man!" L.Joe Spoke up.

"It's not that way!" Changjo whined.

"You better not keep your girlfriend waiting!" Niel agreed.

"She's not my girlfriend!" Changjo said getting out of his seat.

"Yet." Niel added as Changjo was walking away.

Changjo couldn't help but to grin at the comment. 

Once the teenage boy came around the corner of the hallway, he smriked as he saw her standing at her locker with the door wide opened.

He slyly stood at the other side of the door and leaned agaisnt a locker.

"You called?"

She slammed her locker closed then glared at him.

"HERE!" She yelled and threw his shirt at him.

How DARE he be so ... so... HIM!

"What's this?"

"YOUR STUPID shirt YOU PABO!" She barked.

He rose his eyebrow.

"I'm sensing some anger?"

She growled. How could he expect her NOT to be mad.

"Of course!" She snarled. "YOU LIED!"

He thought for a while and then giggled.  She was really cute. He figured out why SoonHye was groachy.  He wasn't there when she woke up.  He thought that was really adorable.

He laughed some more.

"I didn't even pinky promise you."

Her eyes widened.  She didn't expect him to catch on so fast.

"SO! A promise is a promise!"

He laughed some more. "Alright, I'm sorry."

"I don't care, and you left something ELSE at my house too..."

He was confused on what he had left. He already had his shirt she handed to him.

His eyes widened as she pressed her lips on his cheek.

The blushing Changjo then stared at her in total shock as she glared back just as red.

"Wha-what was that for?" He said over the butterflies fluttering in his stomache.

"I was awake when I felt my forhead kissed! Since I didn't order it, I've returned it, so there! You're welcome."

He playfully grinned. "But that wasn't me who kissed you."

"Wh-what!? It was totally you!"

"No, it was your mother! She came and tucked you away in bed."

SoonHye's face turned cherry red.  She had kissed his cheek and he hadn't even kissed her.  She must've been delusional and dreamed it was him.

"Then...I-" She spoke shyly. 

He just grinned and wrapped his arms around her. 

"Wh-What?" She said confused.

"You are so gullible!" He laughed.

Her eyes widened and she pushed him away even more embarressed.

"YAH!" she growled.

"Oh, shush." He snickered.

"IT'S NOT FUNNY!" She yelled.

She had it with him practically joking all the time.


He giggled for a bit before honestly replying. "Because, I think you're cute."

Suddenly, all her feelings of anger went out the window only to be replaced by an shy, giddy feeling.

She looked around shyly and her blush became un-controlable. He thought she was cute? That was it? He'd always be pranking her because he thought she was cute? 

"and I know you like me too." Changjo smirked.

She didn't reply.

"Even more than you like dongwoo, right?" he teased.

"YAH!" She snapped out of her shy stage. "I TOLD YOU TO NEVER MENTION IT!"

He just laughed and avoided her punches.

Suddenly he caught both of her arms and tugged her forward.

When they were standing a breath away he softly whispered "jagia" as they were staring in eachothers eyes.

Their eyes both blinked shut and their lips soft lips connected together as if they were matching puzzle pieces.

The kiss was nothing but a peck but it was enough to earn changjo her gaze once they were parted.

She was madly blushing, and her heart was racing.

He awkwardly scratched the back of his head when the bell rang.

"Well, I have to go...get to class." He stammered.

She nodded shyly, hugging her books to her chest.

He waved to her and began to walk away but ended up stoping at the end of the hallway to look over at her.

"Oh, yeah, and SoonHye?"

"Yes?" She replied.

"I'll be over to babysitt today!" He cheered.

Her eyes widened.

How could he just yell that in the middle of the hallway where kids were starting to fill.

"YAH! YOU'RE NOT MY BABYSITTER!" She yelled back angerily.

He just laughed. "FINE, I'll be over to PABO SITT THEN!"

Soonhye just bit her lips and turned around.

Her lips formed a small smile as she began to walk to class.

She couldn't wait.

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Chapter 1: That's so Cute~~!! :D hehe HWAITING~! author nim jjang~ daebak~! hehe :)
Chapter 1: so cute, your really an awesome author the way your write all your stories!!!!
Chapter 1: so i've decided to try and go through all your stories lol XD they're just so cute!
janale6 #4
Chapter 1: ahhh really cute!!! hehe
Chapter 1: oh cute~ they are 'yet' to be couple.
ahahha. that word really lingering in my head. ahhah
_Sona_ #6
Hahaha!! DONGWOO!!! MY FEELS!!!
iloveexoo #7
Chapter 1: Aigoo >< cuute!!