Chapter 1

I Am The First Wife.
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It shocked me to see he came. It had been 2 months since I last saw him. It was not that I don't want to meet him but it just the way it was. I barely saw him after his second marriage, which shattered my heart into pieces. But being the nice first wife to him, I accepted my fate.

He threw his coat on the sofa and plopped his body on the white leather sofa. He looked so tired and devastated. I just kept silent eventhough a tsunami of questions flooded my mind. I knew Xiumin so much. If he looks tired, I dare you to talk to him. He might flung you outside the house. Trust me, I had been in this kind of situation but he didn't do anything violent. He just ignored me the whole week. He was a hot tempered person but I was fine with it. So, first reminder, shut your mouth if he is not in the mood.

I locked back the door and the security alarm. I walked towards the sofa and took his jacket to be hung. As I hung his coat, I made my way behind the sofa. I was nervous but gently placed my hands on his shoulders and massaged them slowly. I could feel his muscles tensed up but still continued. He didn't say a word but I knew he began to enjoy the massage. This was the perfect time to start a conversation.

"Are you hungry, oppa?" 

He turned his back slowly to me, causing my hands to pull away from his shoulders. He nodded like a child and I immediately made my way to the kitchen. Second reminder, don't ever mess up with a hungry Xiumin. Just give his food and the world is safe. 

I took the ingredients to make kimchi stew from the fridge. I the stove and saute some meat. After a few minutes, I added in the kimchi. As the smell rised, I put all the chopped vegetables and other ingredients. When the stew had been cooked properly, I turned off the stove and took a pair of oven mitts. I wore them and grabbed the handle of the pot. I brought the hot pot on the table and was shocked to see Xiumin had already sat on one of the chairs.  His eyes sparkled to see the freshly cooked kimchi stew. Seriously, was he eating properly for the past days?

I scooped some rice that I have cooked. The rice was only enough for a person because the rice was supposed to be mine. Since my husband came so suddenly, I gave up my only dinner.

"Bon appetit," I said as soon as I placed the bowl of rice in front of him and a pair of chopsticks and a spoon. I sat on the chair opposite him and just layed my eyes on Xiumin, who was pigging out his meal.

Xiumin took a bath after finishing his meal. As I finished to wash the dishes, I walked into our bedroom, which had been already 'my' room in two months, and took his pyjamas. I placed the neatly folded blue pyjamas on the edges of the bed and plopped my body on the chair inside our room. Minutes then, I dozed off.

Click! My eyes shot opened. Then, I saw a half Xiumin with only his towel around his waist. He took the pyjamas and went back inside the bathroom. He came back in a blink of

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Chapter 1: It must pain a lot
RokuKazami #2
Chapter 1: Oh my gosh! Daebak! This was amazing! I've been scrolling aimlessly through Xiumin stories and stumbled on this one. And me I say I was happy I did.
Ayamaguchiya #3
Chapter 1: even my teeth feels the hurt.. good job authornim ㅠoㅠ
p3bbles #4
Chapter 1: The wife is an angel!!! There's no way a normal woman can stand this situation.. I wish you would write a sequel. Really want her to have a happy ending with Xiumin. ^^
Ceaseless_euphoria #5
Chapter 1: Author-nim sequel please~
vivihan #7
Chapter 1: Sequel please!! This was amazing!!! You don't see this plot line everrr and it's just jeijfief thank you for writing this authornim!!!
sequel please? OuO