Chapter5 (His digits)

My Secret Love

It was enrolment for the third year first semester. You arrive at school early and enroll your self; it feels different because your mother was not with you to assist while enrolling. She can’t accompany you this day because of an important matter with your relatives, but before you go to school she kissed your cheek and forehead and telling sorry for not accompanying you - “Oh! My princess Sarah, don’t be shy and be confident enough to face other people, I love you so much dear, you can do it my princess!” She said. Your mother is very supportive with everything you do as long as it’s for your own good, and as long as it helps you to acquire higher grades at school. She loves you so much and treated you like a baby princess even you’re 17 years old already. While you’re sitting -“I miss my mommy so much, well I can do this own my own but I could enjoy it more if she’s with me” you thought. -“I can do it! Yes! I can do it!” you said with a high voice, every one was looking at you. You smiled and say sorry for the disturbance.


After enrolling you go to the chemistry laboratory where Jane was talking to her friend which is her co-Student assistant of the school. Jane is your very best friend since first year high school and she knows all of your secrets. She’s pretty, intelligent, friendly, and the only thing that we’re the same is our height which is 5’6. “I’m already enrolled, what time we’ll go home?”you said. “5 o clock, I’m not done yet. Can you wait?”she said. “hmp? Sure it’s okay with me” you said. You wait jane and because of getting bored; you scan the student papers near you until you found the index cards of all the enrolled students.“ahm may I see this Index card of the students?”. “ahm yes you can.” She said. “Thank you Bff!”.-“ But are you sure? That you want to see the index card of the students or a certain student? Hehe joke!” she said. You smile and nodded “how do you know? Yah, I’m searching for the index card of my dear Taemin” you said.


He’s card is in the engineering section.” she said. You smile and get blushed “yah! I know right? Here it is, Oh my! he’s so cute here and a baby face in this picture.” You said. You’re very overwhelmed of the image that you’re seeing.“Hmm may I see his contact number and I’ll save it to my phone.” You did. Jane’s friend approach you, “you have a crush with  Taemin?” she said. “Ahm He’s not my crush, he’s my love” you said with a silly smile. “hmp really, he did not update his index card that you’re holding right now. I have his number on my phone, you want his digits?”she asked. “Ahm thank you but I’m a girl who’s conservative and not a desperate type. What should I do with his contact number? to text him? Or call him? So dear what is his number?” you said. You got his phone number and while saving it to your phone, the battery empty appeared on the screen so you have to memorize his digits and repeated his phone number all the way home just in case you forgot it and missed the chance again.


****General note***

            English is not my mother tongue so expect some wrong grammars or typing errors, and please let me know if you notice something. In advance, Sorry if there’s wrong grammar or typing errors. I promise to give you my best on the story.

****End of note***

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