You didn't even notice me


Youngjae P.O.V

I walked into living room next to the kitchen was searching some food for breakfast. See that yongguk hyung was watching a TV and Himchan hyung sat at the table, drinking coffee and reading the paper. I didn’t even get a simple glance or smile as I walked past them to the frige. Hey what’s wrong with them? Maybe they have a simple fight last night I thought.

I stared them, Waiting for at least one of them to acknowledge me. After a few minutes and a shake of my head, I was waiting the other member to go to school together, at least we was in the same school. Why did they so late? I checked to their rooms and found nothing. How dare they’re left me. So I ignored my book bag that was sitting next to door and walked out, heading for a school where I’m sure to get the same treatment as I do at home.

I think my friend hate me since was late for the last time we have a concert. They always told me they would love me no matter what but I guess they lied.

When my school came into view, I mentally sighed again, another day where I would sit alone and stare out of a window. Another day where I would eat an empty table as I watched everyone else smiling and laughing. Just another day of loneliness that I have endured for too long.

I dodge people in the hall, walking past my barely used locker. Why should I attempt to learn anything when the teachers don’t even call on me? I don’t even know why I show up anymore.

I missed Junhong joke even though he was outrageous. I missed JongUp when the last time we had played basketball. And especially Daehyun..

Yeah Jung Daehyun..

Simply thinking the name brings his image to my mind and it makes me smile. He’s the boy I have loved forever. He is the reason I got up in the morning. He’s also the person I wished, every night before bad that he would take his eyes off the other and just look at me. He’s the reason I came late to our last concert. Last time I came late because I went to the gift shop to buy him a present for his birthday. I didn’t know in that time the traffic was stuck more than usual. I knew if he would just see me for only a moment, he would realize that he loved me too.

I stopped next to a random locker as I spotted him coming down the hall with Junhong and Jongup. As always they were the center of attention, everyone hanging off of Daehyun every word and I wondered if he maybe would greet me when he saw me.

I breathed out slowly, my eyes never leaving his. I watched as he got closer and my head turned, following him as he walked past me. My jaw dropped down. No hi..No hello.. No greeting. Although my heart ached a little, I wasn’t surprised that yet another morning went by where I remained unnoticed.

I walked to cafeteria, my eyes searching for an empty table. I don’t even know why I searched – I always sat with Daehyun and the other member anyway. But now I couldn’t sit beside him again because maybe they still mad at me. So I decide to sit alone in the back of cafeteria.

As I walked quietly over to my seat, I hid a rare smile when I found myself walking behind Daehyun. Hey…. he didn’t even notice me. I wanted to surprise him until he dropped a paper on the floor and my eyes widened at the prospect of finally having a chance to talk to him. I bent down, reaching for it, only to have Junhong snatch it from the floor and hand it back to the boy that I loved. I watched Daehyun nod at the kid in thanks and send him a smile.

Figures that it wouldn’t be me that he smiled at..

When the bell rang, I picked my head up from the table and instead of going to my next class – I let my feet carry me out into the sun. No sense in going back there. I’m sure they wouldn’t even notice that I’m gone.

I walked back to the dorm, feeling more and more depressed, wondering how I could have become so invisible to everyone around me. Has it always been like this?

No one was in the dorm when I made into it. I knew that wouldn’t be. I walked through the door and stopped short at the boxes sitting next to the door. I peered into the first box to see it full of my stuff. Are we moving? Did all the rest of BAP member really hate me because I came late that time? Did I fire from BAP?

As I stood at the entrance, I realized that I did in fact want a new start. I needed to be away from here. Away from the rest member who hate me now and more importantly away from  Daehyun, he had never want me anyway.

My whole day brightened as I walked past the table, stopping and doing a double take when I saw my picture plastered across the front page. The date was printed at the top, and wondered briefly why my picture was in the paper a week ago.

I could feel myself slipping away from everything as I read the heading..

The Main Vocalist of BAP Has Passed Away cause of Traffic Accident

By the way Youngjae is the main vocal and daehyun is the lead vocal , Right ?

Guys I'm really appreciate if you give me some critique and comment ...

Thanks a lot...






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blackjong14 #1
You got it wrong, dae is the main vocal while jae is the lead vocal
Shineedreamworld #2
Chapter 5: keep doing daejae thats all i want
toukyo #3
Youngjae is actually a lead vocal. Daehyun's the main that's why daehyun has more parts and high notes
Chapter 2: Please write the sequel soon and update~~Hwaiting!!
cheesecakesoulmusic #5
Chapter 1: well i'm not sure which one is the lead or the main vocal but if you've watched their interviews daehyun and youngjae both introduce themselves as lead vocals
Chapter 1: Awe, I got confused from the comment below, Youngjae died? But isn't Daehyun the main vocal? It's so angsty, and dramatic, and I love it to pieces, but at least give me a good reason why you KILLED a person from DaeJae?
Chapter 1: So sad......Why Youngjae die.......?Daehyun will be so sad.....,