The Start of Forever

Fate or just a mere coincidence?

"It's not just a mere coincidence, it was simply... fate"

1 and a half year later….

Somebody’s POV

Today, idols, actors and well-known artists were invited to attend a masquerade ball. Their companies made this event for them where they can mingle with each other without the media poking into their business. This ball was inclusively made for them to relax and enjoy just like normal people.

Big names attended the event and famous idols were there with their own designed gowns and suits. It was a big surprise when famous groups such as bigbang, epik high, all SNSD, all Super Junior, fx, former Mblaq, G.O.D, Fink.l, Beast, 2pm, Winner, ikon, and others came to the event. The biggest guest however was the famous queens. Everyone in the ball gasped in surprise when the four girls strutted their designed dresses at the centre of the ball. 2ne1 was back and everybody felt the chills when they felt the aura and charisma that the music industry missed. In almost 2 years that they were gone, music industry felt bleak and dull. Though they were never really gone since they still shook the world with their individual skills. Dara became one of the most prestigious and well-loved actress, CL became more charismatic as she was now known to be one of the best rappers in the world, Bom was still known for her explosive voice and now she’s even more famous as she collaborated with Sia and Beyonce and Minzy, well, she’s the world’s best dancer as of right now as she dances with the most admired dancers around America and Europe. Every one of them has their own charisma and it was simply stunning. The four beautiful girls went towards their friends and label mates while other idols crowded behind them, whispering and gasping as they look at them.

    CL                                     Minzy                       Bom                               Dara

‘Hey hun’, Bom greeted while she goes forward toward her now recent boyfriend.

‘Hey, you guys look stunning especially you bunny’, Junsu complimented his girlfriend as he kisses her cheek.

‘Oh thanks hun, you look dashing yourself’, Bom replied as she wrap her arm around his waist.

If you’re wondering, they started dating a few months ago. If you want to know who confessed first, it was Bom. She couldn’t wait any longer to have her duckbutt all by herself so one day while everybody was hanging out, she suddenly confessed and demanded to be his girlfriend. Junsu was far shocked and took a minute to answer yes to her. The media hasn’t found out yet but they are planning to expose it soon.

‘Thanks oppa! You guys look handsome as well’, Minzy beamed while she looks secretly towards Changmin.

‘kekeke Thanks Minki’, Yoochun said while he looks longingly to his girlfriend who was still giving him silent treatment. CL noticed him looking so she sighed and went towards him.

‘I’m sorry, I miss you’, CL whispered to him before giving him a chaste kiss on the side of his lip.

‘I’m sorry as well, I miss you too’, Yoochun smiled as he hugged her.

These couple always has a complicated relationship. One moment they have heated arguments and then after a few moments they will crawl back to each other and go back to being lovey-dovey. It was confusing but everyone knew that they loved each other too much that they can’t stand being angry to each other for too long. It’s funny how they protect each other whenever somebody badmouth them but whenever they badmouth each other they go over the top. They were the only couple who didn’t bother denying it to the media when their relationship got out. When the news about their relationship came out the first thing they did was went out without disguise and held hands towards Hongdae. The fans were happy for them though they still have some anti but they never did care about them.

‘How’s America Minzy?’, Changmin asked as he went closer to her.

‘It was incredible! You should go there with me sometime!’, Minzy boldly replied.

‘kekeke I would love to’, Changmin shyly responded.

These cuties has mutual feelings toward each other for a long time but somehow they never noticed it. Everyone said that sooner or later Minzy will follow Bom’s footstep and just confess but they never know, since Changmin can be unpredictable sometimes.

‘Hey Yunnie! How was the life in the military?’, Dara asked the guy towering her.

‘It was a nightmare! Thank ghadh I was finally out of there’, Yunho replied as he look down the stunning beauty beside him.

Yunho finished his enlistment a few weeks ago. His appearance and voice changed a bit, he looked tanner and taller with some small scars around his face but all in all he still looked handsome.

‘I guessed you saw Jae there, right?’, Sandara asked as she unconsciously touched her ring finger.

‘Yes, from time to time we saw each other. He changed a lot as well, you’d be surprise when you see him’, Yunho replied as he looked at the ring sadly. He never really had a chance to say that he had a big crush towards her but it didn’t matter anymore, she was taken and marked already.

‘He said he’ll be back in 2 days’, Dara beamed when she remembered the latest letter she received this week.

Dara and Jae often wrote letters to each other each week. Sometimes Jae was given permission to call her but it will always end after 20 minutes. Dara always waited each week for his letters and when she received them she’ll always read it a hundred times before writing a reply. She sent lots of pictures of her and everyone whenever she wrote him letters. As the year passed, that was only the main connection they had. Jae had said to her that he always watched her, whenever the t.v. was on he’ll convince his roommates to watch her drama/CF. Though he expressed his jealousy whenever she had interactions with guys that every letter she received consist of him whining. She will always laugh and challenge him playfully. She couldn’t wait for him to come back. She missed him terribly.

‘Oh but I thought he’ll—‘, Yunho was about to reply when they heard someone speak against the microphone.

‘Ladies and gentlemen, the masquerade ball will now officially start and I would like to ask of you to put on your masks so we can start this party!’, Lee Hyori announced before going back to the ball.

Everyone immediately put on their mask and started mingling with each other. Dara stayed on her table as she observes everybody talking, dancing and eating.

‘May I have this dance, my lady?’, a husky and deep voice asked.


Dara’s POV

I turned around to find a man wearing a suit that fitted him perfectly. His hair was short and was dishevelled ily. His skin was sun-kissed and his lips were formed into a handsome smirk. Though his face was covered by a black mask, I knew that this man was sinfully handsome. I looked at his eyes and saw it glint. It confused me as the hazel eyes that stared at me looked awfully familiar. I saw him moved his calloused hand in front of me and that’s when I snapped back to reality.

‘E-eh? Me?’, I answered dumbly. Damn it, I was the only one in the table! Just great Dara, you made a fool of yourself!

‘Yes’, the man chuckled still holding out his hand.

‘I-if you don’t mind’, I blushed as I hesitantly held his hand and immediately I felt the familiar tingles and sparks. I look up at him again and noticed how tall he was, even taller than Yunho.

‘Can I ask why a beautiful lady, such as yourself, is sitting in that lonely corner?’, the handsome man asked when we settled ourselves in the middle of the dance floor. I blushed again and looked away.

‘U-uhm I didn’t feel like mingling and beside nobody asked me to dance until you came’, I replied and blushed even more when I felt his left hand on my waist tightened.

‘Hmmm I beg to differ, I bet you didn’t notice the pests around you’, the man mumbled.

‘I’m sorry?’, I asked as I heard him.

‘Oh nothing, nothing’, he replied and I just nodded. I must be hearing things.

‘Don’t you have your own date?’, I asked as I looked up at him through my lashes.

‘I do indeed’, he replied and I suddenly felt a bit disappointed. What is wrong with you Dara! Just to remind you, you still have Jae!

‘Oh’, I replied as we continued to waltz.

‘How about you? Where’s your fiancé?’, he asked while he looked at my hand he was holding.

‘…He can’t come’, I said sadly.

‘Oh why not? If I were him I wouldn’t leave you alone here’, the man said as he moved closer to me, though it maybe just my imagination.

‘He’s in the military’, I smiled bitterly.

‘Oh, that’s unfortunate’, the man said.

‘Yes it is’, I said as tears welled up in my eyes. Don’t cry Dara! Especially not in front of everyone or him.

‘Do you miss him?’, he asked softly, his breathe fanning on my face. I noticed that he leaned down a bit and now holding my waist with both of his hands.

‘I do, I terribly miss him’, I replied as put my hands over his chest, trying to push him away to put distance between us but he didn’t budge.

‘I see, but angel he miss you more’, he whispered against my ear and I gasped when I heard the nickname Jae gave to me. I looked up to him as tears blurred my vision.

‘I don’t think so’, I replied as everything clicked in my mind. The familiar voice, his hazel eyes and his lopsided smile though it changed a bit it was still the same.

‘Hmm really? Baby, you sound so sure’, he said with a grin. That was our petname!

‘Be careful mister, I’m engaged. My fiancé is the only one who can call me that’, I said as I grinned back at him while I snake my arms around his neck pulling us closer than ever.

‘Hmm… since your fiancé is a jerk, why not marry me instead?’, he asked looking at me lovingly.

‘Hmmm that sounds appealing’, I smirked when I saw him chuckled.

‘So is that a yes?’, He asked while kissing my arms before looking at me.

‘Yes’, I beamed at him before lunging at him, kissing him with all of me which he responded back with the same intensity. I heard everyone gasped around us.

‘I miss you baby’, he said after I took off my mask.

‘You jerk! I miss you more! I thought you’ll be out in 2 days?!’, I stated after taking off his mask revealing his handsome face that became more masculine and pronounced. He was deliciously handsome in a rugged way.

Well, I kind of lied so I can surprise you...You haven’t changed baby but I see how you became ier, I love it’, Jae said while grinning before kissing me deeply.

‘Hmm… And you changed a lot! I didn’t even notice it was you at first!’, I replied breathlessly.

‘Admit it, I became more handsome’, he said with a wink.

‘Yeah..’, I replied while smiling lovingly at him.

‘So miss beautiful are you ready to be Mrs. Kim Jaejoong?’, he asked as they continued waltzing.

‘I’ve been ready since you left Mr. Kim Jaejoong’, I replied.

‘Well, just to let you know the wedding will be in 2 weeks so better prepare immediately’, he exclaimed.

‘W-what?!’, I replied flabbergasted and he just laughed.

I don’t know why I fell in love with this impulsive guy. But I know it’s worth it because I know he loves me as much as I love him. It was not a coincidence, I was fated to love this man and I couldn’t be happier right now. I can’t wait to start my forever with this man named Kim Jaejoong.




It's done! It's finally done!! TT_TT

I dunno if I should be happy or not >.<

anyways I'm thinking of putting an epiloque 

to really end this kekekeke there's still stuff

I need to include before ending this fully

Anyways thanks guys for the endless support

thanks for waiting patiently and I love u guys! mhuah!

-Love, Rako-chii~

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MaritheZya #1
Chapter 103: I love this story, Jaedara FTW 🥰
Fr0zenMus1c #2
Chapter 103: Read this again because I’m missing Jaedara interactions. Wishing that 2019 will bless us with public interactions between these two ❤️
Fr0zenMus1c #3
Chapter 103: I swear to God, out of all Dara’s OTPs, Jaedara stories are the best ❤️ Thank you, authornim ? Hope you’ll write more beautiful stories like this.
clawie #4
from insta to this fanfic again finally jjxdara exist :)
Angelz0715 #5
Chapter 103: This is one of the most beautiful Jaedara story I have ever read <3
joreenmae #6
Chapter 103: Awww beautiful babies indeeeeeddd! Dint stop righting jaedara fanfics authornim!!! I love it hehehehe merry christmas to you :*
jennypish2012 #7
Chapter 103: Omo! Awesome ending authorim.. Sooooo love it! Thank you.. More sotries to come juseyeo..
haebunny #8
Chapter 103: Aww.. sweet ending. And they have five adorable and good-looking kids too. No doubt with Jae and Dara definitely they'll have gorgeous babies. If only... ^_~ Thank you for this story!
lavezjoy #9
Chapter 103: Rereading it again. Its a beautiful story.
cathphils #10
Chapter 103: Oh my this is the most beautiful story i ever read. I just pray that this is real, i just cant get over it. No words can express what i truly feel. I'm happy with how Dara and Jae keep their trust, faith and love for each other. I'm also saddened as this story reached its ending. (Nothing to look forward to :( ~ ) Nonetheless authornim you just made me happy with your story. Two thumbs up!