3 • His Story

It's Just An Act.


"HUAAAAAAAAAARGHHHHHHH Hmmm" Seungcheol yawned after waking up from his deep slumber. The brunette stared at the window, "Another typical boring day." and sighed. "Why do my life even turn out like this. Isn't it good if I was Hansol or Jihoon." He muttered alone. Doyoon is already out to somewhere, and he's kind of glad. You won't have to face his never ending questions. Walking lazily towards the bathroom, Seungcheol saw a note on the table. 'It must've be Doyoon. Who else it could be?' He peeked over the note and yes, indeed it was Doyoon.


Seungcheol, please don't forget to bath and tidy up the bedroom. Don't forget to take your breakfast first before taking your medicines. Don't forget to make sure the windows and doors locked if you're going out. Don't forget to turn on the lights if you're going out till late night. But eh no today is Tuesday so don't forget to come and don't try to skip or else manager-nim will nag and I don't like it one bit. Don't forget to-


The brunette rolled his eyes. "This dude gotta learn how to stop nag. Wonder why am I even his best friend sometimes. Well, maybe he's just being 'caring'." He reached out for his towel and headed to the bathroom. "Haishhh where do I want to go todayy aaaahhhh..!"

Seungcheol were sipping his coffee and suddenly an idea came up. "I know where I need to go. Heh." The muscled man grinned and quickly finished the remaining coffee. He put on his STEVEN sweatshirt and dashed out of the house. He didn't forget his snapback and shoulder bag though.

Heading to that place, Seungcheol whistled thinking about his life. "What's so good about Hansol and Jihoon pshh, really." He rolled his eyes thinking about them. "I'm better." Seungcheol mumbled before storming into the place.

He entered it carefully, trying to not cause some noise. The brunette stood in front of the mirrors, looking at his reflection. "I'm not that bad, hmm? Still handsome as always." He praised himself, well yeah he have that side of himself.

Seungcheol Titanium, and started dancing to it to release all your stress.

Little did the brunette know, someone was watching him all the time.


"Guys! It's time for dinner! Come down now or god knows what I'll do to you..!" Seungcheol yelled from downstairs and soon after that Seventeen were all scrambling to go down to save themself from Seungcheol's punishment because hell, the leader's punishment was the last thing everyone ever wished for.

"We'll have kimchi and ramen for dinner today! Yay..!" Doyoon beamed, earning grunts and incoherent mumbles from the boys. "C'mon, we had this for tomorrow and the day before tomorrow. Don't you know how to cook other meals!?" Hansol asked in annoyance.

"Hansol, be polite. At least you have something to eat you dumbfrick."

"What did you just called me, dumbfrick!?"

"Whoa whoa chill dudes, please." Joshua spoke out, trying to calm the tensed up Seungcheol and Hansol.


"Yea, whatever."

"Stop copying me."

"I'm not copying you! I thought about it first!"

"No you didn't. I did."

"I did!" Hansol stood up and slammed the table furiously.

"No! I did!" 

"Can you guys shut up already!? We want to eat!" Mingyu barked.

"No, Mingyu, shut up. You dont have the right to raise your voice on me. I'm your hyung..!" Seungcheol growled in return.

"Seungcheol-ah, please, we're hungry, let them go, okay..?" Doyoon caressed Seungcheol's back and looked at the latter with pleading eyes.

"Fine. Let's eat." Seungcheol sat down and dug into his bowl, not bothering to take a look at the other members.

"Hey guys, eat up or it'll get cold." Doyoon faked a smile and gestured the members to eat.


"Just what is wrong with Seungcheol hyung? He seems to be grumpy lately."

"Is he on period?" Seokmin snickered.

"Seokmin hyung please..!" Seungkwan rolled his eyes.

"Lol let's not bother about his period problem because 17tv is starting in half an hour, we have to prepare ourself."

"Oh where's my mirror! Mirror, mirror, please show up..!" Seungkwan squeaked and scurried away to find his beloved mirror.

"...why the heck does he need a mirror..? lmao kwannie..." Seokmin frowned and shook his head.


"Okay boys, it's almost 8pm..! The stream is starting in few mins!" Youngmin PD called out for the boys while glancing at his brand new watch.

The boys gathered in front of the camera and counted the time.

"Okay, one, two, three...." Youngmin PD counted as they unlocked the stream and they went live.


Whew, so that's it! I updated since thousands of years being absent in AFF lol, so enjoy and give feedback..?

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bangtits #1
Chapter 1: oh my god
bUt why seungcheol
sounds mean D;
Kaismyseoulmate #2
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^