SHINee and You


~Collection of one shots involving you and SHINee~


SHINee One Shot Collection
Hello! This is a one shot collection involving  you/reader and SHINee,
in different scenarios and what not.
Please sit back, relax and absorb the small drabbles and stories 
that pop up in my head on an average day.
Each story will have its own setting and a story
waiting to be told. Some may be happy,
romantic, angsty, or a tragedy bound to happen.
Please comment below if you
have any ideas for future stories







First time doing a one shot collection please enjoy~ ^_^ More information will be added later on~!

Disclaimer: I do not own any pictures, fonts, gifs, videos, SHINee, symbols etc., that appear on these one shots unless said other wise~ 





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Chapter 3: aigo yah , you did here what Some shawols and I wanted so badly to do after watching that video :/ anyways it was cute ~
keep up the good work ~
Chapter 2: Mina ? Hmm okay ;p
anyways Lee Taemin tha was harsh ,_, Sulli ? what about No.
Waiting 4 ur next update hwating ~