Chapter Twenty Nine

Cautious Love

Chapter 29


Jongdae called saying that your mum invited both of his parents and both of you for a dinner at home. You were kinda excited as this is the first time meeting your parents after getting married with Jongdae. Even though you always call home and check are they doing fine and how is things for them, but nothing bits meeting them once again. No doubt that your father doesn’t been on phone calls with you, but you know that he is always beside your mum whenever you are on phone with your mum. You hear his newspaper flipping and the TV is showing international news.


Jongdae asked on your opinion and whether are you tired or not to attend the dinner but you told him that you were fine.


Finally you reached your parents’ place. You saw Jongdae’s parents around sitting in the living room. You greeted them and sat next to your mother. Your father asked how old the babies are now and your mother joined in the conversation. Jongdae’s father reminded Jongdae to settle his work before your deliver date so that he can have a month break and stay by your side during that period of time. However, Jongdae’s mum didn’t say anything nor did she look at your for once.


Both of your parents are very happy at how Jongdae treat you. They really see how much Jongdae treasure you and the babies. Jongdae literally take care of you as if you are incapable to conduct your daily living anymore. Looking at how Jongdae treated you just at the dining table alone they believe that they have not made a wrong choice.


“Sunmi ar, you have to eat more fish. Here is one without bones and skin.” Jongdae put a slice of steam fish into your plate. Other than the smell itself, you just dislike fish after pregnancy. But for the sake of the babies, Jongdae ‘forced’ you to take fish.


“Jongdae, I heard from Hyoyeon that both of you went and bought the birthday gift for me together?” Jongdae’s mum finally opens and talked


“Ahh , neh.”


“So sweet of you and Hyoyeon.” She smiled and looks straight into your eyes. Your face turned pale because the entire incident reminded you of the problem that put you and Jongdae into a trouble place. You clearly understand why she said that with the facial expression on her face.


“Who is Hyoyeon?” Your father put down his spoon and fork and asked with the stern look on his face. He knew something fishy going on and your pale face confirmed him with his own thoughts.


The entire atmosphere in the dining room became so intense and all eyes were on you and Jongdae.


“Hyoyeon was my cousin sister who stays in my house since teenage years. However, she likes me but with a wrong way even she clearly knows that I dislike her and I am happily married with Sunmi.” Jongdae explains


“I demand a better explanation from your mother.” Your father slammed his hand on the dining table!


Maybe is because the voice and the tension that you bare, the babies don’t feel comfortable and causes your abdomen started to ache. You try to restrain the pain by breathing but It doesn’t help at all.


“Jongdae ….” Once you called on his name, Jongdae immediately turns to you. He saw your cold sweat on your forehead and your hands holding your stomach.


“Sunmi, are you okay?” Jongdae reacted immediately and carry you right back to your room placed you flat on your bed. He shouted to the elders to call Dr. Park while carrying you back to the room.

“Jongdae, pain …” You mutter out because you could literally felt the babies’ kicking you aggressively and this is not normal at all. Jongdae guided you with the breathing method to ease off the pain that he learned from the book.


“Shhh, I’m here with you. Breath baby, breath.” Jongdae says as he wipes away the cold sweat from your forehead.


Within 5 minutes, Dr. Park rushed into the room with Mia directing him. He placed you flat on the bed. After a series of checking on different parts of your abdomen, you have already fall asleep.


He told Jongdae that you need to be admitted into the hospital right now as your condition is not positive at all.


“I am suspecting that Sunmi is facing some complications of pregnancy, I suspect she is suffering from placental abruption.”





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just so all of you guys would know, i read al the comments on below :D thank you guys ! mua mua ! goodnight !


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Chapter 37: Are you updating . It 's a nice story . I hope jongdae's cousin wiil leave them alone and move on. Update soon
xoxo1401 #2
Chapter 36: I hope his mom will treat sunmi better from now on:)
Chapter 35: Please let her have a safe delivery :) and please don't traumatiz her, hahahhaha
derpydork #4
Chapter 27: you must be a malaysian too xD hehehehehe
Chapter 34: it's been a while since you updated :(
Chapter 34: Awww I love this! Keep updating author-nim!
Chapter 34: I hope the condition stays good until the very last moment.
amieyra10 #8
Chapter 33: So cute and lovely.. ^_^ update soon.. > ^_^ <
Chapter 33: Why so cute??!! Update soon juseyo~ ^^ Joheun haru doeseyo!
iamsenpai #10
Chapter 33: omg this is so cute ;;__;;
update soon !!!!