Beautiful, Pure, and Bright

A Birthday I Wouldn't Forget

You stared at the name that filled the phone's screen, amazed at the timing but snapped back into reality at the last minute. Before putting the phone up to your ear, you let out a breath, prepared to let out your anger and worry to the person on the other line.


“Yoboseyo? Are you there?” You heard Junsu on the other line and relief filled your body at the fact that he sounded normal. However the moment didn't last long until you remembered that he had worried you and fell off the face of the earth for the day.


“Yah! Junsu! Where have you been? Why haven't you given me a call or a message or something!” You yelled into the phone, releasing all of your feelings and you were grateful that no one else was out tonight or they would have thought you were out of your mind. For the next few minutes you just talked and yelled and mumbled, your anger fading and hurt starting to take it's place as you thought that your boyfriend had forgotten your birthday. You wouldn't usually have minded, knowing that sometimes people forget events or special days, it happens but after the already crap day you were having, you couldn't help but feel hurt. Soon, you became silent, waiting for Junsu to give a reason as to why he hadn't contacted you or say something comforting.


“___...I'm sorry. I'm really sorry, but I promise I didn't forget. I really didn't!” Junsu sounded sincere and your heart stung.


He knew..but he didn't contact me anyway? You felt your throat tighten and suddenly found it hard to breath but you kept listening to his voice on the other line.


“I have something for you, please come to the park that's near the patbingsu place and the cafe we go to . I'll be waiting for you there.” Junsu's voice softened and you could almost hear the happiness in his voice. You blinked as he hung up without saying goodbye, confused at what you had just heard but decided to go to the park anyway. If it means at least seeing Junsu then it's good enough, you thought as you made your way along the familiar path towards your destination.


After several minutes, you arrived at the entrance to the park, an arc loomed overhead as a stone walls stretched on either side. In the daytime this park looked inviting, with its tall trees that offered shade from the sunlight and lush green grass that urged you to play but at night it seemed eerie. The trees now looked like they could engulf you in the shadows and the emptiness gave the field a haunting look. Taking a gulp, you walked into the park, staying on the cement path that you knew would lead to a fountain that was placed in the very center, but because of its location it was a tad far from the entrance and with every step you grew more and more nervous.


Pulling your jacket tighter around you, you glanced up at the night sky admiring the crescent moon that allowed the stars around it to shine. Realizing that you had been looking up for too long once your neck began to hurt, you slowly brought your head down and froze. There was a small trail of lights along the path, growing brighter the further they went along. You looked back to see when the trail had started and noticed that there were a few small ones behind you. Turning around, you continued to walk along the path and smiled at the beautiful trail of lights and stopped as soon as you stepped into a large opening, gasping at the sight before your eyes.


The fountain, which had a man and a woman embracing each other, was decorated in small lights that twisted around every bend and turn, reflecting off the water and giving the statue a life-like presence. Your eyes wandered from the fountain to the surrounding trees, which also had lights in them, brightening the leaves and branches to beautiful green and gold colors. What caught your eye the most though was the thin lines that connected from the top of the fountain to each tree, and every line had multiple small lights on them. They seemed to mimic the stars above them in beauty and elegance and you couldn't help but bring your hand to cover your mouth as you felt your eyes begin to tear up.


“Ahem,” your eyes shifted down to the man in front of you and the tears began to fall down your face as he stepped closer. Junsu was dressed in dark blue jeans, with a white v-neck shirt and black blazer on top, in his right hand he held a bouquet of red roses, their beautiful red color contrasting against the surroundings, and his left hand was bent behind him. He was sweetly singing as he made his way over and your tears flowed even harder at his voice.


I lost my mind, the moment I saw you

Except you, everything get in slow motion

Tell me, if this is love

Every day with you

Sharing and learning countless emotions

Fighting, crying, and hugging

Tell me if this is love


Junsu stopped in front of you as he finished singing and smiled softly at you, bringing the roses forward and into your hands. You stood there, silently crying with a smile on your face as you pulled the roses towards your chest and looked back up at Junsu.


“Happy Birthday~” He said as he brought his left hand out from behind him and revealed a dark chocolate cupcake with mint icing, golden sprinkles and a single rainbow colored candle in the very center with a flame dancing with the small breeze that passed. You smiled softly while closing your eyes, your wish at the tip of your tongue but you held it back before pressing your lips together and blowing out the candle.


You opened your glassy eyes and looked at Junsu who was gazing back at you lovingly as he brought his hand up to wipe the tears from your cheeks before wrapping his free arm around you and hugging you tightly.


“I didn't want to make you cry on your birthday.” He chuckled lightly while rubbing your back and you laughed at his comment. “These are happy tears, they're ok.” You replied, burying yourself into his chest.


Junsu pulled away slightly and pecked your nose, then took your hand and pulled you towards the fountain. He set the cupcake down on the small wall surrounding the fountain and you placed the roses next to it before turning to Junsu with a smile of pure happiness and love. He brought both of his arms around you and engulfed you into his embrace, leaning his head onto yours as he swayed you from side to side.


“_____, I love you. With all of my heart.” Junsu pulled away but kept his arms around you while giving you a look that was filled with so much love and sincerity that it made your heart beat faster. You smiled at him, your eyes reflecting the same emotions, “I love you too Junsu, so very much.”


With the confirmation of your feelings, Junsu leaned down and brushed his lips against yours and you felt his hot breath on your face, teasing you. Chuckling a bit, you brought your lips up to meet his and you two shared a kiss with so much passion and care that it reflected your surroundings. Beautiful, pure, bright. A moment among many that you wished would always be with him. A love that shared both feelings and burdens. A birthday you would never forget.  



Dear god it's been so long since I started this..for those who waited so patiently I am truly sorry for the very long delay and I thank you very much for being so kind and sticking around for this chapter! Please comment and let me know what you think!



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Chapter 2: Cute~ I want junsu do this for me...
can't wait for the first chapter~