Bad Beginning

A Birthday I Wouldn't Forget

You sat on your bed trying to block the screaming voices from downstairs. You pressed your hands against your ears as the hot tears ran down your face.

Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!

What kind of birthday is this...You thought. For your mother to come home drunk and your father to be sleeping around with another woman in your very own home, and fight about each other's faults as soon as they made eye contact.

After another half an hour passed of listening to their pointless fight, you jumped off your bed, grabbed your jacket and headed downstairs.

"So you're allowed to go around with these s but then criticize me when I have a few drinks!?" You heard your mom screech as you came down the stairs, shaking your head as you remembered the countless nights where your mom came in after having plenty more than a few drinks. Many times on her way home she would run into trouble, and being as drunk as she would be, she was defenseless most of the time.

"I know that I can take care of myself! Have you ever thought of our daughter and being there for her?" At this you scoffed. How could your father think he was being a good parent when he kept you up so many nights with all the noises that came from his bedroom. Though this wasn't an unfamiliar trick of his, to pull you in the middle as his defense. Quite sickening actually. You thought.

"Well at least I don- Where do you think you're going?" Your mother turned her head at you slipped on your shoes.

"None of your business." You replied barely loud enough for them to hear.

"What was that!? You better turn around and properly answer me! Who are you to just leave the house at your own accord?!" Your mother shrieked and you swore it was going to give you a migraine. You finally turned to your parents with possibly the most angry and disgusted expression you could ever give. "Who am I? I'm the daughter who constantly has to listen to you two fight! I'm the one that has to take care of your drunken and your messes! I'm the responsible one who you two claim to be so considerate of!" At this point your eyes started to water uncontrollably and tears threatened to fall down your face.

I need to leave...

"Tell me, if you're so great then how could you forget the day you cursed me by bringing me here?!" With that, you ran outside and slammed the door behind you. You didn't even bother to see your parent's expressions and just ran. Where to? You didn't know. All that mattered was getting away.

After running for about 20 minutes straight, you slowed down to a walk. What the most about this birthday wasn't your parents or the lack of a party or lack of good company, those didn't matter. The worst part was that you hadn't gotten a single message or call from your boyfriend, Junsu. You would think that at least reply to your messages but it was almost like he fell off the face of the earth. Even Taecyeon and Nichkhun hadn't heard from him today. What was he doing? Your mind started to race with all kinds of scenarios, and you started to get worried with each one. 

What if he's hurt? What if he got in trouble? Damn him he might have gotten into a gang fight! Omo what am I going to do?!

As if on cue, your phone rang.

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Chapter 2: Cute~ I want junsu do this for me...
can't wait for the first chapter~