
Cho Kyuhyun's Perfect Wife


Jihyun P.O.V

I planned to do some grocery today, Kyuhyun actually wants to accompany me but he is still at the company doing a meeting so I said that I'll be fine, but he insisted that he will fetch me after I'm done. I arrived at the grocery store and start to buy the things and foods we needed. 


"ah, cereals and milk! the easiest breakfast to make!" I told myself and chuckled. I continued to scan every place and grab those things I needed. "should I buy wine for Kyuhyun oppa?" I smiled while looking at the wine bottles that was placed on the wine tracks in front of me. I thought about it but in the end I decided to buy one for him since I know he loves wine so much. I grab a bottle of red wine and put it on my push cart when I noticed a little boy in his straller. 


"hello! why are you alone here? you're so cute!!" I went near him and smiled, the baby boy chuckled at me. I think he's one year old. I wonder where his mom went. I stayed there for a while and a woman approach me, maybe she is the mother of that cute little boy but she looked so young, maybe we're on the same age. I stood up and smiled, she smiled back at me. 


"oh, I'm sorry for leaving him here in your way, I just quickly went there to get some of these" she said while carrying a baby's milk. I shook my head and smiled at her. 

"no it's okay, you have a cute son. I wish me and my husband could have a cute child like him too someday" I chuckled. 

"oh, you're already married?" she chuckled and I nodded happily. 

"yeah, we're just newly wed" I smiled.

"wow, congrats! well, you looked so young, but I hope you'll have your child soon. Well, I got to go, nice chatting with you" she bowed and left while I also smiled at her and to her cute little boy. 


I continued searching for the things I needed, after an hour I texted Kyuhyun oppa and told him that I was already done. He texted back and told me that he will be late for 10 minutes, I understand that he is busy so it's fine with me. He told me to wait in front of the building in a while so I make my way going there. I sat on one bench near the entrance and waited for him. Since I have nothing to do, I've decided to play for a while on my phone, just to kill my boredom. I was in the middle of the game when someone called me.


"Jihyun?" I heard a man's voice. I paused my game and look up to the man standing in front of me. I stared at him, trying to remember who he is, but I couldn't. Who is he? then he took a sit beside me and nudge me.

"hey! it's been a while! don't you remember me?" he asked and I slowly shook my head a no. He chuckled and took off his shades.

"it's me, Choi Siwon! Did you forgot about me already?" he was surprised and I suddenly remember him.


Choi Siwon. yeah, that handsome and rich guy who courted me way back when we are still in high school but I rejected him, I'm such a good girl that all I ever want to do is study hard to help my parents, I don't even have time being in a relationship that's why I never got any boyfriend before and honestly, I didn't forget about him, it's just that I didn't recognized that it was him. He doesn't have musculine body that time, he has long hair back then and his face is a little thin but now, he really changed some of his appearance especially his body.


"s..sorry, I didn't recognized that it was you. whoa, you've really change into a matured guy" I said in amusement. He chuckled.

"really? but I only do some work out in the gym, maybe only my body changed" he laughed a little and I nodded. 

"how are you? it's been a long time since I last saw you, hmm..I think that was our high school graduation day?" he said. Yes, it's really been a long time, that graduation day was the last time we've talked and seen each others, he and his family migrated to New York after that. I like him but as a friend and as a brother only, nothing more. But he gladly accept it and ask to be friends.

"yes, I think so. You went to New York after that, right?" I smiled. 

"yeah, but now I'm back in Seoul for good, my father wants me to handle our company here" he smiled.

"oh, goodluck on your company" I said and he nodded.

"you still looked so pretty, it amazed me" he said, it made me flutter.

"thanks for that" I weakly smiled.

"I can still remember those days when we are still in high school. I can't even forget how you rejected me, I really liked you back then" he chuckled and I kept silent. He seems to noticed it and nudge me.

"hey! Jihyun-ah! I was just kidding! that's already in the past, don't worry I've moved on already" he grinned. 

"I'm sorry for rejecting you. But honestly, you never changed! you're still the Siwon I know who likes to joke on things!" I hissed and shook my head. 

"well, that's me. How are you by the way? is there anything new? how's your life here? do you have a boyfriend now?" he asked. Oh yeah, he doesn't know that I'm already married, I don't know his contact so I didn't managed to tell him about it, he is my friend too.

"I don't have a boyfriend...."

"you don't have boyfriend??" Siwon suddenly cut my words, he seems excited about it.

"yes but..." I was going to tell him that I'm already married when Kyuhyun suddenly came with a grumpy face. 

"oh you're here already" I smiled and went to him. Siwon looks confused.

"who's this guy?" Kyuhyun oppa asked, with a crossed eyebrows. 

"I'm Choi Siwon, nice to meet you" Siwon smiled and reach out his hand but Kyuhyun just ignored it.

"don't be like that! Siwon-sshi is my high school friend" I told my naughty husband but he just frowned. I can't help but smile on his actions. Is he jealous?

"Jihyun-ah, who is he? is he your brother?" Siwon said. Kyuhyun oppa looks surprised and glanced at me.

"I was about to tell him but you...." I said but Kyuhyun butted in.

"I'm Cho Kyuhyun, Jihyun's husband" he uttered and Siwon really looks surprised. I just smiled at him weakly.

"for real??" Siwon asked that makes Kyuhyun annoyed. 

"I was about to tell you a while ago that I already have a husband but you cut me before I could finish" I told him.

"oh, I see" Siwon just nodded.

"why? do you have any problems with it?!" Kyuhyun exclaimed. I told him to stop and he just looked away. 

"relax! I have nothing against it, the girl I liked before is already your wife so I'm happy for the both of you" Siwon chuckled. Kyuhyun got more annoyed with Siwon's words, maybe he didn't expect to hear that Siwon liked me before. 

"yah! Siwon-sshi! stop teasing my husband, okay?" I pouted and he grinned.

"well, I got to get going, nice seeing you again Jihyun-ah, and nice meeting you Kyuhyun. Congrats" Siwon said and left, while Kyuhyun was silent.

"yeobo, let's go home now, okay?" I smiled as I put my hands around his arm and we went to the car. Kyuhyun is still silent, is he mad? 

"what does  he mean about liking you before?" he finally spoke with a tone of jealousy? I can't stop myself from smiling. 

"why are you smiling?" he frowned. I never expected that he will be jealous on Siwon-sshi. 

"you're jealous aren't you?" I chuckled and he kept silent again. So should I take that as a yes?

"Siwon-sshi courted me when we are still in high school, but I rejected him since my study is more important to me. Don't worry, he never became my boyfriend!" I said but he still keep silent until we reached our house. He gather the grocery bags and went directly inside without talking to me. 

"owwww..yeobo is jealous!" I .

"so what if I am?" he pouted. So he admit it? I honestly felt so happy about it, because I know he loves me that's why he is jealous! Kyuhyun loves me!!

"come on! don't be jealous okay? I never liked Siwon more than a friend and I only just talk to him a while ago, I didn't hug him or kiss him and besides I already have my handsome and cute husband! so I will never cheat on you, I swear! because I love you" I smiled and hugged him tight. 

"I was just jealous because he is handsome more than me" he hissed. I chuckled.

"what? silly! you're more handsome than him! my husband will always be handsome in my eyes" I laughed and cupped his face and kissed him softly. He kissed back and we make out in a while before parting.

"I love you too. I love you Cho Jihyun" he smiled and caressed my cheeks. My heart skip a beat, this is the first time that he told me that he loves me. The first time I heard those three words from him. I'm happy, finally I can say that Kyuhyun's heart really belong to me.


The sunlight was already shinning through our bedroom's window so I decided to wake up. I took a glance on my side and saw Kyuhyun still sleeping peacefully, he looks so angelic when he is sleeping, I really like that view. I caressed his cheek and gave him a peck. I stretch my arms and legs then went off the bed but he suddenly grab my wrist and pulled me back to his arms. He smiled, still with his eyes closed.


"hey! I need to prepare the breakfast now, you can't be late in the company" I said and chuckled. He slowly opened his eyes and pouted at me. 

"let's cuddle a little bit more yeobo!" he said cutely, but I refused. 

"no..I need to get up now, I have to prepare our breakfast yeobo! you should get up too and take a bath, come on!" I playfully struggled from his hug but he doesn't want to let go of me. 

"give me a kiss first" he smiled and pointed his lips on me. I softly pushed his face away and giggled.

"no way! brush your teeth first and take your bath!" I laughed, he glared at me then grab my waist towards him.

"I don't want!" he smirked and crashed his lips on me. I kissed back but pulled away from him in a seconds. I pinched his cheeks and get off from the bed grabbing my t-shirt and shorts that Kyuhyun tossed on the floor last night. Then I went to the bathroom quickly. 

"yeobooooo..!" he whined when I went out from the bathroom, I just shook my head and grinned.

"take a bath now okay? let's have breakfast together after" I winked and went out to prepare our breakfast. 

I was done cooking our breakfast and already preparing the table when I felt a his hands wrap behind me. He smiled and kissed my cheek. 

"hmm..our breakfast looks so delicious" he uttered and sat down on his chair. I smiled and took a sit across to him.

"of course, I cooked that for my husband so it should be delicious" I chuckled. 


After an hour, Kyuhyun oppa prepared himself going to work, I walk towards him and fixed his tie and collar. He smiled and kissed me sweetly. "be careful in driving okay?" I said and smiled back. He nodded and kissed my forehead. I walk with him towards the door and waited for him to get in the car.

"see you later yeobo, I love you" he winked at me as I felt my cheeks blushed. I smiled and waved at him as he went off.


Kyuhyun P.O.V

I arrived at the company early, I was in a good mood because finally I've come to tell her that I love her. I said I love you on her, this is it, I'm sure that I love my wife, Jihyun. I decided to change for her and I never want to hurt her. I wanted to be a good and faithful husband to her.


"Mr.Cho, goodmorning" one of my assistant, Mr.Park greeted me as I passed by.

"goodmorning, where's Ms.Lee? I need to get the documents from yesterday" I told him. Ms.Lee is my secretary. 

"oh, Ms.Lee is sick Mr.Cho. She is on leave right now, sorry for not informing you but here's the documents. She handed it to me yesterday" he said, so I just nodded and went inside my office. 

I was checking the documents when someone knocked on my door, I saw my appa and hurriedly bowed on him.

"oh appa, why are you here?" I asked because he rarely went to the company since the day that I started handling it. 

"I just want you to meet our new stock holder, his father is a good friend of mine and I'm sure they can help our company to be much more better. Siwon, come in" he said and a guy went in. He is the new stock holder?! that Siwon guy?! oh come on! you gotta be kidding me?

"nice to see you again, it's me again, Choi Siwon" he smiled, I don't want to shake his hand but my appa is there so I decided to take it and weakly smiled.

"you know each others?" I heard appa asked and Siwon added.

"actually, I'm Jihyun's old friend and I saw her yesterday and also Kyuhyun-sshi. What a small world right?" Siwon answered and look at me.

"y..yeah" I shortly said and nodded. 

"well that's good. So Siwon-sshi, I'm looking forward doing business with your company" my appa smiled and patted his shoulder. I know I shouldn't get annoyed or jealous at him because Jihyun didn't even become his girlfriend but I don't know why am I feeling like that, maybe I love my wife so much. I just don't want to accept the fact that this guy liked her before, well, Siwon-sshi is handsome too but I'm more handsome than him!! tsss.

"so I'll meet you some other time Kyuhyun-sshi and oh, say hi to Jihyun for me" he flashed a smile and left with my appa. aish! say hi your face!


Time goes by quickly and I'm happy because finally it's time to go home and see my wifey! I rushed to the parking lot and drive home. I arrived safely and entered the house and saw my yeobo cooking our dinner, I went near her and hugged her back. She was startled, I turn her to face me and gave her a kiss. She smiled and blushed at my sudden action. 


"you're early?" she asked. 

"because I miss you already that's why I went home quickly" I said and kissed her again. 

"I miss you too! how's work?" she smiled and I let go of the hug. 

"why is there a problem?" she asked worriedly. I shook my head and smiled at her. 

"nothing, it's fine. It's just that we have our new stock holder" I said while I took a sit on the chair. 

"really? well that's good to know" she smiled while putting the food on the table. 

"and it's Choi Siwon" she was surprised. 

"what? him? well, their company is good too, they can help the Cho Inc, don't you think?" she smiled but I frowned. 

"but I hate him!" I whinned and she chuckled and sat on my lap. 

"because you're jealous at him?" she teased me and I looked away. She laughed and cupped my face. 

"don't be jealous at him! how many times did I tell you that? he's just a friend okay? don't be stubborn! he is nothing compared to my husband. I love you soooo much! and I'm only yours" she smiled and kissed me. Assuring me that everything will be fine, that I don't have to worry at anything. 

"arasso. I know he is nothing compared to me! I'm more handsome than him, right?" I chuckled and she nodded. 

"yes you are! naughty kid!" she giggled and we ate dinner together. I know she loves me and she is right, I shouldn't get jealous over that guy because she's only mine. 












hi!! it's been a while! ^^

well, I have been busy in school and I can't manage to update 2 fictions at a time right now, lol.

but I want to thanked everyone for leaving comments, at least I have one comment last chap from ElfyPhul ^^ thanks!

silent readers!! please leave comments too! pretty please >u< kekekeke. 


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Chapter 30: love this story awsome happy ending second bb
Chapter 29: ohhhhhhhhhhh finaly happy soo sweettttttttttttt
Chapter 26: paboooooooooo kyuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
Chapter 15: thisssssssssss B*****
Chapter 9: don't tell me the baby will be his kid nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
athirah_nichkhun #6
Chapter 30: daebakk !! love this story ~
cheekylittlechubba #7
Chapter 30: The story is great!!!

Kyuhyun is very loyal ay, and very ... tsk.

I really enjoyed the story, it's very interesting and engaging!!!

Great job authornim :D :D
Chapter 30: whaaa such a great story.. I finished reading this in just 1 day.. ^^
I lovee it... a little bit of drama and a lot of happy moments.. ^^
good work author-nim..
Chapter 30: great story :D :D loved it :D :D
Haruchanie #10
Chapter 30: ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥